09-07-2016, 11:25 PM
Steam ID: alecjames03
Link to Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...53510/home
In Game Name: RagingVomit
Timezone: Central
Why do you think you can be staff?
Answer- I owned a server called RagingRP, also an admin on Instant Reality Gaming (IRG), and was an admin on ChronicRP. I am on late at night, and also respond quick to any admin calls I may receive.
How will the server benefit?
I can reduce the amount of trolls on the server, especially on the weekends when I'm on up to 2am-4am in the morning when most griefers come out.
How old are you?
Do you have a mic?
Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
How much can you be online a week?
15-20 hours
I want to apply for admin now and hopefully work my way up to super admin if possible!
Link to Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...53510/home
In Game Name: RagingVomit
Timezone: Central
Why do you think you can be staff?
Answer- I owned a server called RagingRP, also an admin on Instant Reality Gaming (IRG), and was an admin on ChronicRP. I am on late at night, and also respond quick to any admin calls I may receive.
How will the server benefit?
I can reduce the amount of trolls on the server, especially on the weekends when I'm on up to 2am-4am in the morning when most griefers come out.
How old are you?
Do you have a mic?
Do you have TeamSpeak 3?
How much can you be online a week?
15-20 hours
I want to apply for admin now and hopefully work my way up to super admin if possible!