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News - Random: Finally, You Can Play Dark Souls On Switch The Way Nature Intended

Random: Finally, You Can Play Dark Souls On Switch The Way Nature Intended

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Praise be" href=""><img src="" alt="Praise be"></a></figure>
<p>If you cast your mind back to <a href="">2018</a> and the release of the excellent <strong><a href="">Dark Souls: Remastered</a></strong> for Switch, you might remember a <em>tiny</em> issue we (and many other players) had with the game. Oh, for the most part the Switch port of FromSoftware’s inscrutable masterpiece was just fine and dandy, but beyond any frame rate hiccups or minor visual disappointments, one issue blighted the game’s good name and has continued to do so to this very day.</p>
<p>We’re talking, <em>of course</em>, about <a href="">the use of ‘B’ to confirm and ‘A’ to cancel in menu screens</a>. The issue stems from the fact that on PlayStation and Xbox the ‘confirm’ button (‘X’ or ‘A’ on those consoles’ respective pads – in the West, at least) sits where Nintendo’s ‘B’ resides at the bottom of the diamond button formation. This has caused headaches in a few games, but none where quite so vexing as the Dark Souls example. The fact that the option to change the confirm and cancel buttons was <em>visible in the menu</em> but inexplicably greyed out made the issue all the worse!</p>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Switch button remapping" href=""><img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Switch button remapping"></a></figure>
<p>Fortunately, <a href="">the latest firmware update for your Nintendo Switch</a> has introduced the option to remap any button on your pad and finally gives us the option to play Dark Souls, or more precisely, navigate the game’s menus, the way they were <em>meant</em> to be navigated on a Nintendo console, with the ‘A’ button confirming and the ‘B’ button cancelling.</p>
<p>If like us you fancy swapping ‘A’ and ‘B’, all you have to do is head into the console’s settings, scroll down to Controllers and Sensors and select the minty fresh ‘Change Button Mapping’ option. Here you can remap any of the buttons on your controllers on a per-controller basis. This is <em>particularly</em> handy, as if you have more than one right Joy-Con you’ll be able to designate it your Dark Souls Joy-Con and crack it out when you’re heading back to Lordran. You’re also able to save up to 5 presets, so it’s as simple a process as you could reasonably expect.</p>
<p>It should be noted that there are some issues to think about when doing this, though. Firstly, once you’ve changed the buttons, you’ll have reversed their functions for the <em>console’s</em> menus, too. This you’ll have to navigate back to the game with care or (and we recommend this in handheld mode) simply use the touchscreen. When returning to your Switch’s system menu a prompt informs you that user-defined button mapping is in use and gives you the option to disable it without going through menus again. <em>Handy!</em></p>
<aside class="gallery" readability="3">
<div class="col"><a title="You'll probably want to swap the in-game gameplay controls in order to 'cancel out' the system-level swap for the menus." href=""><img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="You'll probably want to swap the in-game gameplay controls in order to 'cancel out' the system-level swap for the menus."></a></div>
<div class="col"><a title="You'll probably want to swap the in-game gameplay controls in order to 'cancel out' the system-level swap for the menus." href=""><img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="You'll probably want to swap the in-game gameplay controls in order to 'cancel out' the system-level swap for the menus."></a></div>
<p class="caption">You’ll probably want to swap the in-game <em>gameplay</em> controls in order to ‘cancel out’ the system-level swap for the menus.</p>
<p>Secondly, swapping these buttons for the in-game menus also swaps them for gameplay. Assuming you’ve committed the default control layout to memory, you can address this by swapping their functions <em>again</em> (in the game’s menus this time) and returning the <em>gameplay</em> buttons to their usual configuration. <em>Ta-da!</em></p>
<p>The in-game prompts will still be labelled incorrectly, but ignore them and you can imagine that Bandai Namco itself patched in the tiniest of updates and improved your Soulsian experience by a factor of at least 10,000. Our resident Video Producer, the lovely Alex, will certainly be pleased with this new option. Hopefully it’s not too late for him…</p>
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<div class="youtube"><iframe class="resize" width="900" height="507" src=";hd=1&amp;showinfo=0&amp;modestbranding=0&amp;autohide=1" type="text/html" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>[embedded content]</iframe></div>
<p><em>Yay for accessibility and optional loveliness! It’s not ideal, but it’s now possible. Will you be using this feature to swap the buttons for Dark Souls on Switch? What other games might benefit from this new feature? Gonna switch ‘X’ and ‘B’ for jumping in <strong><a href="">Splatoon 2</a></strong>? Gonna rejig it to play <a href=""><strong>Animal Crossing</strong></a> one-handed? Let us know below.</em></p>

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