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Hands-On With Sound Particles

Hands-On With Sound Particles

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<p>Sound Particles is a one of a kind program for rendering 3D audio, capable of supporting thousands to millions of sounds in your simulation. Sound Particles has been battle tested used in big budgets movies such as Alita, Ready Player One and the new Star Wars films, as well as games such as Assassins Creed Origin.</p>
<p><a href="">Features </a>of Sound Particles:</p>
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<p>Sound Particles is a sound design software application capable of generating thousands (even millions) of sounds in a virtual 3D audio world. This immersive audio application will enable you to create highly complex sounds on the fly, which will ultimately enable you to design sound better and faster than ever.</p>
<p><strong>Sound Design</strong><br />The best 3D software for complex sound design. Used for film, videogames and virtual reality.</p>
<p><strong>Postproduction</strong><br />Working in postproduction? Use Sound Particles to add depth and richness to your sounds.</p>
<p><strong>Immersive Audio</strong><br />Supports immersive audio formats, such as Ambisonics, Dolby Atmos, Auro 3d and much more.</p>
<p>If you are interested in trying this unique audio application they have a fully functional demonstration available for Windows and Mac <a href="">available here</a>. All licenses are currently 50% off during <a href="">Black Friday/Cyber Monday</a> from indie to enterprise licenses. You can see Sound Particles in action in the <a href="">video </a>below. Sounds used during this demo were all downloaded from the excellent <a href=""> website</a>.</p>
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