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News - Now Available – PAYDAY 2: VR

Now Available – PAYDAY 2: VR

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<p>7.11:<br />==</p>
<p>* This version is focused on changing how the gold and buyback formulas work</p>
<p>* Buyback cost changed from 100 + ( Level * Level * 1.5) + (Time * 0.25) to 100 + Networth / 13<br />* Buyback no longer reduces gold earned after respawning</p>
<p>* AoE gold for the losing team no longer scales with the overall team networth difference, just the individual networth of the dying hero. Previously, a core on your team doing really well meant that a support on your team dying gave an increasing amount of gold to the enemy.</p>
<p>– The comeback component is now just: ( DyingHeroNetWorth * 0.026 + 70 ) / # of killers</p>
<p>This takes the place of the components below that considers Networth<br />For example in the 1 killer case, it replaces (NetWorthEarlyFactor * 90 + NetWorthFactor * 0.03375).<br />Like the previous formula, it is only given to the losing team.</p>
<p>* The gold multiplier based on the dying hero’s net worth rank changed from 1.2/1.1/1.0/0.9/0.8 to 1.2/1.05/0.9/0.75/0.6</p>
<p>* For reference, the previous AoE gold formula is listed below:</p>
<p>Terms:<br />—</p>
<p>NetWorthDifference = ( EnemyTeamNetWorth / AlliedTeamNetWorth ) – 1 [With a min of zero and a max of 1]<br />NetWorthFactor = NetWorthDifference * VictimNetWorth<br />NetWorthEarlyFactor (for when Enemy has more NW) = ( EnemyTeamNetWorth – AlliedTeamNetWorth ) / 4000 [Has a max of 1]<br />NetWorthPoorFactor = 1.3 – 0.1 * NetWorthRank (dying’s hero’s networth rank)<br />NetWorthRankingFactor (hero’s rank amongst allies involved in the kill): For 1/2/3/4/5 from poorest to richest are: { 1 } / { 1.3, 0.7 } / { 1.3, 1.0, 0.7 } / { 1.3, 1.1, 0.9, 0.7 } / { 1.3, 1.15, 1.0, 0.85, 0.7}</p>
<p>Formula:<br />—<br />1 Killer: NetWorthPoorFactor * NetWorthRankingFactor * ( 126 + 4.5 * VictimLevel + NetWorthEarlyFactor * 90 + NetWorthFactor * 0.03375 )<br />2 Killer: NetWorthPoorFactor * NetWorthRankingFactor * ( 63 + 3.6 * VictimLevel + NetWorthEarlyFactor * 67.5 + NetWorthFactor * 0.03375 )<br />3 Killer: NetWorthPoorFactor * NetWorthRankingFactor * ( 31.5 + 2.7 * VictimLevel + NetWorthEarlyFactor * 45 + NetWorthFactor * 0.03375 )<br />4 Killer: NetWorthPoorFactor * NetWorthRankingFactor * ( 22.5 + 1.8 * VictimLevel + NetWorthEarlyFactor * 31.5 + NetWorthFactor * 0.027 )<br />5 Killer: NetWorthPoorFactor * NetWorthRankingFactor * ( 18 + 0.9 * VictimLevel + NetWorthEarlyFactor * 22.5 + NetWorthFactor * 0.02025 )</p>

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