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Mobile - Out Now: Final Edition 2018

Out Now: Final Edition 2018

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="3840" height="2160" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted" /></div>
<p>So, here we are – the final ‘Out Now’ of 2018. It’s been a surprisingly good week for releases, all things considered – <em>Tropico</em> and <em>Rome: Total War</em>‘s Android port being the highlights. Today also marks the final day of voting in our Reader’s Choice Game of the Year award – I’ll be closing the form later tonight, so make sure you have your say before it’s too late!</p>
<p>As far as the next couple of weeks go, we’re going to be operating a reduced content schedule until we’re back properly on January 2nd. We’ll be publishing articles on the following days:</p>
<li><strong>Monday 24th</strong></li>
<li><strong>Wednesday 26th</strong></li>
<li><strong>Friday 28th</strong></li>
<li><strong>Monday 31st</strong></li>
<p>We’ve got a couple of year in reviews, as well as Nick’s usual Boxing Day Gift Guide, and the results of the GOTY vote will go up on New Year’s Eve.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, in mobile gaming…</p>
<h2>Out Now</h2>
<h3>Heroes of Flatlandia (<a href="" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a> &amp; <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">Android</a>) – <em>Full review coming soon!</em></h3>
<p>We like to highlight things that haven potential in this column, and <em>Heroes of Flatlandia</em> on paper seems like it might fit the bill. A premium strategy game (such a rarity these days), this seems like a very modest, almost ‘lite’ turn-based tactics outing with some basic content for genre fans. Two races, 14 units and 4 heroes, the game also features hot-seat multiplayer and a <em>“cunning AI”</em>.</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='654' height='368' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<h3>Tropico (<a href=";mt=8&amp;at=11l7vY" target="_blank">iPad</a>) (<a href="" target="_blank">Review</a>)</h3>
<p>There’s not much more to add that wasn’t covered in Brittany’s steller review, but suffice to say <em>Tropico</em> on iPad is a bit of a triumph. There are still some interface issues that come with management/city-builder games on this platform, but Feral have managed to port <em>Tropico 3</em> intact and with all its charm. This is one premium experience you won’t want to miss out on.</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='654' height='368' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<h3>Rome: Total War (<a href=";at=11l7vY" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">Android</a>) (<a href="" target="_blank">Review</a>)</h3>
<p>Android users, rejoice! You can now purchase Feral Interactive’s other great strategy port, <em>Rome: Total War</em>, for your Google-powered device. Check out what Nick thought of the game back when it originally released. </p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='654' height='368' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<h3>Perudo (<a href="" target="_blank">iOS Universal</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">Android</a>) – <em>Full review coming soon!</em></h3>
<p>You remember that dice game the fish-pirates played on the <em>Flying Dutchman</em> in the second <em>Pirates of the Caribbean</em> movie? I never quite understood how that game worked. Now I might have a chance to learn, thanks to Asmodee stealth releasing a digital port of the game on mobile. <em>Perudo</em>, one of many games derived from the public domain game <em>Liar’s Dice</em>, looks exactly like that game in POTC. Amongst other things, It features pass-and-play multiplayer functionality for up to six people (as well as online), making it an excellent party game candidate.</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='654' height='368' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<p>Where to begin! There’s quite a few sales going on, especially on iOS. We’re not able to give a complete sales breakdown this week sadly, but these are some of the highlights we’ve spotted that you may be interested in. Unfortunately, a lot of these deals seem iOS only for now – we’ve cross-checked a few, but if anyone spots any additional android deals, let us know!</p>
<li><em>Kingdom Rush Frontiers</em></li>
<li><em>Kingdom Rush Origin</em></li>
<li><em>Motorsport Manager Mobile 3</em></li>
<li><em>Lords of Waterdeep</em></li>
<li><em>Out There</em></li>
<li><em>Project Highrise</em></li>
<li><em>Age of Rivals</em></li>
<li><em>Grimvalor </em><em> </em></li>
<p>There may be more, so make sure you keep an eye out if you’re looking to pick up some extra games for the holidays. If you’re someone who’s still not jumped onto <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Civilization VI</em> on iOS</a>, your frugal patience has been rewarded. From now until January 1st, the ‘Full Game Unlock’ IAP is now <strong>$14.99</strong>, making it as cheap what it is on PC currently (Steam Winter Sale). It’ such a good deal, I almost feel sorry for people who purchased it at the previous 50% discount entry point, or even full price! In addition to that, there’s a schedule for the scenario packs, which will rotate every 48 hours – the current ones, Vikings and Poland, are free, and the full schedule is as follows:</p>
<li>12/20 – 12/22 Poland Civilization &amp; Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)</li>
<li>12/22 – 12/24 Vikings Scenario (Reg: $4.99)</li>
<li>12/24 – 12/26 Australia Civilization &amp; Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)</li>
<li>12/26 – 12/28 Persia and Macedon Civilization &amp; Scenario Pack (Reg: $8.99)</li>
<li>12/28 – 12/30 Nubia Civilization &amp; Scenario Pack (Reg: $4.99)</li>
<li>12/30 – 1/1 Khmer and Indonesia Civilization &amp; Scenario Pack (Reg: $8.99)</li>
<p>So you have until tomorrow to pick up those first two scenario packs if you don’t have them already.</p>
<p><em>That’s all we have time for this week – we hope everyone has a good holiday break, and The Weekender will return as normal on Friday, January 4th, 2019!</em></p>

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