ULX Commands for Garry's Mod / GMOD | Full List - Printable Version +- Sick Gaming (https://www.sickgaming.net) +-- Forum: Our Game Servers (https://www.sickgaming.net/forum-58.html) +--- Forum: GMOD DarkRP (https://www.sickgaming.net/forum-59.html) +---- Forum: Discussion (https://www.sickgaming.net/forum-65.html) +---- Thread: ULX Commands for Garry's Mod / GMOD | Full List (/thread-82994.html) |
ULX Commands for Garry's Mod / GMOD | Full List - xSicKx - 08-29-2016 Here is all the commands for you! ULX <command> * Toggles the command on everyone on the server. ULX <command> ^ Toggles the command on yourself. Category: Fun ulx armor <players> <armor: 0<=x<=255> - Sets the armor for target(s). (say: !armor) ulx blind <players> [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Blinds target(s). (say: !blind) (opposite: ulx unblind) ulx cloak [<players, defaults to self>] [<amount: 0<=x<=255, default 255>] - Cloaks target(s). (say: !cloak) (opposite: ulx uncloak) ulx freeze <players> - Freezes target(s). (say: !freeze) (opposite: ulx unfreeze) ulx god [<players, defaults to self>] - Grants god mode to target(s). (say: !god) (opposite: ulx ungod) ulx hp <players> <hp: 1<=x<=2147483647> - Sets the hp for target(s). (say: !hp) ulx ignite <players> [<seconds: 1<=x<=300, default 300>] - Ignites target(s). (say: !ignite) (opposite: ulx unignite) ulx jail <players> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Jails target(s). (say: !jail) (opposite: ulx unjail) ulx jailtp <player> [<seconds, 0 is forever: 0<=x, default 0>] - Teleports, then jails target(s). (say: !jailtp) ulx maul <players> - Maul target(s). (say: !maul) ulx playsound <sound> - Plays a sound (relative to sound dir). ulx ragdoll <players> gdoll <players> - ragdolls target(s). (say: !ragdoll) (opposite: ulx unragdoll) ulx slap <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage. (say: !slap) ulx slay <players> - Slays target(s). (say: !slay) ulx sslay <players> - Silently slays target(s). (say: !sslay) ulx strip <players> - Strip weapons target(s). (say: !strip) ulx unigniteall - Extinguishes all players and all entities. (say: !unigniteall) ulx whip <players> [<times: 2<=x<=100, default 10>] [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Slaps target(s) x times with given damage each time. (say: !whip) Category: Rcon ulx cexec <players> {command} - Run a command on console of target(s). (say: !cexec) ulx ent <classname> [{<flag>:<value>}] - Spawn an ent, separate flag and value with ':'. ulx exec <file> - Execute a file from the cfg directory on the server. ulx luarun {command} - Executes lua in server console. (Use '=' for output) ulx rcon {command} - Execute command on server console. (say: !rcon) Category: User Management ulx addgroup <group> [<inherits from>] - Create a new group with optional inheritance. ulx adduser <player> <group> - Add a user to specified group. ulx adduserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <group> - Add a user by ID to specified group. ulx groupallow <group> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a group's access. ulx groupdeny <group> <command> - Remove from a group's access. ulx removegroup <group> - Removes a group. USE WITH CAUTION. ulx removeuser <player> - Permanently removes a user's access. ulx removeuserid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> - Permanently removes a user's access by ID. ulx renamegroup <current group> <new group> - Renames a group. ulx setgroupcantarget <group> [<target string>] - Sets what a group is allowed to target ulx userallow <player> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user's access. ulx userallowid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a user's access. ulx userdeny <player> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user's access. ulx userdenyid <SteamID, IP, or UniqueID> <command> [<remove explicit allow or deny instead of outright denying: 0/1>] - Remove from a user's access. ulx usermanagementhelp - See the user management help. Category: Utility ulx ban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target. (say: !ban) ulx banid <steamid> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans steamid. ulx debuginfo - Dump some debug information. ulx help - Shows this help. ulx kick <player> [{reason}] - Kicks target. (say: !kick) ulx map <map> [<gamemode>] - Changes map and gamemode. (say: !map) ulx noclip [<players, defaults to self>] - Toggles noclip on target(s). (say: !noclip) ulx resettodefaults [<string>] - Resets ALL ULX and ULib configuration! ulx spectate <player> - Spectate target. (say: !spectate) ulx unban <steamid> - Unbans steamid. ulx who - See information about currently online users. Category: Chat ulx asay {message} - Send a message to currently connected admins. (say: @) ulx csay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the middle of their screen. (say: @@@) ulx gag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone. (say: !gag) (opposite: ulx ungag) ulx gimp <players> - Gimps target(s) so they are unable to chat normally. (say: !gimp) (opposite: ulx ungimp) ulx mute <players> - Mutes target(s) so they are unable to chat. (say: !mute) (opposite: ulx unmute) ulx psay <player> {message} - Send a private message to target. (say: !p) ulx thetime - Shows you the server time. (say: !thetime) ulx tsay {message} - Send a message to everyone in the chat box. (say: @@) Category: Voting ulx veto - Veto a successful votemap (say: !veto) ulx vote <title> {options} - Starts a public vote. (say: !vote) ulx voteban <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 1440>] [{reason}] - Starts a public ban vote against target. (say: !voteban) ulx votekick <player> [{reason}] - Starts a public kick vote against target. (say: !votekick) ulx votemap [{map}] - Vote for a map, no args lists available maps. (say: !votemap) ulx votemap2 {map} - Starts a public map vote. (say: !votemap2) Category: Teleport ulx bring <player> - Brings target to you. (say: !bring) ulx goto <player> - Goto target. (say: !goto) ulx return [<player, defaults to self>] - Returns target to last position before a teleport. (say: !return) ulx send <player> <player> - Goto target. (say: !send) ulx teleport [<player, defaults to self>] - Teleports target. (say: !tp) Category: Menus ulx motd - Show the message of the day. (say: !motd) xgui <show, hide, toggle> - Opens and/or closes XGUI. (say: !xgui, !menu) (alias: ulx menu) xgui fban <player> - Opens the add ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the Name/SteamID automatically. (say: !fban) xgui xban <player> - Opens the add ban window and fills out Name/SteamID automatically if a player was specified. (say: !xban) Category: FAdmin Commands Admin Toggle: Command Type Values Description rp_AdminsSpawnWithCopWeapons Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable admins spawning with cops weapons(SUPERADMIN ONLY) rp_adminsents Toggle 0/1 Whether or not SENTs should be admin only. rp_adminsweps Toggle 0/1 Whether or not SWEPs should be admin only. rp_advertisements Toggle 0/1 Enable/Disable chatprint advertisements. rp_allowedprops Toggle 0/1 Whether or not the allowed props list is active. rp_allowrpnames Toggle 0/1 Allow Players to Set their RP names using the /rpname command. rp_allowvehiclenocollide Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable the ability to no-collide a vehicle (for security). rp_alltalk Toggle 0/1 Enable for global chat, disable for local chat. rp_babygod Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable People who have just spawned, are unable to die for 10 seconds. rp_bannedprops Toggle 0/1 Whether or not the banned props list is active. (overrides allowed props) rp_chiefjailpos Toggle 0/1 Allow the Chief to set the jail positions. rp_citpropertytax Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable property tax that is exclusive only for citizens. rp_copscanunfreeze Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable the ability of cops to freeze other people's props rp_customjobs Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable the /job command (personalized job names). rp_customspawns Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable whether custom spawns should be used. rp_deathblack Toggle 0/1 Whether or not a player sees black on death. rp_dm_autokick Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable Auto-kick of deathmatchers. rp_doorwarrants Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable Warrant requirement to enter property. rp_dropmoneyondeath Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable whether people drop money on death. rp_earthquakes Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable earthquakes. rp_enablebuypistol Toggle 0/1 Turn /buy on of off. rp_enablemayorsetsalary Toggle 0/1 Enable Mayor salary control. rp_enableshipments Toggle 0/1 Turn /buyshipment on of off. rp_enforcemodels Toggle 0/1 Whether or not to force players to use their role-defined character models. rp_globaltags Toggle 0/1 Whether or not to display player info above players' heads in-game. rp_ironshoot Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable whether people need iron sights to shoot. rp_letters Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable letter writing / typing. rp_license Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable People need a license to be able to pick up guns rp_logging Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable logging everything that happens. rp_lottery Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable creating lotteries for mayors rp_needwantedforarrest Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable Cops can only arrest wanted people. rp_noguns Toggle 0/1 Enabling this feature bans Guns and Gun Dealers. rp_norespawn Toggle 0/1 Enable/Disable that people don't have to respawn when they change job. rp_occ Toggle 0/1 Whether or not OOC tags are enabled. rp_physgun Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable Players spawning with physguns. rp_pocket Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable pocket swep. rp_propertytax Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable property tax. rp_proppaying Toggle 0/1 Whether or not players should pay for spawning props. rp_propspawning Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable props spawning for non-admins. rp_removeclassitems Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable shipments/microwaves/etc. removal when someone changes team. rp_restrictallteams Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable Players can only be citizen until an admin allows them. rp_restrictbuypistol Toggle 0/1 Enabling this feature makes /buy available only to Gun Dealers (if one or more). rp_restrictdrop Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable restricting which weapons players can drop. rp_showcrosshairs Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable crosshair visibility rp_showdeaths Toggle 0/1 Display kill information in the upper right corner of everyone's screen. rp_showjob Toggle 0/1 Whether or not to display a player's job above their head in-game. rp_showname Toggle 0/1 Whether or not to display a player's name above their head in-game. rp_strictsuicide Toggle 0/1 Whether or not players should spawn where they suicided (regardless of whether or not they are arrested. rp_telefromjail Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable teleporting from jail. rp_teletojail Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable teleporting to jail. rp_toolgun Toggle 0/1 Whether or not non-admin players spawn with toolguns. rp_voiceradius Toggle 0/1 Enable/disable local voice chat. Admin value: Command Type Values Description rp_ammopistolcost Value <Number> Sets the cost of pistol ammo. rp_ammoriflecost Value <Number> Sets the cost of rifle ammo. rp_ammoshotguncost Value <Number> Sets the cost of shotgun ammo. rp_arrestspeed Value <Number> Sets the max arrest speed. rp_babygodtime Value <Number> How long the babygod lasts rp_deathfee Value <Number> The amount of money someone drops when dead. rp_demotetime Value <Number> Number of seconds before a player can rejoin a team after demotion from that team. rp_dm_gracetime Value <Number> Number of seconds after killing a player that the killer will be watched for DM. rp_dm_maxkills Value <Number> Max number of kills allowed during rp_dm_gracetime to avoid being autokicked for DM. rp_doorcost Value <Number> Sets the cost of a door. rp_healthcost Value <Number> Sets the cost of health. rp_jailtimer Value <Number> Sets the jailtimer. (in seconds) rp_lotterycommitcost Value <Number> How much you pay for entering a lottery. rp_maxcopsalary Value <Number> Sets the max salary that the Mayor can give to a CP. rp_maxdrugs Value <Number> Sets max drugs. rp_maxfoods Value <Number> Sets the max food cartons per Microwave owner. rp_maxletters Value <Number> Sets max letters. rp_maxmayorsetsalary Value <Number> Sets the Max Salary that a Mayor can set for another player. rp_maxnormalsalary Value <Number> Sets the max normal salary. rp_maxvehicles Value <Number> Sets how many vehicles one can buy. rp_microwavefoodcost Value <Number> Sets the sale price of Microwave Food. rp_normalsalary Value <Number> Sets the starting salary for newly joined players. rp_npckillpay Value <Number> Sets the money given for each NPC kill. rp_paydelay Value <Number> Sets how long it takes before people get salary. rp_pocketitems Value <Number> Sets the amount of objects the pocket can carry. rp_printamount Value <Number> Value of the money printed by the money printer. rp_propcost Value <Number> How much prop spawning should cost. (prop paying must be enabled for this to have an effect) rp_quakechance_1_in Value <Number> Chance of an earthquake happening. rp_respawntime Value <Number> Minimum amount of seconds a player has to wait before respawning. rp_runspeed Value <Number> Sets the max running speed. rp_searchtime Value <Number> Number of seconds for which a search warrant is valid. rp_vehiclecost Value <Number> Sets the cost of a vehicle (To own it). rp_walkspeed Value <Number> Sets the max walking speed. rp_wantedtime Value <Number> Number of seconds for which a player is wanted for. Action commands: Command Type Description rp_addowner Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Add a co-owner to the door you're looking at. rp_arrest Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Arrest a player for a custom amount of time. If no time is specified, it will default to 120 seconds. rp_chatprefix Action Set the chat prefix for commands (like the / in /votecop or /job). rp_grant Action [tool|phys|admin|prop|cp|mayor] [nick|steamid|userid] - Gives a privilege to a player. rp_kick Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Kick a player. The reason is optional. rp_kickban Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Kick and ban a player. rp_lock Action Lock the door you're looking at. rp_own Action Own the door you're looking at. rp_removeletters Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Remove all letters for a given player (or all if none specified). rp_removeowner Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Remove co-owner from door you're looking at. rp_revoke Action [tool|phys|admin|prop|cp|mayor] [nick|steamid|userid] - Revokes a privilege from a player. rp_setaalary Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Set a player's Roleplay Salary. rp_setmoney Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Set a player's money to a specific amount. rp_tell Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Send a noticeable message to a named player. rp_unarrest Action [nick|steamid|userid] - Unarrest a player. rp_unlock Action Unlock the door you're looking at. rp_unown Action Remove ownership from the door you're looking at. And there you, not sure if any were missed, but all I could come up with. |