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MagicaVoxel Released

MagicaVoxel Released

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="831" height="346" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>The popular free Voxel application <a href="">MagicaVoxel </a>just got a new release, This release isn’t just significant for adding a large number of features added, but also because it may be the last release we see for quite some time.</p>
<p>A tweet sequence from <a href="">@ephtracy</a>, MagicaVoxel’s creator:</p>
<figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt class="wp-image-23616" width="623" height="260"></figure>
<p>Now back to the release, details from the <a href="">release notes</a>:</p>
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<p><strong>New Unified Material System[06/30/2020]</strong></p>
<li><kbd>Blend Material</kbd>: weighted blending Metal/Plastic/Glass/Cloud materials (similar to Disney Principled BRDF).</li>
<li><kbd>SSS Material</kbd>: sub-surface scattering.&nbsp;<kbd>transparency</kbd>&nbsp;tp control light transmission.&nbsp;<kbd>density</kbd>&nbsp;to control light scattering.</li>
<li><kbd>Aborb/Scatter/Emissive Media Material</kbd>: emissive cloud. can be contained in the glass with&nbsp;<kbd>ior &gt; 1</kbd>.</li>
<li><kbd>Improved Alpha Blending</kbd>: glass material, absorb media type, density = 0, ior = 0, transparency &gt; 0</li>
<p><strong>New Transform and Voxel Shader Brushes[09/26/2020]</strong></p>
<li>Refactored the brush menu and add icons.</li>
<li><kbd>Voxel Shader Brush</kbd>&nbsp;to use Voxel Shaders interactively and directly.</li>
<li><kbd>Transform-&gt;Scale Brush</kbd>&nbsp;: live scale models, point sampled, low quality but fast.</li>
<li><kbd>Transform-&gt;Wrap Brush</kbd>&nbsp;: live wrap/crop models with mirroring and spacing modes.</li>
<li><kbd>Geometry Mode-&gt;Line/Square/Circle</kbd>: the old center mode is combined with the old line mode</li>
<li><kbd>World Editor-&gt;Pattern and Wrap Brush</kbd>: can create patterns from selected object (check the pattern model menu on the right panel).</li>
<p><strong>Rotate Transform Brush [09/26/2020]</strong></p>
<li>Axis rotate : press any inner circle.</li>
<li>Screen rotate : press the outer circle.</li>
<li>Sphere rotate : press any point inside the outer circle.</li>
<li>Snap rotate : press&nbsp;<kbd>SHIFT&nbsp;</kbd>or&nbsp;<kbd>SHIFT+ALT&nbsp;</kbd>to snap angle to multiple of 5 or 15.</li>
<p><strong>Voxel Shader[09/13/2020]</strong></p>
<li>no need to define&nbsp;<kbd>id</kbd>&nbsp;for arguments.</li>
<li>use&nbsp;<kbd>var</kbd>&nbsp;to define alias of arguments. same as&nbsp;<kbd>float var = i_args[id];</kbd>.</li>
<li>can import and export arguments values.</li>
<li>can display compile errors in the console window.</li>
<li>can get color selections via:&nbsp;<kbd>color_sel()</kbd>.</li>
<li>can get palette color via:&nbsp;<kbd>palette().</kbd></li>
<li>increase number of arguments to&nbsp;<kbd>16</kbd>.</li>
<li>add interation number to the interface.</li>
<li>Boolean operations for groups and objects.</li>
<li><kbd>Modify-&gt;Mask/Texture</kbd>: mask and texture models with pattern models.</li>
<li>Sort: only sorts selected colors if number of selection is greater than one.</li>
<li>command&nbsp;log: display count of models, scene size, count of voxels for each color, etc.</li>
<li>command&nbsp;shear [axis] [scale] [scale] shear model, e.g.&nbsp;<kbd>shear z 0.2 0.2&nbsp;</kbd>.</li>
<p><strong>Camera Control Panel[09/26/2020]</strong></p>
<li>click the arrow on the bottom bar to show the camera control panel.</li>
<li>can change camera global/local position, pitch/yaw/roll angles, save/load camera slots, etc.</li>
<li>press SHIFT to change values in smaller steps.</li>
<li>the nine values can also be modified by cmds&nbsp;<kbd>cam x/y/z tx/ty/tz rx/ry/rz</kbd></li>
<p><strong>Pattern Pack[09/26/2020]</strong></p>
<li>can load all the models in a project as a pattern pack.</li>
<li>can create pattern pack from multiple selected objects.</li>
<li>use left/right mouse button to rotate the preview model; use mouse wheel to zoom in/out.</li>
<li>use&nbsp;<kbd>1/2&nbsp;</kbd>to select previous/next color in the palette.</li>
<li>use&nbsp;<kbd>ctrl+alt&nbsp;</kbd>to switch to pattern tool.</li>
<li>use&nbsp;<kbd>ctrl&nbsp;</kbd>to switch to free move tool.</li>
<li>use&nbsp;<kbd>ESC&nbsp;</kbd>to switch between pattern/move brush and select brush in the world editor.</li>
<p>You can learn more about the release in the <a href="">video </a>below. Hopefully this doesn’t mark the final release and after a long well earned pause, MagicaVoxel development will resume!</p>
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