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News - This Week At Bungie – 12/13/2018

This Week At Bungie – 12/13/2018

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we began our celebration of the Dawning. </p>
<p>This year, the party is about more than just snowballs and Nova Bombs. Eva Levante has returned with a whole new way to spread some seasonal cheer. Mixing and matching various ingredients, you can become a Legendary Baker and earn some sweet loot along the way.</p>
<img src=";av=3988580249" /></div>
<p>There were a few hiccups when the doors opened, but the skies have cleared, and now we’re set for a wonderful winter festival. Season of the Forge kicked off for all players of Destiny 2, and Ada-1 opened the doors of the Black Armory for those who seek to reforge the lost weapons of the Golden Age. Fun to think that we’re just getting started.</p>
<p>This week, we bring you news of updates and current investigations going on at Bungie. Let’s dig in.</p>
<h2>Black Armory Investigations</h2>
<p>Since the beginning of Season of the Forge, we’ve been monitoring the pulse of your gameplay. Some issues have been discovered since Black Armory and the Dawning, and we’d like to give an update on some of our highest-priority issues.</p>
<p><b>Scourge of the Past</b></p>
<li><b>24-hour completion:</b></li>
<li>We are currently investigating an issue where qualifying players were not properly rewarded the Scourge of Nothing Emblem, nor the associated “Best of the Best of the Best” Triumph for completing the raid within 24 hours.</li>
<li>Once addressed, players will be properly credited and receive appropriate rewards.</li>
<li><b>Revive Tokens:</b></li>
<li>We are currently investigating an issue where tokens are not removed appropriately when reviving team mates. This issue has been present since the launch of Destiny 2, but reproducing the issue for investigation has proven difficult. In Scourge of the Past, this seems to be occurring much more frequently.</li>
<li>If you have encountered this issue, please post a report to the Help forum detailing your experience.</li>
<p><b>Black Armory: Forges</b></p>
<li><b>Missing Weapon Frames:</b></li>
<li>We are currently aware of an issue where weapon frames may be lost from inventory. We have identified the cause and are currently developing a fix.</li>
<li>Until resolved, we recommend holding only one weapon frame from a specific forge in inventory at any given time.</li>
<li><b>High-Value Targets:</b></li>
<li>To unlock the Gofannon Forge, players must defeat a high-value target on Nessus for a specific quest step. Currently, only the player who lands the finishing blow is credited with defeating the enemy. We are currently developing a fix for a future update.</li>
<li>We have identified an issue where Ballistics Logs and Modulus Reports do not recover to the postmaster. We are currently developing a fix for this issue, targeted to release in January. Until resolved, players should ensure they have appropriate space in their inventory, under both Pursuits and Consumables.</li>
<li><b>Fastidious Miser:</b></li>
<li>There is currently an issue where some players are unable to unlock the Fastidious Miser Triumph, even when fulfilling requirements. We’ve identified the root cause, but this issue will not be addressed next week. We are currently planning for a fix to be deployed in January.</li>
<p><b>2.1.3 Preview</b></p>
<p>Next week, we’re deploying an update to address various issues in the game and bring a few minor quality-of-life updates into the fold.</p>
<li>Players under 600 Power will begin to receive higher-powered rewards when completing Director Challenges</li>
<li><b>Developer commentary</b>: This change is being made to build upon changes in Update 2.1.2, where we increased Power rewards from Prime Engrams.</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where players did not receive the Harbinger’s Echo Sparrow when destroying all Ahamkara Eggs in the Dreaming City</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where players who joined an in-progress forge activity would not receive rewards</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where weapon frames would be removed from inventory when completing a different forge</li>
<li>We have a fix planned in 2.1.3 to address issues affecting damage from 1000 Voices on PC</li>
<li>Right now there is an issue where the weapon is doing more damage than intended at higher frame rates on PC. After Update 2.1.3, functionality will match between all platforms</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where Season 5 shaders dismantled slowly</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where players who did not earn the Crucible Solemnity shader could not complete the Crucible Badge</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where players could not retrieve clan XP rewards from Hawthorne under certain circumstances</li>
<li><a href="" title="" target="">Veterans of the Hunt Bundle</a></li>
<li>Once Update 2.1.3 has been deployed, players should expect to receive this package later in the day. Stay tuned for updates.</li>
<div>Player Support is continuing to monitor the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help forums</a> for reports of new issues. Make sure to check out their recently created articles covering all <a href="" title="" target="">vital information and known issues</a> in Destiny 2. See the Player Support Report below for an update.</div>
<h2>Holiday Calendar</h2>
<p>During the Dawning, you can look forward to more than just cookies and snow. Players who are keen to dish out pain in the Crucible have something delicious to play through the end of the 2018. Even if you aren’t a Legend, we’ve got some fun in store.</p>
<p><b>Began: December 11, 2018</b></p>
<p><b>Ends: December 25, 2018</b></p>
<p>You read that right. Two full weeks of Mayhem are on the books. If you’ve been missing this mode since the launch of Forsaken, you have ample time to sink your teeth into the chaos. Get out there and fight.</p>
<p><b><u>Iron Banner / Increased Valor</u></b></p>
<p><b>Begins: December 25, 2018</b></p>
<p><b>Ends: January 1, 2019</b></p>
<p>Lord Saladin is visiting during the Dawning, but isn’t coming for cookies. He’s come to oversee the power enabled combat of the Iron Banner. With Season 5, you have new armor to earn, and two Year 1 weapons returning to the fold with random rolls.</p>
<img src=";av=3988580249" /></div>
<div>Bounties will function as they did at the end of Season 4, granting powerful rewards and unlocking rewards for direct purchase from Lord Saladin. Double Valor will be enabled from December 25 through December 28, followed by triple Valor from December 28 through January 1<a href="" title="" target="">.</a></div>
<h2>Live Investigations</h2>
<img src=";av=3988580249" /></div>
<p>Our Player Support team at Bungie is comprised of individuals who are dedicated to tracking down issues that you may be encountering in the field. They dive deep to get the right information to teams that can take action.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><b>Destiny 2 Update 2.1.2</b></p>
<div>This week, we deployed <a href="" title="" target="">Destiny 2 Update 2.1.2</a> to players. This update introduced changes to the Prime Engram economy which accelerates leveling for players who have not yet achieved 600 Power. It also resolved an issue with Annual Pass purchases for Forsaken owners.</div>
<div>Following the deployment of Update 2.1.2, Destiny 2 services encountered a series of issues which resulted in elevated CENTIPEDE, CHICKEN, GUITAR, MONKEY, and WEASEL errors. Following the conclusion of this maintenance, services stabilized, and these errors returned to their normal trends. Players who have continued to encounter these errors following this deployment should report them to our <a href="" title="" target="">#Help forum</a>.</div>
<p><b>Destiny 2 Update 2.1.3</b></p>
<p>Next Tuesday, December 18, Destiny 2 Update 2.1.3 is scheduled to go live.</p>
<div>While the timeline for this deployment has yet to be finalized, players should follow us at <a href="" title="" target="">@BungieHelp</a> on Twitter or monitor our support feed on <a href="" title="" target=""></a> for the latest information as soon as it is available.</div>
<p><b>Regional Connectivity</b></p>
<p>Earlier this week, we investigated player reports regarding elevated ELDERBERRY, FIG, and GRAPE errors in Destiny 2, most notably from players in the northeastern United States.</p>
<p>Upon investigating these errors, an issue was identified with a regional internet service provider which caused disruptions for players who relied on their services to connect to Destiny 2. After identifying and escalating the root cause, we believe that issues causing these elevated errors are resolved.</p>
<div>For information on known service issues as they are discovered, players should follow us on Twitter at <a href="" title="" target="">@BungieHelp</a> or monitor our support feed on <a href="" title="" target=""></a>.</div>
<p><b>Eva’s Return</b></p>
<div>On Tuesday, the Dawning launched for all players of Destiny 2. While Destiny Player Support is continually monitoring for player reports in the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help forum</a>, we have already published a list of Dawning-related vital information and known issues here. Here’s a brief overview:</div>
<li><b>Eva’s Holiday Oven and Eververse Baker’s Bundles:</b> Dawning ingredients required to create cookies, including those purchased for bright dust from Eververse Trading Co., will be removed from player inventories when the Dawning ends on January 1, 2019.</li>
<li><b>Vital Information: Bake Burnt Edge Transit Cookies!</b> Players cannot make Burnt Edge Transit cookies after discovering all other recipes and will become blocked from completing hidden Triumphs which require this cookie to be baked and turned in.</li>
<li><b>Claiming Triumphs: </b>Unearned or unclaimed Triumphs for the Dawning will be removed when this event ends. Players should claim all Triumphs before the Dawning ends on January 1, 2019.</li>
<li><b>Pursuit Inventory Space:</b> It is recommended that players have open space available in their pursuit and consumables inventory to receive new quests and items for the Dawning. Some items received for the Dawning may not go to the postmaster if players have insufficient inventory space, and will be lost.</li>
<li><b>Dawning Items Already Claimed: </b>We are investigating player reports that some Dawning items in the Winterdrift Engram are showing as claimed even if the player has not yet found or received them.</li>
<li><b>Dawning Sparrow Lore Tab:</b> The “Dawning Cheer” Sparrow will not have a lore tab until Destiny 2 Update 2.1.3.</li>
<li><b>Dawning Cheer Sparrow:</b> Players will only be able to pick up Glimmer dropped by the “Dawning Cheer” Sparrow if they have completed the Dawning milestone for Eva Levante.</li>
<div>Players who are looking for general information regarding the Dawning should also see our <a href="" title="" target="">Dawning Guide</a>.</div>
<p><b>Destiny 2: Forsaken and Season of the Forge Known Issues</b></p>
<div>In addition to the items listed above, Destiny Player Support is tracking the latest issues reported by players on the <a href="" title="" target="">#Help forum</a>. Provided below is a brief overview of the latest known issues in Destiny 2: Forsaken and Season of the Forge.</div>
<li><b>Legend Rank and Enhancement Cores:</b> We are investigating an issue where Enhancement Cores are no longer being awarded to players for achieving Legend rank in the Crucible.</li>
<li><b>One Thousand Voices: </b>The explosion from One Thousand Voices doesn’t do full damage against the Scourge of the Past raid boss, Insurrection Prime, because its weak points become blocked after firing.</li>
<li><b>Dunking Relics on High Framerate PCs:</b> Players on high framerate PCs will be launched into the air if they jump while dunking carry objects, sometimes cratering them into a roof.</li>
<li><b>Raid Destination Map:</b> Players will not be able to see other players on their destination map in the Scourge of the Past raid.</li>
<h2>The Forges Are Lit!</h2>
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<p>Need a quick break from your pinnacle endeavors or from the forge grind? Sit back, relax, and check out these fun videos from the community at large. One for fun, the other for fun, and well… any video you see in this section is handpicked on the basis of fun. Enjoy!</p>
<p><b>MOTW: 3 player Scourge of the Past completion</b></p>
<p> <br />
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<p><b>Runner up: What? WHAT?! WOW.</b></p>
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<p><b>Runner Up: Up high!</b></p>
<p> <br />
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<p><b>Runner Up: Kill clip… on a sniper?!</b></p>
<p> <br />
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<div>If you’d like a shot at the Lens of Fate emblem, make sure to submit your video to the <a href="" title="" target="">Creations page</a> on and include #MOTW in your title.</div>
<p>I don’t have exact numbers, but Master Rahool is currently overwhelmed by the amount of Burnt Edge Transits being brought his way. Whether you’re a master or a novice when it comes to culinary arts, we hope you enjoy this year’s Dawning festivities.</p>
<p>I’ll be taking a quick break next week, but Cozmo will be here to bring you the final This Week at Bungie of the year. Throughout the holiday season, your friendly neighborhood Community Managers continue to collect player feedback, Player Support will be investigating issues, and we’ll all be working together to keep you informed. May your holidays be filled with cheer, and we hope to see you out there in the wild.</p>
<div>A quick shoutout before we go: Cheers to <a href="" title="" target="">Anodyne </a>for this amazing <a href="" title="" target="">Community Creation</a>. The Dawning is a wonderful time to cherish the friendships you’ve made through Destiny, new and old.</div>
<img src=";av=3988580249" /></div>

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