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Lizard Squad PS4 Jailbreak!!

Rumors have circulated that the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live hackers at Lizard Squad may be in possession of a genuine PS4 jailbreak tool with a 2015 release date. Should the report prove accurate, PS4 games can be pirated and PSN features can be obtained for free without the need for a PlayStation Plus subscription.

The news comes to Design & Trend via several prominent Sony hacking sites including PS3 Crunch. They point to a story from KDramaStars, which says that Lizard Squad may be in possession of hardware that allows for greater access to the PS4's Orbis operating system. It's alleged that Lizard Squad received beta PS4 jailbreak files from a hacker called Reckz0r, and those have lead to some pretty interesting results.
Specifically, with the right hardware, there's the chance for PS4 owners to play illegally obtained native games in ISO format. Additionally it's also mentioned that full online multiplayer functionality and DLC downloads can be obtained for free without Sony's permission.
Believe it or not, the report also goes on to suggest that Lizard Squad's recent DDoS attack on Sony's PlayStation Network is what allowed them to begin investigating this illicit venture. It's said that during the highly-publicized event, Lizard Squad was able to obtain certain information about PS4 system software version 2.03 that allowed a jailbreak to be possible. Upon taking a deeper look at Reckz0r's work, the group was able to adapt it to the updated environment.
That being said, there are plenty of reasons to take this recent PS4 jailbreak claim with a massive grain of salt. While KDramaStars says that a Lizard Squad member confirmed the existence of said jailbreak files on 4Chan, there's no evidence that such a quote exists. It should also be noted that many hallmark PS3 hacking sites previously debunked the existence of Reckz0r's PS4 jailbreak files as far back as last November. While Reckz0r claimed he was in contact with Sony officials over his illicit actions, the Twitter conversation was clearly PhotoShopped by attention seekers.
There's also the fact that Lizard Squad is known for taking aggressive steps to garner Internet attention as well. Prior to the group's Christmas Day PSN and Xbox Live outage, they tweeted that the event was going to happen. They also conversed with several high profile media outlets after the attack to express their views. In simple terms, Lizard Squad is a group of folks very concerned with generating hype. A story like this alleged PS4 jailbreak serves those ends quite well.
Taking both of these factors into account, it seems there's greater possibility of this news being a false rumor rather than anything related to fact.
Should that not be the case, the source story claims that Lizard Squad mentions a 2015 release date for its chip. Provided Sony doesn't patch the exploited security flaw prior to the device's release, owners will be able to enjoy free PlayStation Network access and PS4 games at their own risk.
whatsasick, proud to be a member of Sick Killed U since Jan 2015.

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