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News - Feature: Every Star Wars Game On Nintendo Systems, Ranked By Us

Feature: Every Star Wars Game On Nintendo Systems, Ranked By Us

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<p>You may have felt a disturbance in the Force recently. Yes, the ‘end’ of Star Wars is upon us with the release of <strong>Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker</strong>. The final film in what has been dubbed ‘the Skywalker Saga’, it promises to bring to a close the cinematic tales of the Skywalker clan and tie a bow on the nine-film series which began way back in 1977.</p>
<p>Of course, that isn’t <em>really</em> the end of it – there are new trilogies and spin-offs in the works, TV shows aplenty and much more planned. And with <strong><a href="">Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy</a></strong> and <a href=""><strong>LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga</strong></a> coming to Switch in 2020, that galaxy far, far away will be coming at you across all media for a long time to come.</p>
<p>To celebrate the ‘end’ of this 42-year series, we thought we’d take a look back at every Star Wars game on Nintendo systems, and we’ve ranked them below from worst to best. In instances where the same game was released on multiple platforms, we’ve opted to mention the lesser of the two – invariably the portable version – in the other’s entry.</p>
<p>It must be said that the Force is… distinctly <em>middling</em> with many of these. Unfortunately, many can be summed up with the adjectives ‘average’ and ‘repetitive’. Anyone who’s only ever played Star Wars games on a Game Boy deserves particular pity, though. Those Nintendo portables had a lot of things going for them, but a high midichlorian count wasn’t one of them.</p>
<p>So, come with us on a journey to a galax– <em>oh you know the rest…</em></p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gba/star_wars_flight_of_the_falcon"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (GBA)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (GBA)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>LucasArts</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>THQ</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>21st Nov 2003 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>We start off with the absolute worst. It’s the worst because it’s got Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon on the cover – the two coolest things in the Star Wars universe – and the game sullies their good names. As with all terrible Star Wars games, the iconography fools you into thinking ‘ah, it can’t be <em>that</em> bad!’, but our review conclusion sums this up perfectly: <em>“<strong><a href="">Flight of the Falcon</a></strong> is a very bad game. As such, you should not play it. However cool the screenshots look, however promising the premise sounds, just remember that the Force is not with this one in any way, shape or form.”</em></p>
<p>Han, <em>mah boogie</em>, you deserved better.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gbc/star_wars_yoda_stories"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Yoda Stories (GBC)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Yoda Stories (GBC)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>THQ</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>LucasArts</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Dec 1999 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>You have to remember that while Yoda is a beloved character, this game came before we’d ever seen him wield a lightsaber and the Force in what is easily the best scene in <strong>Attack of the Clones</strong>. No, at the time the name <strong><a href="">Yoda Stories</a></strong> brought to mind sedate challenges on Dagobah involving moving pebbles. Well, contrary to the title, here you control Luke Skywalker in a top-down adventure as he chops snakes in two with his lightsaber. How bad can <em>that</em> be?…</p>
<p>Really quite bad, it turns out. ‘Sedate’ is too generous a word, and whole game is a technical embarrassment. It’s tempting to blame the hardware, but then you look at <strong><a href="">Link’s Awakening</a></strong> and see what might have been. Link’s Awakening this <em>ain’t</em>. Poodoo, plain and simple.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gba/star_wars_episode_ii_attack_of_the_clones"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (GBA)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (GBA)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>THQ</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>David A. Palmer Productions</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>May 2002 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>Fittingly, the weakest movie in the saga got one of the weakest Star Wars games ever. Normally we’d caveat a statement like that with ‘arguably’, but <strong>Episode II</strong> really is inescapably pants (except for that Yoda bit at the end – we remember quite liking that). The tie-in GBA game is a turgid side-scrolling beat ’em up that lacks the artistic polish even the dullest examples on this list bring to the table. Coarse, rough and irritating, indeed.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gba/star_wars_the_new_droid_army"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: The New Droid Army (GBA)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: The New Droid Army (GBA)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>THQ</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>Helixe</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Nov 2002 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>An isometric platformer that takes place between Attack of the Clones and <strong>Revenge of the Sith</strong>, you control the petulant young Skywalker in this stodgy action game. Considering the platform it’s on, the game looks and sounds okay. Beyond that, though, it’s dull, repetitive and so s-l-o-w. <em>Anakin, you’re breaking our heart.</em></p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gba/star_wars_jedi_power_battles"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (GBA)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (GBA)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>THQ</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>HotGen</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Nov 2001 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>With passable animation and audio (considering the system) and boring, finicky platforming, <strong><a href="">Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles</a></strong> falls into a regretfully familiar pattern of portable Star Wars games. It’s not as hateful as some, and it’s a little faster paced than New Droid Army, but it’s a similar story. Perhaps developer HotGen was trying to faithfully capture the excitement of <strong>The Phantom Menace</strong>‘s trade disputes, in which case job done. Some might call the non-canon blue lightsaber wielded by Mace Windu on the cover unforgivable, but we were too bored to care.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/nes/star_wars_the_empire_strikes_back"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>JVC</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>Lucasfilm Games</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Mar 1992 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>A relatively ho-hum 8-bit platformer where you play as Luke battling through variations on the locations from the movie, <strong><a href="">Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back</a></strong> could not be more average. For a kid desperate to play as hero Luke, it was passable filler but no more. A Game Boy version also exists, but if you’re desperate to play through what is arguably the best film of the saga in video game form, you’re much better off going with the 16-bit ‘Super’ iteration. Indeed, LucasArts didn’t even bother with an 8-bit <strong>Return of the Jedi</strong> – the developer simply jumped generations and started afresh with <strong><a href="">Super Star Wars</a></strong> on the SNES.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gbc/star_wars_episode_i_obi-wans_adventures"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures (GBC)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures (GBC)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>THQ</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>HotGen</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Nov 2000 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>Another one quick to tick the ‘dull’ and ‘repetitive’ boxes, if you think the isometric adventures on the GBA were tough going on the eyes, <strong><a href="">Obi-Wan’s Adventures</a></strong> takes that style of game back a console generation in an ‘adventure’ which takes place concurrently with the events of Episode 1. It’s not <em>awful</em>, just ugly and entirely pedestrian.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/ds/star_wars_the_clone_wars_-_republic_heroes"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes (DS)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes (DS)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>LucasArts</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>LucasArts Singapore</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>15th Sep 2009 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>A tie-in with the movie and TV shows surrounding the events between Episodes II and III, it was the same old story when it came to this action platformer. Uninspired, unengaging, unexciting – take your pick. A least the bad games are <em>really</em> bad and inspired an emotion other than disappointment. <strong><a href="">Republic Heroes</a></strong> is just painfully, crushingly average. We’re off to dig out our thesaurus because we’re running out of words for ‘unremarkable’, and we think there are several more to come before we get to the good stuff.</p>
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<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/nes/star_wars"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars (NES)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars (NES)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>JVC</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>Beam Software</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Nov 1991 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>Another platformer, to be fair it did a decent job of providing some variety and touching on the main characters and locations of the movie, but it’s pretty unmemorable (and unforgiving). The token <a href="">Game Boy version</a> upped the difficulty as it reduced screen real estate, but possibly the most interesting of the 8-bit versions is the entirely different and earlier Famicom game developed by Namco in 1987. ‘Interesting’ because it’s not afraid of significantly deviating from the source material and having <a href="">Darth Vader turn into a scorpion</a>, Not ‘interesting’ because it’s any good, sadly.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gba/star_wars_trilogy_apprentice_of_the_force"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force (GBA)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force (GBA)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>Ubisoft</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>Ubisoft</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>Sep 2004 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>A Ubisoft side-scroller, <strong><a href="">Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force</a></strong> sure <a href="">looked impressive</a>. It used the same engine as the console’s port of <strong>Prince of Persia: Sands of Time</strong>, with smooth animation and 3D-style character models. Giving players the chance to relive the original trilogy anew, bland gameplay was once again its undoing. Totally vanilla, utterly underwhelming, but could’ve been worse.</p>
<div class="list-item">
<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/n64/star_wars_shadows_of_the_empire"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>Nintendo</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>LucasArts</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>3rd Nov 1996 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong> / <strong>1st Mar 1997 (<abbr title="UK / European">UK/EU</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>Ah, yes – <strong><a href="">Shadows of the Empire</a></strong>. There’s huge nostalgia for this one, and it has its moments – specifically the opening Hoth battle which stands head-and-shoulders above anything else the game has to offer – but it undeniably benefited from the fact that there were so few games available for the N64 for several months following launch. Players who did pick it up paid an arm and a leg and were possibly inclined to give it more chances than it deserved. It’s not the worst game on this list by quite some margin, but it’s probably best left in the memories. Time hasn’t been kind to ol’ Dash Rendar.</p>
<p>Still, cracking box art, no?</p>
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<div class="list-hero" data-subject="games/gamecube/star_wars_rogue_squadron_iii_rebel_strike"><img src="" width="900" height="250" alt="Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GCN)"><a class="cover" href=""><img src="" alt="Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GCN)"></a></p>
<div class="list-hero-info">
<p><span>Publisher: </span><strong>LucasArts</strong> / <span>Developer: </span><strong>Factor 5</strong></p>
<div class="release"><span>Release Date: </span><strong>15th Oct 2003 (<abbr title="United States / North America">USA</abbr>)</strong> / <strong>7th Nov 2003 (<abbr title="UK / European">UK/EU</abbr>)</strong></div>
<p>The best thing about this game is the other games it features. Included on the disc is almost the entirety of <strong><a href="">Rogue Leader</a></strong> now playable in split screen 2-player mode. It also features the original Atari <strong>Star Wars</strong>, <strong>Empire Strikes Back</strong> and <strong>Return of the Jedi</strong> arcade games. These alone make it worth picking this game up if you see it cheap.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Rebel Strike</strong></a> itself, though? Oh dear. You <em>think</em> the on-foot sections might be passable, then you play them and realise no, they’re just terrible. Simply delete the marquee game from the disc and this is actually a fine Star Wars package.</p>

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