Your file should look something like this:
Make sure you replace all of the steam ids within the lines to your steam id and the ids of your moderators.
Permission System Explained
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
cmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
This basically means that on your server, your permission level should be equal to or less than anything you want to be able to do in the console in game. So you should probably set it to a "1".
From there, set up your commands you wish others to have with a certain permission. As you can see above, some commands are available to me + my moderators, where others are only available to me.In order to add yourself and your moderators to their positions, use the link above and use the steam64 id.
Common Commands
se: Spawn Entity, a list will appear of connected players and all the entities you can spawn
Example: se 172 35 (spawn entity @ Corrosion Crate)
kick: Kicks target player
Example: kick Corrosion
ban: Bans target player
Example: Ban Corrosion
st: Set Time
Example: st 1000
A large list can be found here.
Please let me know if I've helped you or feel free to message me if you still need help!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file holds the settings for who is banned, whitelisted,
admins, moderators, and server command permissions.
Steam ID can be found using [url=][/url]
[url=][/url] instructions:
Input the player's name in the search field. example: Kinyajuu
If the name doesn't work, you can also use the url of their steam page.
Also you may add/remove admins, mods, whitelist, blacklist using in game commands.
You will want the STEAM64ID. example: 76561198021925107
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
cmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
<admin steamID="76561198033982035" permission_level="1" />
<moderator steamID="76561198120787862" permission_level="5" />
<moderator steamID="76561197977063744" permission_level="5" />
<moderator steamID="76561197984168833" permission_level="5" />
<moderator steamID="76561198037120471" permission_level="5" />
<permission cmd="lp" permission_level="5" />
<permission cmd="kick" permission_level="5" />
<permission cmd="ban" permission_level="3" />
<permission cmd="sg" permission_level="3" />
<permission cmd="se" permission_level="3" />
<permission cmd="st" permission_level="3" />
<permission cmd="dm" permission_level="2" />
<!-- If there are any items in the whitelist, the whitelist only mode is enabled -->
<!-- Nobody can join that ISN'T in the whitelist once whitelist only mode is enabled -->
<!-- <whitelisted steamID="" permission_level="" /> -->
<!-- <blacklisted steamID="" unbandate="" /> -->
Make sure you replace all of the steam ids within the lines to your steam id and the ids of your moderators.
Permission System Explained
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
cmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.
permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.
This basically means that on your server, your permission level should be equal to or less than anything you want to be able to do in the console in game. So you should probably set it to a "1".
From there, set up your commands you wish others to have with a certain permission. As you can see above, some commands are available to me + my moderators, where others are only available to me.In order to add yourself and your moderators to their positions, use the link above and use the steam64 id.
Common Commands
se: Spawn Entity, a list will appear of connected players and all the entities you can spawn
Example: se 172 35 (spawn entity @ Corrosion Crate)
kick: Kicks target player
Example: kick Corrosion
ban: Bans target player
Example: Ban Corrosion
st: Set Time
Example: st 1000
A large list can be found here.
Please let me know if I've helped you or feel free to message me if you still need help!
![[Image: 8OHl5AB.png]](