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<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="920" height="257" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p><img src="" alt width="920" height="257"></p>
<p>This snapshot brings us another new Biome to the Nether.&nbsp; Stepping out of my Nether Portal I was greeted by the new music and eerie atmosphere that is the new Basalt Deltas.&nbsp; The Biome looks amazing and new blocks are always welcomed when it comes to building later projects.&nbsp; What do you plan to do first when you load up this snapshot?</p>
<li>Accessibility improvements</li>
<li>Added a Piglin banner pattern</li>
<li>Added Basalt Deltas biome to the Nether</li>
<li>Added soul campfires. Warm your buns with the heat of one thousand souls!</li>
<li>Added three new tracks of Nether music</li>
<li>Added chiseled nether bricks, cracked nether bricks, and quartz bricks!</li>
<li>Added a new set of stone blocks called Blackstone with regular, polished, and polished brick variants!</li>
<li>Added Gilded Blackstone – Blackstone which has been imbued with gold and has a chance of dropping gold nuggets when broken</li>
<li>Blackstone can be used to craft furnaces and stone tools</li>
<p><img src="" alt width="727" height="400"></p>
<li>Added “Line Spacing” chat and accessibility option</li>
<li>Added “Chat Delay” accessibility option</li>
<p>Basalt Deltas can now be found in the Nether!</p>
<li>Remnants of volcanic eruptions, this biome sports a high concentration of basalt columns and lava deltas</li>
<li>Walking through, you will be surrounded by flakes of flowing white ash</li>
<li>Magma Cubes finally have a place to call home, spawning very frequently</li>
<li>A new block, Blackstone, can be found in large patches here</li>
<p><img src="" alt width="920" height="295"></p>
<p>We’re happy to announce that we’ve added three new tracks for the upcoming Nether Update, all composed by the very talented Lena Raine.&nbsp;</p>
<li><i>Rubedo</i>&nbsp;will be played in the Nether Wastes</li>
<li><i>Chrysopoeia&nbsp;</i>will be played in Crimson Forests&nbsp;</li>
<li><i>So Below&nbsp;</i>will be played in Soulsand Valleys and in Basalt Deltas</li>
<p>Two lines from Lena about the music. More to come in a separate blog post.</p>
<li>“One of the primary instruments in Minecraft is the piano, and so one of my challenges to myself was to see how far I could push the sound of the piano until it resembled other things entirely–again, that alchemical process.”</li>
<li>“I wanted each piece to feel like a progression of emotions, or a journey from place to place within this other world. There’s a degree of beauty to the Nether, but it is also terrifying in both its details and scale.”</li>
<p>Take a portal to the Nether, and stay awhile and listen…</p>
<li>Dispenser changes</li>
<li>Soul sand can now be used to craft soul torches</li>
<li>Nether vegetation blocks (sprouts, roots, vines, fungus, wart and wart blocks) are now compostable</li>
<li>Walls will now connect to more things! (like iron bars, panes and even pickles!)</li>
<li>Hoes are now the appropriate tool for breaking leaves</li>
<li>Mobs avoid walking on magma blocks and lit campfires</li>
<li>Dispensers can now saddle pigs and horses</li>
<li>Dispensers can now put horse armor on horses</li>
<li>Dispensers can now put carpets on llamas</li>
<li>Dispensers can now put chests on llamas, donkeys and mules</li>
<li>Dispensers can now shear a Mooshroom</li>
<li>Dispensers can shear snow golems</li>
<li>Tab completion for resource location will match any part after a&nbsp;<span class="bedrock-server">_</span></li>
<li>Mob and pathfinding-related optimizations</li>
<li><a href="">MC-171463</a>&nbsp;– Iron Bars don’t fully connect to walls</li>
<li><a href="">MC-172120</a>&nbsp;– Hoglins don’t try to avoid fire</li>
<li><a href="">MC-172209</a>&nbsp;– Non-fire resistant mobs don’t try to avoid walking into fire</li>
<li><a href="">MC-172226</a>&nbsp;– Baby animals, villagers, and zombie villagers spawned with a spawn egg on an adult entity always are of the same variant</li>
<li><a href="">MC-172268</a>&nbsp;– Bartering with a piglin by right-clicking does not display hand animation</li>
<li><a href="">MC-174542</a>&nbsp;– Killing baby hoglins drops leather and porkchop</li>
<li><a href="">MC-174559</a>&nbsp;– Baby hoglins/zoglins uses the same attack damage as an adult when spawned in some cases</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175030</a>&nbsp;– Curse of Binding doesn’t affect Piglins</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175169</a>&nbsp;– Respawn Anchor can create ghost blocks when it explodes</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175176</a>&nbsp;– Using return portal in The End softlocks the game if /spawnpoint was used in The End</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175256</a>&nbsp;– Screen is overlayed with a grey opaque texture when inside of a transparent block</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175274</a>&nbsp;– “Quartz pillar” is translated as “White wool” (“Lana blanca” instead of “Pilar de cuarzo”) in Spanish (Spain)</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175356</a>&nbsp;– Piglins and hoglins do not avoid magma blocks</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175538</a>&nbsp;– Fish/Swimming sounds are louder than they should be</li>
<li><a href="">MC-175566</a>&nbsp;– Piglins with full inventories drop the items they received</li>
<li><a href="">MC-176095</a>&nbsp;– Striders have an unused fin in the strider.png texture file</li>
<li><a href="">MC-176384</a>&nbsp;– CompassItem checks twice if LodestonePos tag exists</li>
<li><a href="">MC-176517</a>&nbsp;– striders spawn in underground lava pockets</li>
<li><a href="">MC-176633</a>&nbsp;– Lime carpets are named “acacia slab” in Spanish (Spain)</li>
<li><a href="">MC-177069</a>&nbsp;– Dispenser will not drop glowstone as item when not connected to a respawn anchor</li>
<li><a href="">MC-177085</a>&nbsp;– Missing UUID field in attributes crash the game</li>
<li><a href="">MC-177102</a>&nbsp;– Zoglins aren’t considered an undead mob</li>
<li><a href="">MC-177225</a>&nbsp;– Tag minecraft:water used before it was bound</li>

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