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I mean, can't you say the exact same thing about present

I mean, can't you say the exact same thing about present and OSRS gold Ironman makeup being unfair? Like it is unfair to attempt to get 3rd Age in an Ironman since it's soo rare yet mains can just trade it. Also, we don't know the reward arrangement will operate yet; this is in a blog. From what Kieren said, the focus is not super aggressive and the rewards will be reason for all to play. If this is the case, then Ironmen should have the ability to earn points for hte benefits without needing to nolife grind it as you suggested. You may not be able to afford all the probable makeup, but at least at the first tournament, but it's still true that you can obtain them.

I just can't agree because it may be difficult for ironmen to get, that we shouldn't add cosmetics. At the conclusion of the day, they are just cosmetics... They won't be beneficial to RuneScapemode whatsoever and there is no reason an ironman should feel pressured to collect each and every product. If you would like to play as collectionist, completionistsuch that is on you and you have accepted it's darn near impossible, therefore adding a little more near impossible won't change that much.

Is between rare/nearly hopeless and really not possible. When it's rare, there is always someone who will go for it because they are crazy, but if it's impossible what is the point in even participating? I agree on the"we should not say no just because it's hard for ironmen" but I'm talking about when it's not possible for ironmen. That sort of circumvents the purpose because RuneScape mode was designed so that you can make every item yourself. It would be odd to have things that you cannot obtain via any means (no matter how rare) if you did not do something for a month a while 3 years back or whatever. AFAIK there is nothing like that in OSRS currently.

I can get any moment to 3rd age from OSRS's passing and Old School RS Gold a random hint between now. But I'll never have the ability to get a decorative from this store if I don't take part in a particular tournament. I don't really enjoy that. When it's like you say and the rewards store stays consistent between leagues so you can use your points to eventually purchase all of the uniques (after however many months/years), I'm game for it. I'd be fine with a slow, grindy approach to get it. Just not one-time uniques that then become unobtainable on a DIY account.

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