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Application for Staff (MCEcon) - WanderingPoet

1. Minecraft Username

2. What time zone are you in? 
Eastern Daylight Time

3. Why do you want to become staff?
I really like the community the server currently has, and I want to be part of the team that helps maintain it and watch it grow. I enjoy helping people out as much as I can, and as a staff member I will be able to help in more ways than I currently can.

4. How many hours do you have on Minecraft?
I've been playing Minecraft since its alpha days, so needless to say I've logged MANY hours. As others on the server can attest, I'm quite knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the game.

5. How would we benefit from you becoming staff?
I'm on the server quite often, and am active for most of the work day. This will ensure that at least one staff member is active during the daylight hours to watch over the server and deal with any issues. I'm also well versed in plugin usage and commands, and can help the server have solid features that the players will like. 

6. What experience do you have with being staff? Please provide detailed list, along with the servers you have had experience on. (IF ANY)
I was owner of my own personal server for quite some time (just played with friends, but it was fully set up), and was an Admin for a server called ChemZone. Unfortunately, that server has gone under (sort of why I'm here), but I'm still in contact with the old owner. 

9. How old are you?
I am 24, turning 25 this year.

10. Do you have a mic?
I do! I don't usually hop on voice, but can if need be.

11. Are you able to type in a legible format?
I'm sure you can see from above, but yes I believe I can type legibly enough.

12. How much time will you be putting into this server a week?
I can be on from 8:30am till 4:00pm every weekday, and then sporadically in between those times. I'm on fairly regularly and don't often afk.

13. Will you be able to get a long with our current staff?
Yes! I think most players on the server know of me, and would say I have a friendly attitude. I'm just happy to be playing and helping out when needed.

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