04-04-2019, 12:35 AM
Video: Laralyn McWilliams on staying optimistic and creative in game dev
<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="http://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/video-laralyn-mcwilliams-on-staying-optimistic-and-creative-in-game-dev.jpg" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>As part of a special mulitpart GDC 2019 Main Stage event last month, veteran game dev Laralyn McWilliams gave a stirring, concise talk about practical ways to stay upbeat and fulfilled during a career in the ever-changing game industry.</p>
<p>It was a fantastic talk that offered up practical tools and techniques to stay positive and creative in game development despite the bumps (and craters) in the road, drawn from the experiences of fellow developers with 15+ years in the business. </p>
<p>And if you missed seeing it a few weeks ago, good news: McWilliams’ talk has been fast-tracked to the official GDC YouTube channel, where you can now <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU-zR8xzB5Q&">watch it completely free!</a></p>
<p>In fact, the entire GDC 2019 Main Stage presentation is now online for free viewing via <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB7TSe49lg56u6qH8y_MQ">the GDC YouTube channel</a>!</p>
<p>In addition to this presentation, the <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/">GDC Vault</a> and its accompanying <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB7TSe49lg56u6qH8y_MQ/feed">YouTube channel</a> offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent <a href="http://www.gdconf.com/">Game Developers Conference events</a>, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.</p>
<p>Those who purchased All Access passes to recent events like GDC or VRDC already have full access to GDC Vault, and interested parties can apply for the individual subscription via <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/inquiry/">a GDC Vault subscription page</a>. Group subscriptions are also available: game-related schools and development studios who sign up for GDC Vault Studio Subscriptions can receive access for their entire office or company by contacting staff via the <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/demo/">GDC Vault group subscription page</a>. Finally, current subscribers with access issues can <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/contact_us.php">contact GDC Vault technical support</a>.</p>
<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="http://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/video-laralyn-mcwilliams-on-staying-optimistic-and-creative-in-game-dev.jpg" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>As part of a special mulitpart GDC 2019 Main Stage event last month, veteran game dev Laralyn McWilliams gave a stirring, concise talk about practical ways to stay upbeat and fulfilled during a career in the ever-changing game industry.</p>
<p>It was a fantastic talk that offered up practical tools and techniques to stay positive and creative in game development despite the bumps (and craters) in the road, drawn from the experiences of fellow developers with 15+ years in the business. </p>
<p>And if you missed seeing it a few weeks ago, good news: McWilliams’ talk has been fast-tracked to the official GDC YouTube channel, where you can now <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU-zR8xzB5Q&">watch it completely free!</a></p>
<p>In fact, the entire GDC 2019 Main Stage presentation is now online for free viewing via <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB7TSe49lg56u6qH8y_MQ">the GDC YouTube channel</a>!</p>
<p>In addition to this presentation, the <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/">GDC Vault</a> and its accompanying <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB7TSe49lg56u6qH8y_MQ/feed">YouTube channel</a> offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent <a href="http://www.gdconf.com/">Game Developers Conference events</a>, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.</p>
<p>Those who purchased All Access passes to recent events like GDC or VRDC already have full access to GDC Vault, and interested parties can apply for the individual subscription via <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/inquiry/">a GDC Vault subscription page</a>. Group subscriptions are also available: game-related schools and development studios who sign up for GDC Vault Studio Subscriptions can receive access for their entire office or company by contacting staff via the <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/demo/">GDC Vault group subscription page</a>. Finally, current subscribers with access issues can <a href="http://www.gdcvault.com/contact_us.php">contact GDC Vault technical support</a>.</p>