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News - Destiny 2 Update – 2/27/2018

Destiny 2 Update – 2/27/2018

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="590" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted" /></div>
<p>Destiny Update 1.1.3 – The one about Nightfall Strike Scoring.</p>
<h3>Nightfall Strike Scoring</h3>
<li>Both normal and Prestige Nightfall now have scoring</li>
<li>Enemy kills and orb generation will accrue points</li>
<li>Highest set scores will display on each Nightfall’s respective emblem</li>
<li>Scores above a target value will enable the Nightfall Aura and a fireteam Vanguard Token bonus</li>
<li>Total team score will be displayed at the end of the Nightfall in the PGCR</li>
<h3>Nightfall Challenge Cards</h3>
<li>The Prestige Nightfall challenge card allows players to select modifiers for the Prestige Nightfall that affect gameplay and score multipliers</li>
<li>Players can select active Elemental modifiers to boost outgoing and incoming damage</li>
<li>Players can opt into using a power handicap that will lower their character power level in the Prestige Nightfall but raise the score multiplier</li>
<li>Extinguish is always on when applying the Nightfall Challenge Card. If the full fireteam wipes in a respawning restricted area, the fireteam will be returned to orbit</li>
<li>Cards cannot be modified once the activity has been launched</li>
<li>These cards will drop for DLC owners in the normal or Prestige Nightfall</li>
<li>The fireteam leader’s card is applied to the entire fireteam when launching the Prestige Nightfall</li>
<h3>Emblem Variants</h3>
<li>Crucible Emblems</li>
<li>Victorious Veteran tracks your lifetime Crucible kills and how many of each class you’ve defeated</li>
<li>Victorious Veteran has six variants: the first three variants are class specific, the last three are unlocked after defeating 1000 of that class in PVP</li>
<li>This emblem can be purchased from Shaxx after opening 10 faction packages</li>
<li>Destination Emblems</li>
<li>Lost Sector Emblems have been changed into Destination Emblems that track Lost Sectors Found, Region Chests Opened, and Ghost Scans Discovered</li>
<li>Note: Mercury only tracks Lost Sectors and Region Chests</li>
<li>Each Destination Emblem has four variants in addition to the default emblem</li>
<li>Each variant has a chance to drop from chests in the destination</li>
<li>For players who did not have the respective Lost Sector emblems, they may purchase the new destination emblems from the respective vendors after opening 10 faction packages</li>
<li>Nightfall Emblems</li>
<li>New Nightfall Emblems exist for each individual Nightfall strike and track your high score in that strike</li>
<li>Each Nightfall Emblem has 3 variants in addition to the default emblem, these variants have a chance to drop when you hit a certain score tier and complete the Nightfall</li>
<li>Raid Emblem “Glory To The Emperor” tracks total Leviathan clears on Prestige difficulty and unlocks the orange Prestige Raid Aura if you’ve completed a Prestige difficulty raid activity in the last 14 days</li>
<li>Trials Emblem “You Are Worthy”  tracks number of flawless tickets and unlocks the blue Trials Aura if you’ve gone flawless in the last 14 days</li>
<li>Nightfall Emblems awarded from completing each Nightfall strike track your high score in the respective Nightfall and unlock an aura if your high score in that strike is higher than a global target score</li>
<li>Opt-in Text Chat for PC is now available in Social Spaces and Public Areas</li>
<li>Fireteam members now appear on Destination Map</li>
<li>Damage Reduction granted by Armor Masterworks while a Super ability is active has been increased from 3% to 5% per armor piece</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Ammo Masterworks could decrease the maximum ammo capacity of a weapon</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where some players would have irretrievable items within the Postmaster</li>
<li>The Eater of Worlds Raid Lair will now grant Faction Tokens during Faction Rallies events</li>
<li>The Seeker of Brilliance and Seeker of Opulence perks on the Contender Ghost Shell may now trigger during the Crossing encounter of the Eater of Worlds Raid Lair</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in Trials of the Nine where players could receive erroneous losses if the opposing team left before match start</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where players could encounter BAT errors when joining a Mercury Adventure</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where players were placed facing the wrong direction after dunking an item during public events</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the Phoenix Dive Warlock Ability could be used to get out of the intended playspace</li>
<li>Helm of Saint-14 no longer affects allies when guarding with the Sentinel Shield Super</li>
<li>The Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Exotic now properly has three stat points</li>
<li>Projectiles from the Colony Exotic Grenade Launcher properly track enemies on PC when frame rate is set higher than 30 FPS</li>

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