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News - This Week At Bungie – 6/25/2020

This Week At Bungie – 6/25/2020

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="606" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we pause to reflect.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Before we talk about the game, we are going to talk about the incredibly important conversation that is taking place online and the events that lead to it. Many courageous women have come forward with stories of&nbsp; harassment and abuse. There has been a lot of pain laid bare in story after story told by these survivors.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Some of us have not experienced this pain first-hand and can’t truly understand it. Yet, there are many people in our community feeling empathy, sadness, and anger when confronted with the truly awful harassment and abuse that so many of our friends have had to endure. Sadly, this wasn’t isolated to our corner of the world and has also affected men and non-binary folks as well. In the days that followed the initial revelations, we witnessed more people who have been similarly affected coming forward. This is a bigger issue that the entire gaming industry needs to face. Together, we can take action to make the spaces we share better for everyone.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Amidst all of this heartache, it has been inspiring to see these stories met with a wave of love, belief, and support that is turning into momentum for more change. Thank you for reaffirming that, though every community has problems, ours doesn’t shy away from confronting them and banding together to overcome them head-on.&nbsp;</p>
<div>We have <a href="" title target>reaffirmed</a> our commitment to enforce the standards of our code of conduct on the platforms and channels we control. We are currently working on other ways we can help combat toxicity and abuse in the gaming community. This is going to take time, but we pledge our support to help make things better.</div>
<p>Now, let’s talk about the game we have made, in the hopes that it might further inspire friendship.</p>
<h2>Strike While the Iron’s Hot</h2>
<p>There is a time for harmony among players and a time for honorable battle as well. The venerable Lord Saladin will see to it himself. Next week, he’ll return to the Tower for the first Iron Banner of Season of Arrivals.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Bonus Valor will also enabled throughout the week.</p>
<h3>Iron Banner and Bonus Valor<br />Begins: 10 AM PDT on June 30<br />Ends: 10 AM PDT on July 7</h3>
<p>The event will work similar to last Season with a few new rewards. We will be adding two reprised weapons and curating the weapon reward pool down to eight weapons.</p>
<li>Reprised Weapons</li>
<li>The Forward Path</li>
<li>The Fool’s Remedy</li>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<p>All weapons listed below are considered “reissued” and will have Season of Arrival Max Infusion Caps.</p>
<li>Shining Sphere</li>
<li>Swarm of the Raven</li>
<li>Talons of the Eagle</li>
<li>Bite of the Fox</li>
<li>Orewing’s Maul</li>
<li>Crimil’s Dagger</li>
<p>The Forward Path and The Fool’s Remedy will also be updated to have two additional perks specific to these Iron Banner weapons. Here is a look at what they do:&nbsp;</p>
<li>Iron Grip – Improves weapon stability at the cost of reload speed.</li>
<li>Iron Gaze – Improves weapon target acquisition at the cost of range.</li>
<p>The armor set this Season will be a reprise of the Iron Fellowship set. Here is a look at it with the new shader as well as the new emblem for this Season:&nbsp;</p>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<p>We also want to remind players that skill-based matchmaking has been disabled in Iron Banner this Season.</p>
<p>Speak with Saladin after the reset and then get out there and prove your worth to the Iron Lords of the past.</p>
<h2>Be Heard – Now Available for Pre-Order</h2>
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<div>Pre-orders for the pin are now live on the Bungie Store. All profits from the sales of the Be Heard Collectible Pin &amp; Emblem will benefit the <a href="" title target>Equal Justice Initiative (</a>. All pre-orders will include the “Be Heard” emblem that will be emailed within 24 hours of your order.</div>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<p>We have already had tens of thousands of Guardians showing their support. Thank you so much for supporting this cause and showing your support in game.&nbsp;</p>
<h2>Twitch Prime</h2>
<div>This week we rolled out our sixth straight month of Twitch Prime Rewards. If you have an active Prime subscription, <a href="" title target>visit this page</a> to link your account and claim your rewards. After that, they should be available at Amanda Holliday in the Tower. Here’s a look at what you can get this month:</div>
<li>Cerebral Explosion – Exotic Emote</li>
<li>Burnout – Exotic Sparrow&nbsp;</li>
<li>Plasma Shell – Exotic Ghost Shell&nbsp;</li>
<li>Stellar Pavements – Legendary Ship</li>
<div>\<br />
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<p>It’s time now to hear from the Player Support Team on what issues they are seeing and what fixes we have recently rolled out.&nbsp;</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<h3>GCX EMBLEMS</h3>
<div>Players who have donated to St. Jude through the GCX Stream will receive their emblem later this Season and will be notified through a separate email. We will announce when these emails have been sent out, so please follow us <a href="" title target>@Bungie</a> on Twitter to keep up-to-date on these emblems and our latest news.</div>
<p>Due to an exploit, we have disabled the final checkpoint in the Prophecy dungeon’s final room which occurs after the boss has been defeated. Players who had a checkpoint in the final room will have their checkpoint removed.</p>
<p>On Tuesday, June 23, we released Hotfix to players. This hotfix included fixes to the following issues:</p>
<li>Gear could drop at <b>750 Power</b> instead of near player’s actual Power.</li>
<li>The <b>“Upgrade Gift Ranks” Triumph</b> wasn’t tracking gift ranks purchased at the Prismatic Recaster.</li>
<li>The <b>“Prophecy Dungeon Solo” Triumph</b>&nbsp;wasn’t unlocking when players solo the Prophecy dungeon.</li>
<li>Console players were experiencing <b>blacked out emblems</b>, <b>invisible ships</b>, a<b>nd a Power Level of 0</b> in orbit.</li>
<li>The <b>Almost Mighty Exotic Ghost Shell</b> and the <b>Saint’s Vocation Exotic ship</b>&nbsp;were appearing invisible.</li>
<li>The <b>Tommy’s Matchbook Catalyst quest</b> had been removed from player inventories.&nbsp;</li>
<div>While we continue investigating various <a href="" title target>known issues</a>, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our <a href="" title target>#Help Forum</a>:</div>
<li>Players who have previously completed the <b>Tommy’s Matchbook Catalyst quest</b> are being given the quest again.</li>
<li>Characters are unable to pick up the <b>Means to an End quest</b> from the Prismatic Recaster.</li>
<li>The <b>Masterworked Trinity Ghoul Exotic Bow</b> is not tracking enemies defeated using chain lightning damage.</li>
<li><b>Jade Rabbit’s Fate of All Fools perk</b> is no longer activating.</li>
<li>The <b>Rival Warlock Shell</b> from the Guardian Games doesn’t show Ghost Projections.</li>
<li>Players may freeze when <b>respawning in Gambit</b>.</li>
<li>Players who purchased the “Be Heard” collectible pin and receive an emblem code that states “contact merchant for license” should reach out to <a href="" title target>Bungie Store Customer Service</a>.</li>
<div>For a full list of emergent issues in <i>Destiny 2</i>, players can review our <a href="" title target>Known Issues article</a>. Players who observe other issues should report them to our <a href="" title target>#Help forum</a>.</div>
<h2>Movie Time</h2>
<img src=";av=1624985878"></div>
<p>Every week we deliver the movies that you create. It’s kind of like Netflix, back when they actually mailed you physical movies. Remember that? Weird, right? Well, we don’t actually mail you these movies, we just link you to the video – which is actually more like Netflix now. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, here are the winners.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Movie of the Week: Doesn’t Hurt to Ask</p>
<p>Honorable Mention: Pass the Ghost</p>
<p>As always, the creators of these videos will be awarded a special emblem in the game. If you won, congrats! Make sure you add your profiles in the description of the video or a comment so we know that you are you.&nbsp;</p>
<div>The intro was pretty heavy, but those things needed to be said. We also want to remind you all that we’re immensely proud of you as a community. Last week saw some truly inspiring triumphs to talk about as well. You donated over $800<a href="" title target>,</a>000 dollars during our four-hour block for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Donors went on to raise more than $6 million for the entire marathon.</div>
<div>We want to thank our friends at <a href="" title target>GCX</a> for creating a platform where we can all join forces to make the world a better place – like Guardians do. Thanks to everyone who participated and donated. When you come together, you all do amazing things. Keep doing them.</div>
<p><b>&lt;3 Cozmo</b></p>

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