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News - SNES-Inspired Puzzle-Platformer Mushroom Heroes Leaps Onto Switch This Week

SNES-Inspired Puzzle-Platformer Mushroom Heroes Leaps Onto Switch This Week

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<p>Launching later this week on Nintendo Switch is <a href=""><strong>Mushroom Heroes</strong></a>, a puzzle-platformer inspired by the 16-bit classics of the genre.</p>
<p>The game stars three of these titular mushroom heroes in total and players can switch between each of them to make use of their different abilities. The unique techniques each one can pull off will get you through various obstacles within the game, and judging by the trailer above, you’ll be able to combine their skills to defeat tricky enemies:</p>
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<p><strong>Jumpi</strong> can jump higher and float in the air.<strong><br />Yuppi</strong> can kill enemies with his bow. The bow can also be used to detonate some walls and bombs.<strong><br />Dombi</strong> can block enemies projectiles with his shield, and he can push or pull some objects.</p>
<p>Intrigued? Here’s a feature list and a selection of screenshots:</p>
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<p><strong>Features:</strong><br />• 38 Challenging Levels<br />• Dozens of Unique Puzzles to Solve<br />• EXTREMELY addicting<br />• The Ultimate Casual Brain Teaser</p>
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<div class="col"><a title="Mushroom Heroes Switch" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Mushroom Heroes Switch"></a><a title="Mushroom Heroes Switch" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Mushroom Heroes Switch"></a></div>
<div class="col"><a title="Mushroom Heroes Switch" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Mushroom Heroes Switch"></a><a title="Mushroom Heroes Switch" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" width="445" height="245" data-original="" alt="Mushroom Heroes Switch"></a></div>
<p>It’s launching on Switch this Thursday, 30th April and will be priced at £5.50. You can actually go ahead and pre-purchase it as we speak, however, and doing so will grant you a 20% discount.</p>
<p><em>Like the look of this one? We can’t stop humming that music from the trailer now…</em></p>

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