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Microsoft - Buying a new computer for your student? 3 things to look for

Buying a new computer for your student? 3 things to look for

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<p class="c-paragraph-2">It’s an unusual time to be a student. Virtual classes, hybrid models, independent learning—going to school just doesn’t look the same as it did last year.</p>
<p>Yes, having a good computer for school has always been important. But now it’s vital to pick a laptop that has the power, adaptability, and longevity for the “new normal.”</p>
<p>Here’s why we think it should be a Windows 10 PC powered by a 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processor.</p>
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<h2 class="c-heading-4">1. Function AND form</h2>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> In 2020, “status symbol” laptops or tablets just don’t carry the same clout when everyone’s learning from home.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> What students need more than ever are powerful PCs with innovative form-factors, like 2-in-1 laptops that learners can switch from tablet mode to laptop mode depending on what works best for them.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> Speaking of which:</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Two words: touch screen.</strong> Today’s students grew up using their smartphones. Touching the screen is how they interact with devices. This naturally translates to computers with a touchscreen interface, and they can use all the inputs they want—touch, mouse, pen, and keyboard.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Oh, the options you have!</strong> From 2-in-1s to tablets and laptops, of all different sizes—there are a variety of form-factors from respected manufacturers like Dell, HP, and Lenovo to choose from. You’ll find an option that’s perfect for your student’s needs and style.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Sounds expensive, right?</strong> You’d be surprised at the laptop deals you can find. Whether your budget is $300 or $1,300, you can find the best laptop for learning and for your student, wherever they are.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Here’s what you should look for:</strong></p>
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<li> <strong> Speed and power:</strong> If you’re looking for blazing speed, you’ll find it in an Intel® Core™ i7 powered laptop. Intel® Core™ i3 and Intel® Core™ i5 laptops are also incredibly powerful compared to older PCs. And whether it’s research, writing, content-creation, or compiling code, all of these devices have the speed you need. </li>
<li> <strong> Screen size:</strong> Classes are long and school days are even longer. A bigger screen can make it all a little easier on the eyes. There are great laptop options that can also be backpack-friendly for when they return to school or head out for a study session, while still a great size for relaxing on the couch for gaming or streaming. </li>
<li> <strong> Battery life:</strong> The whole point of laptops is to work on them wherever you want without being tethered to a desk or power cable. Longer battery life enables flexibility to work from the couch, kitchen table, classroom, or library. </li>
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<h2 class="c-heading-4">2. Accessible and compatible by design</h2>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Learning styles vary greatly.</strong> Some students are visual learners, whereas others are more hands-on. Some read to understand, others listen or talk to understand. Some students struggle to read, write, or speak.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> <strong>Classes have different application requirements.</strong> Some teachers require use of a course-specific app, or all final papers to be completed in Microsoft Word format.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> This is where Windows PCs shine; compatibility and built-in accessibility features that over 1 billion users enjoy worldwide. Whether your student needs to make everything easier to see by adjusting text size and color or boosting contrast, or would prefer to have items read aloud to them by using the built-in screen reading app, Narrator, your student can customize their computer to work best for how they want to use it, where they want to use it.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> Some laptops even come with touchscreens and digital pens that allow students to take notes as naturally as they would on paper. Just switch from Laptop to Tablet mode on 2-in-1 laptops—it’s ideal for math and physics problems! Research even shows that students who use a digital pen for science classes showed a 38% increase in performance.<sup>1</sup></p>
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<h2 class="c-heading-4">3. More future-proof</h2>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> If you start your student off with an Intel-based Windows PC in college, they’ll have 4 years of experience with the platform by the time they graduate (8 if you start in high school! Up to 12 if you start in elementary school!). And with Fortune 500 companies looking for computer literacy to get their work done, you’re setting students up for success in the job market ahead. Internship or entry-level role, you’ll be giving your student an advantage by ensuring they’re tech-savvy for the work environment.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> This also applies to those who want to blaze their own path. If your current student is looking to be a future entrepreneur, give them the best chance by giving them the best computer that can do it all.</p>
<p class="c-paragraph-3"> With a Windows 10 computer, your student can take on any challenge from the first day of school to graduation and beyond. Convenience, compatibility, built-in intelligent features that learn and adapt—combine all that with the speed and responsiveness of an 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors and you’ve got a formula for success.</p>

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