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News - Get Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PC) For Only $3 This Week

Get Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PC) For Only $3 This Week

<p>The hype is building around <a href="">Borderlands 3</a> as its September 13 release date draws closer, but if you haven't had a chance to play any other games in the franchise or would be interested in owning them on PC, here's a great opportunity: Digital PC key retailer Green Man Gaming is currently offering <a href="">Borderlands: The Handsome Collection</a> for only $3. That's a full 95% off the bundle, which still sells for anywhere between $15 and $60 elsewhere. (Rather play on PS4? The Handsome Collection is also <a href="">free on PS4 for PS Plus members</a> in June.)</p><p>After purchasing, you'll receive a Steam key, so you must have a Steam account to redeem. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection also has full controller support on Steam, if you prefer to use a controller over a mouse.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Get Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for $3 »</strong></a></p><p>Borderlands: The Handsome Collection includes remastered versions of <a href="">Borderlands 2</a> and <a href="">Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel</a>, with the latter taking place between the events of Borderlands and Borderlands 2. The compilation includes all DLC for the games, including additional campaigns and playable characters. With online or local split-screen multiplayer for up to four players, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is an excellent multiplayer game for anyone's collection, although you can play it solo as well.</p><div data-embed-type="video" data-ref-id="2300-6424184" data-src="/videos/quick-look-borderlands-the-handsome-collection/2300-6424184/" data-width="100%" data-height="100%"><iframe src="//" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div><p>In GameSpot's <a href="">Borderlands 2 review</a>, the game received an 8.5. "Borderlands 2 doesn't reach far beyond its predecessor's scope, but it does do almost everything better," wrote critic Chris Watters. "Additions, refinements, and fixes all combine to create an appreciably improved experience, one that fully delivers on the promise of the first game. While Borderlands felt empty at times, this sequel is bursting with content and brimming with life, making it an absolutely delightful way to spend hours and hours and hours of your free time."</p><p>Meanwhile, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel earned a 7 in its <a href="">review</a>. "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is different enough to separate itself from the shadows of its older siblings. Elpis provides some gorgeous scenery, and the low-gravity environments bring an exciting new dynamic exploration and combat," critic Cameron Woolsey wrote. "No, it never reaches the furthest edges of space, but Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel still offers some the best of what the series has to offer: good loot, good laughs, and good times for many hours."</p><p>Borderlands: The Handsome Collection will be <a href="">on sale for $3</a> until this <strong>Friday, June 21</strong>, or while supplies last. The deal has already sold out once since it first appeared last week, so grab your Steam key fast if interested. Plus, catch up on the <a href="">latest news about Borderlands 3</a> and <a href="">everything you need to know about pre-ordering</a>.</p><p><strong><a href="">See more PC game deals at Green Man Gaming »</a></strong></p><ul><li><a href="">Anno 2205</a> -- $8.80</li><li><a href="">Assassin's Creed Odyssey</a> -- $26.40</li><li><a href="">BioShock: The Collection</a> -- $12.30</li><li><a href="">Borderlands: Game of the Year Enhanced Edition</a> -- $18.08</li><li><a href="">Civilization VI - Digital Deluxe Edition</a> -- $18.72</li><li><a href="">Civilization VI: Gathering Storm DLC</a> -- $23.39</li><li><a href="">The Crew 2</a> -- $15.84</li><li><a href="">Far Cry 5</a> -- $16.83</li><li><a href="">Hell Let Loose </a>-- $24</li><li><a href="">South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Gold Edition</a> -- $7.92</li><li><a href="">Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Deluxe Edition</a> -- $35.20</li><li><a href="">Superheroes Bundle</a> -- $4.49</li><li><a href="">Wolfenstein: Youngblood</a> -- $25.79</li><li><a href="">XCOM 2 Collection</a> -- $32.80</li></ul><p> </p>

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