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Godot 4 New 2D Features Showcase

Godot 4 New 2D Features Showcase

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<p>Over on the <a href="">Godot Engine blog</a> they recently put together a summary of some of the exciting new 2D features that will arrive in Godot 4. Today we go hands-on with the majority of these new features. In addition to the new tricks showcased<a href=""> in the video</a> there are other 2D improvements in Godot 4 including across the board performance improvements (due to the new Vulkan renderer and internal optimizations) as well as support for 2D signed distance fields.</p>
<p>Highlighted new features include:</p>
<li>new 2D CanvasTexture with support for diffuse, normal and specular maps</li>
<li>better support for 2D lights (all drawn in a single pass)</li>
<li>directional light and shadow support</li>
<li>new child clipping feature</li>
<li>new CanvasGroup for grouping multiple sprites into a single draw call</li>
<p>In addition to these new features, Godot have also just <a href="">released an update</a> on the improvements to tilemap support, which will be covered in a separate video. Check out the <a href="">video </a>below to see these excellent new Godot 2D features in action.</p>
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