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News - This Week At Bungie – 7/25/2019

This Week At Bungie – 7/25/2019

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1270" height="400" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, things are heating up for Solstice of Heroes.</p>
<div>The next big beat for Season of Opulence is almost upon us. Solstice of Heroes is bringing new Moments of Triumph to complete and a new title for Guardians to earn. You’ll also be challenged to upgrade a Solstice of Heroes armor set by completing various objectives throughout <i>Destiny 2</i>. If you missed our <a href="" title target>Solstice of Heroes 2019 announcement article</a> yesterday, make sure to check it out. We have a cool trailer to go with it!</div>
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<p>If you have what it takes to fully upgrade your armor set to the Legendary tier, you’ll also find an armor 2.0 version of you Solstice of Heroes set at the Gunsmith when <i>Shadowkeep</i> launches.</p>
<p>While the event begins next week, Lord Saladin didn’t want you sitting idle. The Iron Banner is in full swing, bringing Power-enabled PvP combat back into the fold. If you’re hunting advanced perks on Legendary armor, be sure to complete Saladin’s bounties and quest line. A few changes are coming next week for both that quest and a certain wolf-themed weapon, so let’s get to it.</p>
<p>Sometimes there are weapons that bring a bit of chaos to the meta. The weekend of Prometheus Lens, otherwise known as “Laser Tag Weekend,” is a great example. Lord of Wolves also falls into this category. Next week, <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2 will reign in the wolves a bit by reducing the amount of ammo Guardians pick up and toning down the effective range of the weapon. As promised last month, we’ve created an emblem and Triumph for those who braved the wolves during the Season of Opulence. Next week, qualifying players will receive a “Lost History” package at the postmaster, which will unlock a unique Triumph. Once the Triumph is claimed, the emblem will be granted.</p>
<img src=";av=167593628"></div>
<p>To qualify for the “Wolves Unleashed” emblem, players must have finished an Iron Banner match between 10 AM PDT June 18 and 10 AM PDT June 25 2019 or between 10 AM PDT July 23 and 10 AM PDT July 30 2019.</p>
<p>Additionally, we’ve created an emblem for those who embraced the madness back in 2017, when skulls were melted during the reign of Prometheus Lens.</p>
<img src=";av=167593628"></div>
<p>To qualify for the “Prismatic Inferno” emblem, players must have finished a Crucible match between 10 AM PST December 8 and 10 AM PST December 12 2017.</p>
<p>While we don’t intend for these chaotic micro-events to happen, it can be an exciting time when things get a little crazy. We hope these emblems bring fond memories of the battlefield. Who knows—maybe a new weapon will dominate the Crucible come <i>Shadowkeep</i>. Only time will tell.</p>
<h2>Two Five Two</h2>
<p>As mentioned above, <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2 will be released next week, kicking off Solstice of Heroes and bringing some balance to Lord of Wolves. There will also be a few more changes and fixes within the update that have been highly requested by the community. Here’s a quick preview of what’s to come:</p>
<li>Lord of Wolves</li>
<li>Reducing the amount of ammo Shotgun scavenger perks can give to Lord of Wolves when in the Release the Wolves state</li>
<li>Decreasing the effective range on Lord of Wolves</li>
<li>This decrease is more aggressive when in the Release the Wolves state</li>
<li>Tribute Hall</li>
<li>Tribute Hall Triumphs for “The Emperor’s Gladiator” and “Scoundrel in Uniform” will no longer require a full set of Leviathan gear equipped to progress</li>
<li>Players will earn more points based on the number of gear pieces worn, similar to other Triumphs</li>
<li>Iron Banner</li>
<li>Iron Banner quest objective values will been adjusted for future events</li>
<li>Reducing&nbsp; grenade kills required by 50%, and ally grenade kills will be worth as much as your own</li>
<li>Reducing Sword kills required by 25%, and ally sword kills will be worth as much as your own</li>
<li>Heroic Menagerie will drop a Sword for first time completion (100%)</li>
<li>Subsequent completions will have a moderate chance to drop a sword (25%)</li>
<li>Fixing an issue where completion notifications did not appear after completing bounties</li>
<li>This will also fix an issue where players would sometimes not spawn during a Crucible match</li>
<div>There will be additional bug fixes and general updates, so stay tuned to <a href="" title target>@BungieHelp</a> for patch notes when the download becomes available next Tuesday.</div>
<h2>Patch Prep</h2>
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<p>Some call them detectives, others see them as bug exterminators. Destiny Player Support is on the case, bringing you vital information to keep you up to speed when downloading and installing <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><b><i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2</b></p>
<div>Next Tuesday, on July 30, Update 2.5.2 will roll out to all players in <i>Destiny 2</i>. This update will mark the beginning to Solstice of Heroes, and is required in order to access <i>Destiny 2</i> once it has been deployed. Listed below is the <a href="" title target>release timeline</a> for this update.</div>
<p>Tuesday, July 30:</p>
<li>9 AM PDT (1600 UTC): <i>Destiny 2</i> maintenance will begin. Destiny Companion features will be taken offline.</li>
<li>9:45 AM PDT (1645 UTC): <i>Destiny 2</i> will be taken offline. All players will be returned to the title screen.</li>
<li>10 AM PDT (1700 UTC): <i>Destiny 2</i> will be back online. Maintenance will be ongoing. Update 2.5.2 will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.*</li>
<li>11 AM PDT (1800 UTC): Maintenance will conclude. Destiny Companion features will be back online. Solstice of Heroes will begin.</li>
<p>*Players on console who are taking an abnormally long time to receive this update should try updating manually. Follow the links below for instructions on how to accomplish this:</p>
<p>Players who still do not see this update may wish to try power cycling their console hardware. To do this, players should:</p>
<li>Completely power down the console. Ensure that the device is not in rest mode.</li>
<li>Unplug the console from its power source.</li>
<li>Wait five minutes.</li>
<li>Plug back in and try again.</li>
<p>If the update is available, it should begin downloading automatically after power cycling the console hardware. If not, players may wish to try manually checking for this update once more before resorting to another power cycle.</p>
<div>For live updates, players should follow <a href="" title target>@BungieHelp</a> on Twitter or monitor our support feed at <a href="" title target></a>. For patch notes when they become available, players should stay tuned to our <a href="" title target>Updates</a>&nbsp;page.</div>
<p><b>Vital Information: Emperor’s Gladiator Triumph</b></p>
<p>This week, Iron Banner has returned and bonus Valor is active in all Crucible playlists.</p>
<p>Players should be aware that the Tribute Hall Triumph “Emperor’s Gladiator,” which requires players to earn Valor from the Crucible while wearing Calus gear, does not gain extra progress while bonus Valor is active.</p>
<p>Players will continue to earn progress toward this Triumph; however, progress will be applied at its normal rate.</p>
<p><b><i>Destiny 2</i>: Season of Opulence Known Issues</b></p>
<div>Listed below are the latest player-impacting issues discovered in Season of Opulence, as reported by players to the <a href="" title target>#Help forum</a>.</div>
<li>Crucible Invisibility: We have identified an issue causing some players to appear nearly invisible intermittently during Crucible matches. This issue is expected to be resolved in <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2 next week.</li>
<li>Strike Loading: We have identified an issue causing players to sometimes get stuck with “Loading” on their screen during strike activities. This issue is expected to be resolved in <i>Destiny 2</i> Update 2.5.2 next week.</li>
<h2>One Last Wish—No Wait, Maybe One More…</h2>
<img src=";av=167593628"></div>
<p>Life’s greatest questions have always been: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What you are about to watch probably won’t answer those questions, but they may inspire you to slay an Ahamkara.</p>
<p><b>MOTW: Solo Riven, but this time only one floor</b></p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='1136' height='641' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: Rivens’ Last Array</b></p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='1136' height='641' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<div>If you’d like to put your name in the hat for Movie of the Week, make sure to post your content to the <a href="" title target>Community Creations page</a> on, or throw a video to <a href="" title target>myself</a> or <a href="" title target>Cozmo</a> on Twitter.</div>
<p> </p>
<div>This week, another promise was kept. During the GuardianCon Charity Marathon, one of our donation goal incentives was for me to get a tattoo.&nbsp; Not only did you smash that goal, but you more than doubled it. While I wasn’t surprised, I was more than overjoyed to know that this community was at the ready to donate for the little lights out there. As such, I doubled down on the commitment. Many thanks to our friend <a href="" title target>Ingrid</a>&nbsp;at <a href="" title target>Damask Tattoo</a> for helping us to fulfill the goal.&nbsp;</div>

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