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News - Random: Burnout’s Switch Home Menu Icon Needs To Drop The Border

Random: Burnout’s Switch Home Menu Icon Needs To Drop The Border

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Burnout Paradise" href=""><img src="" width="900" height="506" alt="Burnout Paradise"></a></figure>
<p>Criterion Games’ fantastic open-world racing game <strong><a href="">Burnout Paradise Remastered</a></strong> is now available on the Nintendo Switch.</p>
<p>Let’s just make this clear – despite the price being a “<a href="">car crash</a>” it’s still an outrageously fast and fun experience that we would highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already.</p>
<p>All that aside, though, there appears to be trouble in paradise. A user over on the Nintendo Switch subreddit has noticed how the HOME Menu icon for Burnout has a border around it, and well…they’re not particularly happy:</p>
<p>I did not wanted to join the EA hate-train. And I was excited to get Burnout on the Switch ignoring the price tag. (edit: and I still am) But well … it seems like EA really doesnt care about the Switch.</p>
<p>The icon for Burnout Paradise is not scaled properly and the grid of the graphic software(!) is still visible as a border around the actual icon now.</p>
<p>I am assuming EA is already aware of it and it is gonna be fixed by a day one patch. At least that is my hope. They are a highly professional company after all.</p>
<p>I know most people dont care. But for me a good icon is important. Especially on a pricey title like this. And since the Switch homescreen is all about the icons.</p>
<p>It just makes me very sad that nobody checked twice.</p>
<p>We took a screenshot of this icon on our own Switch menu:</p>
<figure class="picture strip">
<div class="img"><a title="Burnout Paradise Remastered Icon - Nintendo Life IMG" href=""><img class="lazy" src="//' viewBox='0 0 900 506'%3E%3C/svg%3E" width="900" height="506" data-original="" alt="Burnout Paradise Remastered Icon - Nintendo Life IMG"></a><span class="image-credit" title="Image Credit">Nintendo Life</span></div>
<p>And here’s a close-up, if you still can’t see it:</p>
<figure class="picture strip"></figure>
<p>While we can understand how some players might find a border around an icon a little irritating, <em>it’s not the end of the world</em>. It’s also something that can be easily updated in the future. <a href="">And hey, it could be worse.</a></p>
<p>Did you notice the border around this particular icon? How are you finding this remaster so far? <em>Tell us below.</em></p>

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