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Godot Vulkan Branch Now Master On GitHub

Godot Vulkan Branch Now Master On GitHub

<div><p>The comes a time in every project where you have to switch from a developmental Work In Progress branch to the main branch and that time just occurred for the Godot game engine.&nbsp; The WIP Vulkan (and C++14) port is now the official branch on the Godot Github.</p>
<p>Details from the <a href="">Godot news page</a>:</p>
<p>The Vulkan port is not ready yet, but we need to get it merged into the <code>master</code> branch as a lot of further development planned for Godot 4.0 depends on it.</p>
<p>We plan to rework a lot of Godot’s internals (<code>core</code>) to allow fixing long-standing design issues and improving performance (including GDScript performance improvements). Moreover, our long-awaited port to C++14 will also happen now that the <code>vulkan</code> branch is merged into <code>master</code>, and many other codebase-wide changes were waiting for this: code style changes, Display/OS split, renaming of 3D nodes to unify our conventions, etc.</p>
<p>The scope of the planned changes means that it would be impossible to do these changes in the <code>master</code> branch while keeping the <code>vulkan</code> branch separate, just as it would not be possible to do all those changes in the <code>vulkan</code> branch itself before merging into <code>master</code>: any rebase/merge would become extremely difficult due to the sheer amount of lines of code that will change.</p>
<p>Up until now, we’ve been very cautious with regard to what changes we allow in the <code>vulkan</code> branch, as well as what new PRs we merge in <code>master</code>, to ensure that the <code>vulkan</code> branch can always be rebased on top of <code>master</code> for a later merge. I’ve been rebasing it periodically over the past 8 months, and even though we’ve been very conservative in the scope of the changes, in later months a full rebase could easily take me a full day of work.</p>
<p>So we need everything in the main branch to stop limiting ourselves.</p>
<p>Moving the development branch from 3.2 to 4.0 has some side effects, specifically outstanding Pull Requests.&nbsp; Unfortunately the simplest option seems to be the best in this case, to close those requests and hopefully “port” them to the new master branch.</p>
<p>While closing PRs may seem a bit abrupt, we ask all contributors to understand that this is done to help us cope with the sheer amount of proposals in parallel to having to refactor a lot of the engine’s codebase. This closing does not mean that we <em>reject</em> the PRs, nor that we do not seem them as worthy contributions. But by asking the authors to re-assess their own proposals and make them compatible with Godot 4.0, we will save a lot of precious development time and get ourselves some breathing air in the current overcrowded PRs.</p>
<p>Closed PRs will have the <code>salvageable</code> label, which we use to denote PRs with code that could be salvaged to make a new, updated (and possibly improved) PR, either by the original author or by a new contributor. So we will not lose code in the process, since everything will still be accessible from the closed PRs and easily identifiable thanks to the <code>salvageable</code> label.</p>
<p>If you use a major release version downloaded from Godot’s download page or from Steam, this change doesn’t actually effect you.&nbsp; If you want to check out the new Vulkan master branch but don’t want to build the code yourself, you can get a <a href="">nightly build here</a>.</p>
<p>Learn more about this change and it’s ramifications in the <a href="">video</a> below.</p>
<p align="center">[youtube] </p>
<p class="under"> <span class="categories"><a href="">GameDev News</a></span> <span class="tags"><a href="" rel="tag">Godot</a></span> </p>
<p> &lt;!–</p>

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