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News - This Week At Bungie – 1/25/2019

This Week At Bungie – 1/25/2019

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1162" height="298" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we’re getting ready to turn up the power.  </p>
<div>Next week, your Super abilities are in for a shakeup. Update 2.1.4 has a lot of different fixes in it, but the crux of it will be buffing a large amount of Supers to make them more powerful. There are also a few changes to bring some hot abilities down in hopes that the distinct sound of a Nova Warp won’t haunt your dreams… as much. You can read the full preview on <a href="" title="" target="">subclass changes here</a>, and a look at what is changing with weapons in <a href="" title="" target="">last week’s episode of this weekly address</a>. </div>
<h2>Mayhem Returns</h2>
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<p>With all of these new Super changes, we figured you’d be eager to jump in and try them out. What’s the best mode for showcasing Supers? Mayhem! We’re turning up the recharge rates to 11, so pick your space magic of choice and start melting faces. </p>
<p><b>Begins: January 29, 2019</b></p>
<p><b>Ends: February 05, 2019</b> </p>
<p>As you battle it out amidst the chaos, please remember that the Crucible is not liable for injuries sustained therein.</p>
<h2>Crimson Days</h2>
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<p>Crimson Days is coming soon. It was originally scheduled to start on February 5. That date is being shifted slightly. Grab your partner and get ready for action and rewards.</p>
<p><b>Crimson Days</b></p>
<p><b>Begins: February 12, 2019</b></p>
<p><b>Ends: February 19, 2019 </b></p>
<p>If you missed out on Crimsons Days last year, or didn’t get everything you wanted, you’re in luck. This is your chance to get the rewards exclusive to this event. The event is very similar to last year, but we have added a few new rewards and ways of obtaining them. We’ll give you the full details closer to the special day.</p>
<h2>Cleaning House</h2>
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<p>Starting with Season of the Drifter, we’re making a slight change to the way bounties grant powerful rewards. To ensure an even playing field each time we kick off a new season, bounties acquired during previous seasons will have a maximum possible power reward. This change is intended to prevent players from feeling the need to hoard bounties and raid keys that grant powerful rewards until the Power cap is raised in an attempt to get a leg up in the push toward the new Power cap.</p>
<li>A player has completed the “WANTED: SILENT FANG” bounty during the Season of the Forge, but has not yet claimed the reward.</li>
<li>If they claim this reward after the Season of the Drifter has begun, the reward will have a maximum Power of 650.</li>
<li>If they instead acquire this bounty after the Season of the Drifter has already begun, the reward will have a maximum Power of 700.</li>
<li>The cap is applied to bounties on acquisition.</li>
<p><b>NOTE</b>: Completed bounties have no mechanism to “dismantle,” so keeping completed bounties could negatively affect players for the first week of a new season. By holding on to the old bounties, this locks players out of an “uncapped” bounty that could become available with the start of a new season.</p>
<p>We strongly recommend either completing or discarding any powerful rewards bounties before the new season begins. Completing these bounties after the season changes could result in missing out on the new season’s version of the bounty with the higher Power cap.</p>
<p>We are also looking to address stockpiles of Raid Keys as well. We are currently finalizing details, and will give additional information when available.</p>
<h2>Final Preview</h2>
<p>We’ve talked about a lot of changes coming next Tuesday in 2.1.4, but we have a few more you may not know about yet. Here is a final preview before the official patch notes ship with the update on 1/29/19.  </p>
<h3>Redrix’s Broadsword Quest:</h3>
<li><b>Valor Rank Resets</b></li>
<li>The Valor Rank resets step will now look at previous seasons’ accomplishments as well. </li>
<li>Five Valor resets are still required during a single season, but this is no longer restricted to the current season. Example: If a player had five Valor resets in Season 4, this will now grant progress towards the quest.</li>
<li><b>Completion Inconsistencies</b></li>
<li>Fixed various issues where the quest was not progressing to the pickup step until a player re-entered orbit.</li>
<h3>Enhancement Cores</h3>
<li>Fixed an issue that prevented Enhancement Cores from being awarded when reaching Legend in Valor and Glory ranks.</li>
<h3>Grenade Launchers</h3>
<li>Tweaked Grenade Launcher projectiles to feel more consistent on direct hits.</li>
<li>Proximity Grenades can no longer impact directly (prevents Special ammo Grenade Launchers from one-shotting with the perk active).</li>
<li>Increased ammo reserve size of Special ammo Grenade Launchers.</li>
<li>Increased initial spawn ammo in PvE for Special ammo Grenade Launchers.</li>
<h2>New Year’s Resolutions</h2>
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<p>The DPS team is always working diligently behind the scenes. They are making sure you have the info you need to have the best Destiny 2 experience.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<h3>Destiny 2 Update 2.1.4 Resolved Issues Preview – Part 2</h3>
<p>Resuming the conversation from last week, the following known issues are <b>expected to be resolved</b> with the launch of <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.1.4 <b>on January 29</b>.</p>
<li>“<b>Like a Diamond” Triumph</b>: The “Like a Diamond” Triumph is not unlocking for fireteams who complete the “Scourge of the Past” raid in a single session with no deaths.</li>
<li>“<b>Always on Time” Sparrow</b>: The “Always on Time” Exotic Sparrow from the “Scourge of the Past” raid cannot be reclaimed from Collections.</li>
<li><b>Modulus Reports to Postmaster</b>: Modulus Reports earned when a player’s Pursuits inventory is full are not sent to the Postmaster.</li>
<li><b>“No Feelings” Kill Tracker</b>: The “Scourge of the Past” raid Scout Rifle “No Feelings” does not correctly track kills when Masterworked to tier 6 or higher.</li>
<li><b>“Rasmussen” and “Satou” Ghost Projections</b>: There is a discrepancy between the assets used in the “Rasmussen” and “Satou” Ghost projections available in the Etched Engram.</li>
<li>“<b>Veterans of the Hunt” Emblem</b>: The “Veterans of the Hunt” emblem uses art from the “Universal Hero” emblem, causing the “Universal Hero” emblem to not display properly.</li>
<p>For the full Destiny 2 Update 2.1.4 patch notes when they are available, players should monitor our <a href="" title="" target="">Updates page</a>.</div>
<h3><i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.1.4 Deployment Timeline</h3>
<div>Next Tuesday, January 29, Destiny 2 Update 2.1.4 will become available to players. This update marks the arrival of the Exotic quest, “The Draw,” as well as the expected resolution to issues described in our Resolved Issues Previews—<a href="" title="" target="">Part 1</a> and 2.</div>
<p>All <i>Destiny</i> 2 players will need to download and install this update when it is available. Please see below for the Update 2.1.4 deployment timeline for Tuesday, January 29.</p>
<li><b>8 AM PST (1600 UTC)</b>: Destiny 2 maintenance is scheduled to begin. Some Destiny Companion features may be unavailable on the web, mobile, and third-party apps.</li>
<li><b>8:45 AM PST (1645 UTC)</b>: Downtime in Destiny 2 will take place at this time. All players will be removed from the game. Players will not be able to log into the game.</li>
<li><b>9 AM PST (1700 UTC)</b>: Update 2.1.4 will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions. Downtime in Destiny 2 is expected to end, but maintenance will be ongoing.</li>
<li><b>10 AM PST (1800 UTC)</b>: Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.</li>
<li><b>11 AM PST (1900 UTC)</b>: Destiny Companion features will be re-enabled on the web, mobile, and third-party apps. Players who encounter issues should report them to the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help</a> forum.</li>
<h3>Season of the Forge Vital Information and Known Issues</h3>
<p>In addition to the items listed above, Destiny Player Support would like to make sure players are aware that the following known issues are being investigated in <i>Destiny 2</i>.</p>
<li><b>GUITAR Errors in “Last Wish”</b>: Elevated GUITAR errors are ongoing in the final encounters of the “Last Wish” raid. For the latest info, see: <a href="" title="" target="">This Week at Bungie – 1/11/201</a></li>
<li><b>Obsidian Accelerator</b>: The tooltip for Obsidian Accelerators says “Use,” when it should say “Discard.” Players should turn these items in to Ada-1 and may re-earn them in forge activities.</li>
<li><b>Stryker’s Sure-Hand</b>: The perk “Surrounded” no longer does bonus damage on the Stryker’s Sure-Hand Sword after it is been upgraded to a tier 10 Masterwork.</li>
<li><b>Collections Badge Count</b>: The Collections screen incorrectly shows a count of only 10 badges instead of 11.</li>
<h2>Dutch Angle</h2>
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<p>What will they do next? It’s a question we often ask ourselves. Movie of the Week is one of the ways we like to highlight the awesome things the community creates. It can be anything from a huge accomplishment to a funny short. Every week, we pick a few of our favorites and show off their creations here.</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week</b>:  How to Titan</p>
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<p><b>Honorable Mention</b>: Live like Legends</p>
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<p>As always, both creators of these videos and any helpers they had will receive a special emblem for their efforts. If you are one of the winners, make sure you put everyone’s player name who helped in the description.</p>
<div>Next week is going to be a great time to jump in and play some <i>Destiny</i>. We haven’t even covered the Hand-Cannon-shaped elephant in the room. Along with everything else we<a href="" title="" target="">‘</a>ve talked about, next week is also when you’ll be sent out on a quest to claim the Last Word. We can’t wait to watch as Guardians wield a familiar weapon forged for heroes once again. </div>
<p><b>&lt;3 Cozmo</b></p>

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