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NVIDIA RTX Voice Hands-On Review

NVIDIA RTX Voice Hands-On Review

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<p>In the age of COVID, with so many people working from home or in out of the ordinary scenarios, we may not necessarily have a ton of control over our environment. This means noise cancellation is perhaps more important than it has ever been. We are not immune to the effects and the audio quality of GFS videos have certainly suffered in the last few months. Enter <a href="">RTX Voice</a>.</p>
<p>If you are unaware, RTX Voice is a free plugin from NVIDIA that uses machine learning to filter out background noise. RTX Voice is described as:</p>
<blockquote class="wp-block-quote">
<p>NVIDIA RTX Voice is a new plugin that leverages NVIDIA RTX GPUs and their AI capabilities to remove distracting background noise from your broadcasts, voice chats, and remote video conferencing meetings. This allows users to “go live” or join a meeting without having to worry about unwanted sounds like loud keyboard typing or other ambient noise in noisy environments. RTX Voice also suppresses background noise from players in loud environments, making incoming audio easier to understand.</p>
<p>RTX Voice requires an RTX 2060 or higher and works with the vast majority of video capture applications including OBS Studio and Camtasia. The also offer RTX Voice support in their more comprehensive, but also free, <a href="">Broadcast App</a>.</p>
<p>We decided to put RTX Voice to the test in a simulated real world environment, using a<a href=""> Shure MV51</a> microphone and a <a href="">Logitech Pro X</a> headset (affiliate links). The tests were done with RTX Off and On with each device, as well as with background noise including typing and television. You can see (and hear!) the results in the <a href="">video </a>below (or watch on <a href="">Odysee</a>).</p>
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