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News - This Week At Bungie – 8/13/2020

This Week At Bungie – 8/13/2020

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="2560" height="1440" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we kicked off Solstice of Heroes.</p>
<p>If you’re anything like us, you’re probably neck deep in Majestic armor, smashing through the Solstice of Heroes event. Our yearly celebration of Guardians near and far has begun. Solar, Arc, and Void have each taken a turn in the daily rotation of elemental damage. A few of you have already completed the majority of objectives towards your first Magnificent armor set, and are already off to the races on your alternate classes.</p>
<p>Tomorrow, Trials of Osiris will return at 10 AM PT. Seven wins might be all that’s standing between you and your Magnificent glow. Form your fireteam, grab your bounties, and get ready for a fight.</p>
<p>Before we get deeper in the TWAB, we’ve been seeing some questions on rewards for Solstice 2020 in comparison to years past. Let’s take a moment to clear up some confusion.</p>
<p>Last year, a Legendary Sparrow was available to anyone who fully Masterworked every armor piece for all three classes. We got quite a bit of feedback that this felt a little <i>too </i>grindy for a limited-time event. This year, we shifted focus to the individual Solstice of Heroes sets that you’ll be investing time in over the next few weeks. Rather than a single reward after completing the armor on all three characters, we’re providing a free glow when earning the Magnificent armor sets, per class.</p>
<p>Additionally, we’re seeing some players asking why Magnificent armor isn’t fully Masterworked when earned. This year, our approach was to give players a new path to earn high-stat rolled armor pieces outside of raids. As these armor sets have a Max Power Cap of 1,360, they’ll also have a lifespan that lasts through multiple seasons. End result: Players can spend their time finding that perfect roll through Solstice packages for the duration of Solstice of Heroes. <b>Even after the event has concluded</b>, players can Masterwork their armor pieces at their leisure, and finish up some of their final Majestic objectives to unlock their glow.</p>
<img src=";av=1225552948"></div>
<p>As a final note: Obtaining Majestic armor sets will grant progress bonuses on your other classes. So, if you’re like me and got your Magnificent Hunter set already, you’ll have a 2x progress bonus for your next character’s Renewed and Majestic armor objectives. Once you finish that character up, your third (and maybe final) character will have a 3x progress bonus for armor objectives. Pretty sweet, huh? With this change compared to last year’s event, we’re expecting to see more players getting all three sets.</p>
<p>We’ll be watching the conversation for the duration of the event, so be sure to sound off with feedback as you fly through the EAZ!</p>
<h2>Bungie Foundation Update</h2>
<p>It’s hard to believe that Bungie Day was a month ago. Time is flying by! We’ve been eager to give an update from the Bungie Foundation, concerning the Empathic Ghost Shell and the Bungie Foundation Emblem charity initiatives that were available. <b>Senior Foundation Manager Christine Edwards</b> is here today to share the details:</p>
<p><b>Christine: </b>Last month we celebrated Bungie Day, a beloved tradition that celebrates the best of our community – the camaraderie, the competition, and the care we all have for one another. This year we invited you to incorporate charitable giving into your festivities and you all stepped up in a big way!</p>
<p>We unlocked two unique ways to participate, first through direct donations and second through in-game purchases in the Eververse store. Because of each of you, we raised $602,204.31 in donations and $555,639.06 from the Empathetic Ghost shell, for a whopping <b>$1,157,843.37</b>! Every single dollar will go directly to helping kids in children’s hospitals across the country by bringing them engaging digital entertainment that will brighten their day, make their treatments a little bit more bearable, and will remind them that even during hard times, their number one job is to play, smile, and be a kid.</p>
<p>As the parent of one of our patients put it, “[iPads for Kids] has made the experience more like home. It has helped keep King engaged and distracted from the pain.”</p>
<p>Another parent told us, “Draven is three years old and has been in the hospital for ATRT in his brain since December 29, 2019. Draven just loves the iPad; it has helped him in so many ways. When he cries and we give him the iPad he stops crying. There’s been times where he will fall asleep playing the iPad.”</p>
<img src=";av=1225552948"></div>
<p>Each one of you who has given generously to the iPads for Kids program over the past few years has played a direct role in creating smiles, hope, and laughter for kids like King and Draven, along with hundreds of thousands of other kids just like them.</p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Time and time again, you come together to show the world what Guardians stand for. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being one of the best communities in this solar system.</p>
<h2>Feeling Fashionable?&nbsp;</h2>
<p>With some new Majestic armor sets in the game, we’d be crazy if we didn’t host another fashion show. For those new to the conversation, every so often we challenge players to strut their stuff in the wilds of Destiny 2. Mixing shaders, armor pieces, Exotics, and ornaments to find the perfect set, and bonus points to those who find the perfect destination for their photo shoot. If you’re selected, you’ll walk home with a fancy emblem for your troubles.</p>
<img src=";av=1225552948"></div>
<div>Solstice is a celebration, and we’re excited to highlight your fashion sense. Glow up, embrace your Arc, Solar, or Void side, and send some screenshots to <a href="" title target>@Bungie</a> on Twitter with the hashtag #SolsticeFashionShow. We’ll be retweeting winners through Thursday, August 20.</div>
<p>Now, it wouldn’t be a fashion show without theming:</p>
<li>Players must be wearing at least one Solstice of Heroes armor piece (Renewed, Majestic, or Magnificent).</li>
<li>No Glows are required.</li>
<li>Players must take a picture on any destination to qualify.</li>
<li>In other words, an image of your Guardian in the character inspection screen won’t be considered!</li>
<p>Well, what are you waiting for? It’s go time! See you out there on the runway.</p>
<img src=";av=1225552948"></div>
<p>With Solstice fresh on the mind, Player Support has been diving deep in the Help forums, looking for fresh issues to diagnose. Missing bright dust on bounties, inconsistent objective progress, and a few other minor issues have been discovered.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p>Players can be eligible to receive Destiny 2 emblems by winning Bungie community contests, purchasing items in the Bungie Store, or by donating to one of the Bungie Foundation’s charity campaigns. Sometimes players don’t receive their emblem for one reason or another, so we’ve created a specific contact form to help them obtain their emblem.</p>
<p>We will help players with emblem issues from the following contests or campaigns:</p>
<li>Bungie Bounty (Aurora Clash)</li>
<li>Movie of the Week (Anamnesis)</li>
<li>Outstanding Artists (Aspect of Luminance)</li>
<li>Fashion Show (The Levante Prize)</li>
<li>Bungie Store</li>
<li>Bungie Foundation or Charity Drive</li>
<p>Before requesting help through the contact form, please note:</p>
<li>Players must wait at least 15 days from a qualifying contest win or charity campaign.</li>
<li>Players should first check their Spam/Junk email folder for any emails that may have their emblem code.</li>
<li>Players should check their Collections &gt; Flair &gt; General section for the emblem.</li>
<p>Shortly after Solstice of Heroes launched, Destiny Player Support became aware of an issue where weekly and repeatable bounties for the event were not giving Bright Dust as intended. We are currently investigating solutions to this issue. We are also investigating a solution for those who missed out on earning Bright Dust from these bounties during this time and will be granting Bright Dust to affected players as soon as we can. You can continue to complete and redeem your Solstice of Heroes bounties normally.&nbsp;</p>
<p><b>KNOWN ISSUES</b></p>
<div>While we continue investigating various <a href="" title target>known issues</a>, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our <a href="" title target>#Help Forum</a>:</div>
<li>We are aware of an issue where Gambit Prime will not count for Solstice armor with Gambit objectives.</li>
<li>We are aware of an issue where Nightfall: The Ordeals will not count for Solstice armor with strike objectives.</li>
<li>We are investigating reports of doubled progression progress on Solstice objectives not working for some players.</li>
<li>We are aware of an issue where the Majestic Solstice Bond for Warlocks has an objective that incorrectly states to get 150 Guardian Super kills. The objective progresses correctly with Arc Super kills against any enemy.</li>
<li>We are investigating an issue where shaders do not properly apply to the Majestic and Magnificent Robes for Warlocks.</li>
<li>We are investigating an issue where shaders do not properly apply to the Majestic and Magnificent Cloaks for Hunters.</li>
<div>For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our <a href="" title target>Known Issues article</a>. Players who observe other issues should report them to our <a href="" title target>#Help forum</a>.</div>
<img src=";av=1225552948"></div>
<p>Here in the States, we’re in the thick of summer. Temperatures have risen, the Sun is out a little more often in Seattle, and we’re slowly losing our minds one bead of sweat a time. Many of us are hiding in our living rooms with air conditioners on full blast. No better time to sit back and watch some community creations.&nbsp;</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week: 14 Reasons to get Excited for Solstice</b></p>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: F is for Flawless (but not really flawless)</b></p>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: Space Cowboy – Tex Mechanica Approved</b></p>
<div>I love nothing more than a montage of Tex Mechanica weaponry being used to dominate the Crucible. Think you’ve got better clips? Submit a video to the <a href="" title target>Creations</a>&nbsp;page. Maybe you’ll win next week. Maybe you won’t. All we know is, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.</div>
<p>This is one of those weeks where I’m staying up past midnight to get some sweet loot. It’s been nice jumping through older adventures while completing my Solstice armor, or finishing orb requirements through random activities like raids or Zero Hour.</p>
<p>No matter what you play, you’ll gain progress towards an objective or two. Longer goals, like “Play 10 Gambit matches,” I’ve been doing at my own pace. A few matches here or there, then shifting to something else to keep things fresh.</p>
<p>For some of you, this is a race. For others, it’s a nice stroll through memory lane. However you’re tackling Solstice, we hope you’re having fun. Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you again soon.</p>
<p><b><i>Yum yum yum yum yum,</i></b></p>
<p><b><i>-dmg04 as he picks up elemental orbs to complete his Solstice armor objectives</i></b></p>

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