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News - Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 10th)

Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 10th)

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Super Mario Odyssey" href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="900" height="506" alt="Super Mario Odyssey"></a></figure>
<p><em>With another week done and dusted – bringing us a <a href="">Nintendo Treehouse: Live presentation</a>, the tease of the upcoming <a href="">Smash Bros. Ultimate update</a>, and even a fan-made look at how <a href="">Breath of the Wild 2 could look running in lovely 4K</a> – it’s time to sit back, relax, and chat about our weekend gaming plans.</em></p>
<p><em>Members of Nintendo Life have done just that below, and we’d love for you to join in via our poll and comment sections. Enjoy!</em></p>
<h2>Ryan Craddock, news editor</h2>
<p>You know what, I’m probably going to just have a breather this weekend… During the week, I wrapped up <a href=""><strong>Super Mario Galaxy</strong></a> with a full 120 stars under my belt. I’d forgotten just how wonderful the game was, and with its new coat of HD paint boosting its appeal, it genuinely feels like it could have launched as a brand new Mario platformer this year and no one would have questioned it.</p>
<p>Perhaps it’s partly down to the fact that I played the entire game docked with a Joy-Con in either hand, but it really reminded me of <strong><a href="">Super Mario Odyssey</a></strong> and made me want to revisit all of that game’s glorious kingdoms. Or, Nintendo could put out an Odyssey 2? Couldn’t you, Nintendo? <em>I dare you.</em></p>
<h2>PJ O’Reilly, reviewer</h2>
<p>Hello. This weekend I’m going to spend the vast majority of my gaming time blasting through <strong><a href="">Ikenfell</a></strong> for review, I’m just a few hours in right now and am really enjoying it so far so look out for that verdict sometime soon. I’ve also yet to get a go on <strong><a href="">Super Mario Bros. 35</a></strong> so I’ll be trying to squeeze a bit of a session in on that somewhere too.</p>
<p>Elsewhere, I’ve been busy honing my skills with a few of my favourite fighters in the rather sublime <strong><a href="">Rivals of Aether</a></strong>, sneaking in a run here and there on the magnificent <strong><a href="">Hades</a></strong> and am still working my way slowly through the mystery at the heart of the fantastic <strong><a href="">Paradise Killer</a></strong>. There are, quite literally, too many good games to play right now. I hope you all have a good weekend, whatever you’re playing, stay safe out there and wear a mask!</p>
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<h2>Stuart Gipp, reviewer</h2>
<p>Sorry, too busy with reviews to write anything here. Busy busy busy. Well, I supposed I’ve had time to revisit the DS and start a replay of the excellent, unknown Sgt Frog tie-in game <strong>Keroro Gunso the Super Movie: Gekishin Dragon Warriors de Arimasu!</strong> It’s an Inti Creates-developed platformer that takes its cues from <strong><a href="">Klonoa</a></strong>, of all things, with the same enemy manipulation and platforming mechanics as that MIA Namco series. It’s one of my favourite DS games, full stop, and nobody ever talks about it. <em>Bah</em>.</p>
<p>Oh, I’ve also been wondering forlornly if <strong>Destiny 2</strong> will ever hit the Switch, thus signalling the end of my life. But yes! Many reviews! Keep an eye out for them!</p>
<h2>Gavin Lane, features editor</h2>
<p>This weekend I’ll be doing my darnedest to put <strong><a href="">Rogue Legacy</a></strong> to bed before jumping fully onboard with <strong>Hades</strong>. I didn’t want to have two roguelikes on the go and I’ve been having such a great time catching up with the former, but the latter is staring at me from the Switch home screen and I’m itching to spend some real time with it.<br />I’ve also been lucky enough to get a preview code for an upcoming indie release that’s proven to be a total delight, so I’d like to spend a bit more time with that – look out for more news next week.</p>
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<h2>Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer</h2>
<p>I have taken a new ship, converting it into a sort of miner/cargo hauler thingy and am now merrily making ends meet by flying trough asteroid fields in search of gold, diamonds, pure water and even the odd alien artefact. Yep, <strong><a href="">Rebel Galaxy Outlaw</a></strong> continues to rule my weekends in a welcome fashion.</p>
<p>The unexpected stealth release of <strong><a href="">Super Arcade Racing</a></strong> along with the delightful <strong><a href="">Falcon Age</a></strong> and the upcoming <strong><a href="">Foregone</a></strong> make up the rest of the schedule. Above all else, I need to wrap up my music album release for next week.</p>
<p>My game of the week is <strong><a class="external" data-sk="tooltip_parent" data-stringify-link="" href="">Donkey Kong ’94</a></strong> for the original Game Boy. Blame <a href="">Jon for reminding me of this four colour epic</a>.</p>
<p><em>As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days…</em></p>

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