04-23-2022, 07:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2022, 02:23 AM by SickProdigy.)
McEcon Server Commands List
General command overview:
/help - Get useful commands
/discord - invite link to the discord server
/rules - list of server rules
/list - shows amount of users active on the server and who./
/playtime - shows how much time you have played
Residence/Land Claim commands:
There are 3 ways to select an area for residence/land claim:
1. Using the selection tool (wooden hoe) mapping out your area, then using "/res create resName"
2. You can stand in the middle of your house, and perform "/res auto (resName) (radius)" where residence name is optional and if not provided will use players name.
3. /res select [x y z] – selects a cuboid area to protect, using either the selection tool (wooden hoe by default) or specifying X, Y, and Z as a distance on those axes from the center point where you are standing (“10 5 10” would select an area 21 wide x 11 high x 21 long.)
How to use selection tool:
/res tpset – set the teleport location in your residence. Sometimes if you don't do this, it will spawn you in a bad location.
/res remove [ResidenceName] – remove a residence
/res removeall – remove all your residences
/res area [add/remove/replace] [areaID] – Add or remove areas to the residence. These can overlap with areas of the same residence. (areaID is a random name, in case you would like to remove the area later ig)
/res auto (residence name) (radius) – Create maximum allowed residence around you
/res show – shows bounds of current residence you are standing in
/res current – show residence you’re currently in
/res limits – list all important limitations
/res set [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on residences.
/res setall [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on all residences over all worlds.
/res setallfor [playerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – Set general flags on all residences owned by particular player
/res pset [PlayerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on different players
Here is a FULL list of Residence flags: https://www.sickgaming.net/thread-99336.html
/res pset [residence] [username] removeall - will remove all flags for this user from current residence you are standing in.
/res pset [PlayerName] [Group-Flag] true
- build, destroy, door, tp, mobkilling, chat
- door, table, brew, enchant, tp, mobkilling, chat
- note, pressure, lever, button, diode
- brew, table, enchant
- brew, use, table, enchant, tp, mobkilling, chat, door, pressure, lever, button, diode, note
- use, tp, build, destroy, container, move, leash, animalkilling, mobkilling, shear, chat, beacon, harvest, door, pressure, lever, button, diode, note
Ex: "/res pset Sick_Prodigy trusted true"
or "/res pset Sick_Prodigy craft true"
/res padd [player] – Add player to residence you are standing in or near.
/res pdel [player] – Remove player from residence.
/res reset [ResidenceName] – resets all the flags on a residence to their defaults. Very useful when trying to get something to work and want to start from scratch.
/res clearflags – Remove all flags from residence (Not as clear command, only clears what residence you are standing in I believe.
/res default [residence] – Restores residence to default flags.
/res kick – Kicks player from residence.
Auction House Commands
/ah - open the auction house
/ah menu - open the auction house in menu mode
/ah search - view items matching search filter
/ah help - show help for all the commands
/ah sell - sell the item you are holding in hand
/ah selling - view the items you are selling
/ah sold - view the items you have sold recently
/ah expired - view your expired items to return
/ah cancel - cancel all your auctions
/ah return - return all your cancelled/expired items
/mcstats - View your mcmmo stats
/mcrank - View your skill's ranks
/mctop [skillname] - shows top players of that skill. ex. Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed, Woodcutting.
/inspect [playername] - View detailed information about a player.
/mcability - Toggle ability activation with right click
/skillreset [skill | All ] - Reset a skill's level to 0
Link to Skills and Advancements: https://wiki.mcmmo.org/skills
Chat Emojis
/emoji list - Shows list of emojis
General command overview:
/help - Get useful commands
/discord - invite link to the discord server
/rules - list of server rules
/list - shows amount of users active on the server and who./
/playtime - shows how much time you have played
Residence/Land Claim commands:
There are 3 ways to select an area for residence/land claim:
1. Using the selection tool (wooden hoe) mapping out your area, then using "/res create resName"
2. You can stand in the middle of your house, and perform "/res auto (resName) (radius)" where residence name is optional and if not provided will use players name.
3. /res select [x y z] – selects a cuboid area to protect, using either the selection tool (wooden hoe by default) or specifying X, Y, and Z as a distance on those axes from the center point where you are standing (“10 5 10” would select an area 21 wide x 11 high x 21 long.)
How to use selection tool:
- While holding the selection tool in your main hand, select 2 opposite points with left and right mouse clicks. After clicking with left mouse, you will get feedback message similar to
- After selecting the primary point, go to the opposite side of your residence and right-click block. This, again, will output similar feedback message
- After selecting 2 points you will get additional message into an action bar with a size of selection and how much will it cost for you to create a residence like this.
- In addition to this selected are will be shown with particles to indicate exactly which area gets protected after creation.
- In case you are not happy which area got selected, you can reselect points or use commands like /res select expand [amount] or /res select contract [amount] to contract or expand the selection to the direction you are looking at. So you can tweak selection to your own liking.
/res tpset – set the teleport location in your residence. Sometimes if you don't do this, it will spawn you in a bad location.
/res remove [ResidenceName] – remove a residence
/res removeall – remove all your residences
/res area [add/remove/replace] [areaID] – Add or remove areas to the residence. These can overlap with areas of the same residence. (areaID is a random name, in case you would like to remove the area later ig)
/res auto (residence name) (radius) – Create maximum allowed residence around you
/res show – shows bounds of current residence you are standing in
/res current – show residence you’re currently in
/res limits – list all important limitations
/res set [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on residences.
/res setall [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on all residences over all worlds.
/res setallfor [playerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – Set general flags on all residences owned by particular player
/res pset [PlayerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on different players
Here is a FULL list of Residence flags: https://www.sickgaming.net/thread-99336.html
/res pset [residence] [username] removeall - will remove all flags for this user from current residence you are standing in.
/res pset [PlayerName] [Group-Flag] true
- build, destroy, door, tp, mobkilling, chat
- door, table, brew, enchant, tp, mobkilling, chat
- note, pressure, lever, button, diode
- brew, table, enchant
- brew, use, table, enchant, tp, mobkilling, chat, door, pressure, lever, button, diode, note
- use, tp, build, destroy, container, move, leash, animalkilling, mobkilling, shear, chat, beacon, harvest, door, pressure, lever, button, diode, note
Ex: "/res pset Sick_Prodigy trusted true"
or "/res pset Sick_Prodigy craft true"
/res padd [player] – Add player to residence you are standing in or near.
/res pdel [player] – Remove player from residence.
/res reset [ResidenceName] – resets all the flags on a residence to their defaults. Very useful when trying to get something to work and want to start from scratch.
/res clearflags – Remove all flags from residence (Not as clear command, only clears what residence you are standing in I believe.
/res default [residence] – Restores residence to default flags.
/res kick – Kicks player from residence.
Auction House Commands
/ah - open the auction house
/ah menu - open the auction house in menu mode
/ah search - view items matching search filter
/ah help - show help for all the commands
/ah sell - sell the item you are holding in hand
/ah selling - view the items you are selling
/ah sold - view the items you have sold recently
/ah expired - view your expired items to return
/ah cancel - cancel all your auctions
/ah return - return all your cancelled/expired items
/mcstats - View your mcmmo stats
/mcrank - View your skill's ranks
/mctop [skillname] - shows top players of that skill. ex. Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed, Woodcutting.
/inspect [playername] - View detailed information about a player.
/mcability - Toggle ability activation with right click
/skillreset [skill | All ] - Reset a skill's level to 0
Link to Skills and Advancements: https://wiki.mcmmo.org/skills
Chat Emojis
/emoji list - Shows list of emojis
![[Image: RvghcKs.png]](https://i.imgur.com/RvghcKs.png)