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McEcon Residence Flags List

The list for flags on Residences is rather large so decided to port them here.

Commands these flags are useful with:

/res set [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on residences.
/res setall [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on all residences over all worlds.
/res setallfor [playerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – Set general flags on all residences owned by particular player
/res pset [PlayerName] [flag] [true/false/remove] – set flags on different players

To reset your flags use these commands:
/res clearflags – Remove all flags from residence (Not as clear command, only clears what residence you are standing in I believe.
/res default [residence] – Restores residence to default flags.

anvil – Allows or denys interaction with anvil.
admin – Gives a player permission to change flags on a residence.
animalkilling – Allows or denys animal killing.
animals – Allows or denys animal spawns.
anvilbreak – Allows or denys anvil break in residence.
backup – If set to true, restores previous look of area (WordEdit required).
bank – Allows or denys deposit/withdraw money from res bank.
bed – Allows or denys players to use beds.
beacon – Allows or denys interaction with beacon.
brew – Allows or denys players to use brewing stands.
build – Allows or denys building.
burn – Allows or denys Mob combustion in residences.
button – Allows or denys players to use buttons.
cake – Allows or denys players to eat cake.
canimals – Allows or denys custom animal spawns.
chorustp – Allow or disallow teleporting to the residence with chorus fruit.
chat – Allows to join residence chat room.
cmonsters – Allows or denys custom monster spawns.
commandblock – Allows or denys command block interaction.
command – Allows or denys comamnd use in residences.
container – Allows or denys use of furnaces, chests, dispensers, etc….
coords – Hides residence coordinates.
craft – Gives table, enchant, brew flags.
creeper – Allow or deny creeper explosions.
dragongrief – Prevents ender dragon block griefing.
day – Sets day time in residence.
dye – Allows or denys sheep dyeing.
damage – Allows or denys all entity damage within the residence.
decay – Allows or denys leave decay in the residence.
destroy – Allows or denys only destruction of blocks, overrides the build flag.
dryup – Prevents land from drying up.
diode – Allows or denys players to use redstone repeaters.
door – Allows or denys players to use doors and trapdoors.
egg – Allows or denys interaction with dragon egg.
enchant – Allows or denys players to use enchanting tables.
explode – Allows or denys explosions in residences.
enderpearl – Allow or disallow teleporting to the residence with enderpearl.
fallinprotection – Protects from blocks falling into residence.
falldamage – Protects players from fall damage.
feed – Setting to true makes the residence feed its occupants.
friendlyfire – Allow or disallow friendly fire.
fireball – Allows or denys fire balls in residences.
firespread – Allows or denys fire spread.
flowinprotection – Allows or denys liquid flow into residence.
flow – Allows or denys liquid flow.
flowerpot – Allows or denys interaction with flower pot.
grow – Allows or denys plant growing.
glow – Players will start glowing when entering residence.
hotfloor – Prevent damage from magma blocks.
hidden – Hides residence from list or listall commands.
hook – Allows or denys fishing rod hooking entities.
healing – Setting to true makes the residence heal its occupants.
iceform – Prevents from ice forming.
icemelt – Prevents ice from melting.
ignite – Allows or denys fire ignition.
itemdrop – Allows or denys item drop.
itempickup – Allows or denys item pickup.
jump2 – Allows to jump 2 blocks high.
jump3 – Allows to jump 3 blocks high.
keepinv – Players keeps inventory after death.
keepexp – Players keeps exp after death.
lavaflow – Allows or denys lava flow, overrides flow.
leash – Allows or denys aninal leash.
lever – Allows or denys players to use levers.
mobexpdrop – Prevents mob droping exp on death.
mobitemdrop – Prevents mob droping items on death.
mobkilling – Allows or denys mob killing.
monsters – Allows or denys monster spawns.
move – Allows or denys movement in the residence.
nanimals – Allows or denys natural animal spawns.
nmonsters – Allows or denys natural monster spawns.
night – Sets night time in residence.
nofly – Allows or denys fly in residence.
fly – Toggles fly for players in residence.
nomobs – Prevents monsters from entering residence.
note – Allows or denys players to use note blocks.
nodurability – Prevents item durability loss.
overridepvp – Overrides any plugin pvp protection.
pressure – Allows or denys players to use pressure plates.
piston – Allow or deny pistons from pushing or pulling blocks in the residence.
pistonprotection – Enables or disabled piston block move in or out of residence.
place – Allows or denys only placement of blocks, overrides the build flag.
pvp – Allow or deny pvp in the residence.
rain – Sets weather to rainny in residence.
redstone – Gives lever, diode, button, pressure, note flags.
respawn – Automaticaly respawns player.
riding – Prevent riding a horse.
shoot – Allows or denys shooting projectile in area.
sun – Sets weather to sunny in residence.
shop – Adds residence to special residence shop list.
snowtrail – Prevents snowman snow trails.
spread – Prevents block spreading.
snowball – Prevents snowball knockback.
sanimals – Allows or denys spawner or spawn egg animal spawns.
shear – Allows or denys sheep shear.
smonsters – Allows or denys spawner or spawn egg monster spawns.
subzone – Allow a player to make subzones in the residence.
title – Shows or hides enter/leave message in residence.
table – Allows or denys players to use workbenches.
tnt – Allow or deny tnt explosions.
tp – Allow or disallow teleporting to the residence.
trade – Allows or denys villager trading in residence.
trample – Allows or denys crop trampling in residence.
trusted – Gives build, use, move, container and tp flags.
use – Allows or denys use of doors, lever, buttons, etc…
vehicledestroy – Allows or denys vehicle destroy.
witherspawn – Allows or denys wither spawning.
phantomspawn – Allows or denys phantom spawning.
witherdamage – Allows or denys wither damage.
witherdestruction – Allows or denys wither block damage.
waterflow – Allows or denys water flow, overrides flow.
wspeed1 – Change players walk speed in residence to %1.
wspeed2 – Change players walk speed in residence to %1.
[Image: RvghcKs.png]

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