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News - A closer look at the malware that masquerades as Fortnite cheats

A closer look at the malware that masquerades as Fortnite cheats

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="200" height="200" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>Malware that lures unsuspecting people into giving away personal information by promising cheats or free currency for big online games is not a brand new concept, and the age-old scams are currently running amok with Epic’s free-to-play battle royale game <em>Fortnite</em>.</p>
<p>The company behind the anti-malware software Malwarebytes, for example, has <a href="">tracked down one particular scam</a> that’s been making the rounds while disguised as a <em>Fortnite</em> cheat. The scam itself is similar to one <a href="">unearthed earlier this year</a> by the streaming platform Rainway, as well as several others that can be found online at any given moment.</p>
<p>But what makes Malwarebytes’ report particularly interesting is its dive into how the malware itself actually operates. The specific malicious program the company tracks has grabbed a little over 1,200 downloads to date and attempts to steal information from infected systems about everything from cookies and Steam sessions to Bitcoin wallet info.</p>
<p>This particular “cheat” originates from a YouTube video that grabbed over 2,000 views in its first day live and promises an undetectable <em>Fortnite</em> aimbot, <em>Fortnite</em> hacks, loot detecting tools, along with other cheats. A link in the description sends would-be cheaters to a page that promises to deliver a link to the cheat download in exchange for a YouTube channel subscribe, something that Malwarebytes notes is slightly different from the more survey-focused route most malicious programs take. From there, the site directs people to a second site that offers <em>Fortnite</em> cheats, and then a file hosting site to download  the “cheat” itself, which Malwarebytes’ software IDs as a ‘trojen.malpack’ that aims to take info on browser sessions, cookies, Bitcoin wallets, and Steam sessions to an IP based out of the Russian Federation.</p>
<p>The site’s <a href="">blog post</a> has a full breakdown that’s worth checking out about how this specific bit of malware targets the systems and personal information of <em>Fortnite</em> players looking for an illegitimate leg up on their competition.</p>

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