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News - Community Focus: BroFish

Community Focus: BroFish

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="590" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>Our focus this week is a content creator from Mixer who loves raiding in Destiny. Despite the name, she is not a “Bro,” but at the same time she possesses all of the positive qualities you might find in one of your “bros.” She likes chilling with her community and taking down bosses.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Please meet BroFish.</p>
<p><b>Welcome to your Community Focus, tell us a bit about who are you and what do you do for a living?</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: My name is BroFish and I am a full-time content creator on Mixer.</p>
<p><b>What got you into gaming?</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: When I was six I moved to a new town, and the first friend I met had Pokémon Yellow on the Gameboy Color. I would go over to her house every day after school and play Pokémon. I’ve been playing games ever since.</p>
<p><b>Playing games is one thing, streaming them is on another level. What first got you into streaming?</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish </b>I first learned what livestreaming was when Prison of Elders was revealed in May of 2015. I saw ProfessorBroman laughing and having the time of his life, and I wanted to know more about streaming. After spending months watching streams, I decided to put myself out there and stream so I could meet more people who played Destiny.&nbsp;</p>
<p>I started on Twitch four years ago doing raid carries here and there, but I had yet to find my home. This is where Mixer came in. I switched to Mixer in March of 2018, after hearing good things from friends who had switched to the platform. I felt incredibly welcomed by everyone and the community was so strong. Being able to interact with your chat with zero delay made a huge leap for community interaction, which always comes first to me. I knew within the first week that I had found my new home, and I knew I wanted to build the Destiny directory on Mixer. I’m proud of how the directory has developed in the past two years and I can’t wait to see where it goes in the future.</p>
<p><b>That POE stream was a great one. Let’s talk memories, what’s a moment in Destiny history that is still with you today?</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: There was a point during Age of Triumph where I was asked while streaming to do a raid with a number of leading community members in the Destiny directory. This sticks out for me because it was the first time I felt that I truly had a larger place in the Destiny directory and it made me want to strive to grow myself and my brand so that I could in time lead and inspire others to chase their dreams as well.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Despite me accidentally muting myself on Discord for half of the raid, I still have lasting friendships that came out of that Wrath of the Machine raid. The Destiny Community is strong, and it saved me when I was going through a lot of pain and hurt. I’ll always be grateful to Bungie for creating this world and to the Guardians I get the privilege of sharing this world with.</p>
<p><b>Tell me more about yourself – hobbies outside of streaming, random stuff that you enjoy doing other than videogames even.</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: I played volleyball for seven years in school, even receiving medals at the national championships. I played basically every sport my school had to offer. I also enjoy drawing and doing puzzles or anything which challenges my brain. I also shamelessly watch “Judge Judy” and “Jeopardy” in my spare time.</p>
<p><b>Everyone loves Jeopardy right? What was your first console game/PC game? How did your gaming habits evolve from Pokémon?</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: From Pokémon I started playing other JRPGs. My first console game that I fell in love with was Final Fantasy X. From there on I played a lot of other RPGs like Assassin’s Creed and Zelda as well. Then, six years ago, I picked up Destiny for the first time and played it for 12 hours straight, and I was hooked on looter shooters from then on.</p>
<p><b>What class do you call home? What’s your favorite build in Destiny when it comes to subclass/weapons.</b></p>
<p><b>BroFish</b>: I started playing Destiny 1 as a Hunter, but once I tried Warlock I completely fell in love with slap fights and floofing around. I love dunking on people with Nova Bombs, or channeling my inner tickle fingers with Stormcaller.&nbsp;</p>
<p>My favorite build usually consists of some sort of hand cannon/sniper or scout rifle/sniper build. I fell in love with Randy’s Throwing Knife the second I used it, and I was a huge user of Vision of Confluence and Fatebringer in D1. My favorite armor piece by far was the Nothing Manacles and I miss them so, but I do enjoy running Crown of Tempests with Stormtrance.</p>
<p><b>Where can people find you online?</b></p>
<p>We want to think BroFish for taking the time to share her story and give us a chance to learn more about her and her channel. Make sure you give her a visit at the links above and drop in on one of her streams to say hi.</p>
<div>We plan to keep seeking out interesting people in our community. If you have any ideas on who we should focus on next let us know us on <a href="" title target>Twitter </a>or our <a href=";tg=Destiny2&amp;tSort=0&amp;tType=0&amp;d=2&amp;lang=en" title target>forums</a>.</div>

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