09-20-2020, 08:23 PM
Castle Game Engine Hands-On
<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="https://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/castle-game-engine-hands-on.jpg" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="https://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/castle-game-engine-hands-on.jpg" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>The <a href="https://castle-engine.io/">Castle Game Engine</a> is a pretty unique option. It’s a long running open source 2D/3D game engine for Pascal and Delphi developers with a recent emphasis on improving the editing experience. Hand and hand with the Castle engine is the <a href="https://www.lazarus-ide.org/">Lazarus IDE</a> and the open source Pascal implementation Free Pascal, which are required for Castle game development.</p>
<p>Top features of Castle include:</p>
<li>Use <strong>any 3D or 2D software</strong> to create your models in various formats: glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, Collada…</li>
<li>Develop <strong>cross-platform</strong> applications, for desktop (<strong>Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD…</strong>), mobile (<strong>Android, iOS</strong>), consoles (<strong>Nintendo Switch</strong>) and other devices (<strong>Raspberry Pi</strong>).</li>
<li><a href="https://castle-engine.io/manual_editor.php"><strong>Visual editor</strong></a> to design games UI and to build applications, powerful command-line <strong>build tool</strong> under the hood.</li>
<li>Optimized rendering with a lot of graphic effects (<strong>physically-based rendering, shadows, mirrors, bump mapping, shader effects, gamma correction</strong>…).</li>
<li><strong>Build and edit</strong> the scene graph (X3D) <strong>at runtime</strong>. Create 3D processing, visualization tools and CAD applications.</li>
<li>Extensible system for game objects, with <strong>physics, creatures with AI and navmesh</strong>, and more.</li>
<li>Access numerous <strong>services, like in-app purchases and game services</strong> on mobile devices.</li>
<li>Create <strong>cross-platform user-interface with anchors and automatic scaling</strong>.</li>
<li>Code in modern Object Pascal, an efficient OOP language with cross-platform open-source compiler (FPC), compiled to a native optimized code.</li>
<p>If you are interested in learning more about the Castle game engine be sure to check out the <a href="https://youtu.be/GqTgbRa5Bq0">video below</a> (or watch it <a href="https://odysee.com/@gamefromscratch:1/castle-game-engine-pascal-lives:a">here on Odysee</a>). The Castle developers have also recently released a document making it easier for Unity developers to get up to speed with key concepts in Castle, which is <a href="https://castle-engine.io/wp/2020/09/13/cge-overview-for-unity-developers-example-of-anisotropic-filtering/">available here.</a> If you are interested in getting started with Castle and Lazarus, step by step instructions are <a href="https://castle-engine.io/documentation.php">available here</a>.</p>
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<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="https://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/castle-game-engine-hands-on.jpg" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="https://www.sickgaming.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/castle-game-engine-hands-on.jpg" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>The <a href="https://castle-engine.io/">Castle Game Engine</a> is a pretty unique option. It’s a long running open source 2D/3D game engine for Pascal and Delphi developers with a recent emphasis on improving the editing experience. Hand and hand with the Castle engine is the <a href="https://www.lazarus-ide.org/">Lazarus IDE</a> and the open source Pascal implementation Free Pascal, which are required for Castle game development.</p>
<p>Top features of Castle include:</p>
<li>Use <strong>any 3D or 2D software</strong> to create your models in various formats: glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, Collada…</li>
<li>Develop <strong>cross-platform</strong> applications, for desktop (<strong>Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD…</strong>), mobile (<strong>Android, iOS</strong>), consoles (<strong>Nintendo Switch</strong>) and other devices (<strong>Raspberry Pi</strong>).</li>
<li><a href="https://castle-engine.io/manual_editor.php"><strong>Visual editor</strong></a> to design games UI and to build applications, powerful command-line <strong>build tool</strong> under the hood.</li>
<li>Optimized rendering with a lot of graphic effects (<strong>physically-based rendering, shadows, mirrors, bump mapping, shader effects, gamma correction</strong>…).</li>
<li><strong>Build and edit</strong> the scene graph (X3D) <strong>at runtime</strong>. Create 3D processing, visualization tools and CAD applications.</li>
<li>Extensible system for game objects, with <strong>physics, creatures with AI and navmesh</strong>, and more.</li>
<li>Access numerous <strong>services, like in-app purchases and game services</strong> on mobile devices.</li>
<li>Create <strong>cross-platform user-interface with anchors and automatic scaling</strong>.</li>
<li>Code in modern Object Pascal, an efficient OOP language with cross-platform open-source compiler (FPC), compiled to a native optimized code.</li>
<p>If you are interested in learning more about the Castle game engine be sure to check out the <a href="https://youtu.be/GqTgbRa5Bq0">video below</a> (or watch it <a href="https://odysee.com/@gamefromscratch:1/castle-game-engine-pascal-lives:a">here on Odysee</a>). The Castle developers have also recently released a document making it easier for Unity developers to get up to speed with key concepts in Castle, which is <a href="https://castle-engine.io/wp/2020/09/13/cge-overview-for-unity-developers-example-of-anisotropic-filtering/">available here.</a> If you are interested in getting started with Castle and Lazarus, step by step instructions are <a href="https://castle-engine.io/documentation.php">available here</a>.</p>
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<div class="ast-oembed-container"><iframe class='youtube-player' width='1500' height='844' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/GqTgbRa5Bq0?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe></div>
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