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Mobile - Coin Master free spins – daily links

Coin Master free spins – daily links

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="900" height="506" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p class="intro_text">Wondering how to get&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Coin Master</a> free spins? You’ve come to the right place. This is&nbsp;an addictive mobile game by design. It combines the thrill of playing slots with the social battling of Clash of Clans to create something that you just can’t put down; in a good way. The problem is, you so often have to put it down if you’re not willing to fork out the&nbsp;cash for regular spins. That’s understandable when as little as 30 spins will set you back £1.99 in the UK or $1.99 in the US.</p>
<p>Fortunately for you though, there are a wide number of means of getting <strong>Coin Master free spins</strong>, reducing the need for you to spend and increasing the speed at which you can progress throughout this addictive experience. Many of them are easy to pull off too, so you don’t have to worry about going through complicated maneuvres to carry on playing your favourite game.</p>
<p>In this guide, we’re going to provide you with all of the ways you can get your hands on a few free spins here and there. This will allow you to continue playing long after your daily free spins run out, and provide you with the means of getting extra, without the need to spend your hard-earned money on premium spins in the game’s store. We’d also recommend checking out our <a href="" rel="noopener">Coin Master free cards</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener">Coin Master free coins</a> guides to get even more rewards.</p>
<h2>Coin master free spins – daily links:</h2>
<p>Below are daily links that you can follow to get a bunch of free spins in Coin Master. We update these every day with new links so it’s worth bookmarking this page and checking back each day to get even more.</p>
<p>It’s worth noting that the links expire after three days, so those from the two prior are still good to go.</p>
<p><strong>December 26</strong></p>
<p><strong>December 25</strong></p>
<p><strong>December 24</strong></p>
<p><a data-has="image" href="" class="gallery" rel="noopener"><span class></span><img class="alignnone wp-image-8837 size-large lazyload" title="coin-master-free-spins-coins" alt="Coin Master free spins coins" width="900" height="506" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 213w, 740w, 768w, 580w, 297w, 183w, 280w, 263w, 233w, 124w"></a></p>
<h2>How can I get free spins in Coin Master?</h2>
<p>Here are a bunch of tips to&nbsp;help you get even more free spins in Coin Master.</p>
<p><strong>Follow coin master on social media</strong></p>
<p>Each day, Moon Active, Coin Master’s developer, provides a bunch of links that you can follow to get your hands on Coin Master free spins. If you keep on top of this, you can get a steady stream of free stuff for very little effort. You can follow Coin Master on <a href="" rel="noopener">Facebook</a> or <a href="" rel="noopener">Twitter</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Sign up for email gifts</strong></p>
<p>If you sign up for email gifts, you can get yourself a handful of Coin Master free spins every single day just be following a link on your phone. We haven’t encountered any spam from signing up so far either, so it’s a quick and easy method of getting yourself some tasty free spins.</p>
<p>Each time you invite a friend who successfully joins Coin Master through Facebook, you’ll get 40 Coin Master free spins, which is considerable. They don’t even have to actually play the game; they simply have to download it and login via their Facebook account to get you the free spins. Of course, it’s in both your interests to actually play it, which brings us nicely to our next point.</p>
<p><a data-has="image" href="" class="gallery" rel="noopener"><span class></span><img class="alignnone wp-image-8839 size-large lazyload" title="coin-master-free-spins-pets" alt="Coin Master free spins pets" width="900" height="506" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 213w, 740w, 768w, 580w, 297w, 183w, 280w, 263w, 233w, 124w"></a></p>
<p><strong>Request spins as gifts</strong></p>
<p>You can get up to 100 Coin Master free spins per day from friends, though to get to those heights you’ll need 100 active friends who are kind enough to send you a gift each day. Each gift consists of a single free spin.</p>
<p>Unless you’re incredibly popular, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll have 100 friends; let alone 100 that will actually deign to play a game with you. We recommend heading on over to the official Reddit community or Facebook communities to try and find people willing to play with you.</p>
<p><strong>Watch video ads</strong></p>
<p>You can get a limited number of Coin Master free spins per day by watching a video ad. Simply scroll to the slot machine and tap on the spin energy button on the bottom right. If it’s not there, you’ve run out of free spins you can get through this method for the day, but if it is, simply tap on it and you’ll watch an ad.</p>
<p>Ironically, you can actually get a ton of Coin Master free spins by, well, spinning. If you get three spin energy symbols in a row, you’ll get a bunch of free spins. Pick up a chain of them and you can spin for ages before you run out.</p>
<p><strong>Level up your village</strong></p>
<p>Each time you level up your village, you’ll get a bunch of Coin Master free spins. It’s not easy&nbsp;though, as it costs a considerable amount of gold to purchase new buildings and improve them, and you have to purchase every single one of them, including improvements, to level up. That’s going to cost a lot of spins, as it is.</p>
<p><strong>Participate in events</strong></p>
<p>There’s almost always at least one event happening in Coin Master, and it can absolutely shower you with free spins. While viewing the slot machine, look at the top right of the screen. Any virtual buttons that you can see beneath the menu (which is displayed as three lines) is an event. Tap on one and you’ll see what each event involves.</p>
<p>Take advantage of these events and you can get yourself a lot more Coin Master free spins than usual.</p>
<p>This is an obvious suggestion, but it’s actually worth taking into consideration. You get five free spins every single hour, and you can only hold a maximum of 50 spins at any one time. That means every ten hours you’ll hit the maximum number of spins, and any Coin Master free spins you would have earned after that will cease to exist.</p>
<p>So, we recommend setting a reminder to visit Coin Master every ten hours at least to spend your spins so you are always earning more. You’ll actually end up earning a huge number of extra spins if you’re dedicated, so it’s totally worth doing.</p>
<p><a data-has="image" href="" class="gallery" rel="noopener"><span class></span><img class="alignnone wp-image-8838 size-large lazyload" title="coin-master-free-spins-jackpot" alt="Coin Master free spins jackpot" width="900" height="506" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 213w, 740w, 768w, 580w, 297w, 183w, 280w, 263w, 233w, 124w"></a></p>
<h2>Coin Master free spins FAQ:</h2>
<p>Now, we’ll answer a bunch of questions you may have regarding getting Coin Master free spins.</p>
<p><strong>Do Coin Master spins links expire?</strong></p>
<p>Yes, the daily links that we include at the top of this page expire after three days, which is why we only include those from today and the two days prior.</p>
<p><strong>Can I get Coin Master 50 spin rewards?</strong></p>
<p>Coin Master 50 spin rewards most commonly appear during in-game events, like those that reward you for raiding or battling other players. There’s also a small chance to get this number from daily links, so bookmark this page and check back often.</p>
<p><strong>How do I get Coin Master 60 spins?</strong></p>
<p>Yes, though it doesn’t appear to happen often from daily links. We’d recommend playing often and participating in events, and following the social media channels to find out what’s happening soon.</p>
<p><strong>How do I get&nbsp;Coin Master 70 spins?</strong></p>
<p>We’ve never seen a Coin Master 70 spin reward appear as part of the daily links, but it has been known to appear as part of special events.</p>
<p>To get your hands on this rare reward, we would recommend playing on a daily basis and following the social media channels to get an indication of when the next big event will take place.</p>
<p><strong>How do I get Coin Master 100 spins?</strong></p>
<p>Yes, though not from the daily links. We’ve seen this number of free spins appear often during in-game events, most notably for those that reward you for raiding and participating in PvP battles.</p>
<p>Play often and follow the social media channels for events to keep an eye out for this.</p>
<p><strong>How do&nbsp;I get Coin Master 400 spins?</strong></p>
<p>Again, 400 spin rewards don’t seem to appear as part of the daily rewards cycle, but have been known to crop up during events. Follow the socials and play regularly to get the best chance at this reward.</p>

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