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News - This Week At Bungie – 3/26/2020

This Week At Bungie – 3/26/2020

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, a new bunker was discovered.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Doors, once hidden, open on the lunar surface revealing another Seraph Bunker in Rasputin’s network. Guardians have begun exploring it to see what upgrades lie within. And if you’re up for the challenge, there are also new Legendary Lost Sectors available and new weapons to get your hands on.</p>
<p>That’s not all. Lord Saladin is at the Tower and has a new Bow for you to earn along with several opportunities for pinnacle drops. On top of all that, week three of Trials of Osiris begins tomorrow. What map do you think will be featured this week?</p>
<h2>World Drops</h2>
<p>There were several armor sets added to the engram loot pool with Season of the Worthy. We saw a lot of feedback that, while you were excited to see your favorite armor sets from the past, the fact that none of them had Seasonal mod slots made them feel less desirable and not worth including in your builds.</p>
<p>Good news! We’re adding Seasonal mod slots to these sets in an update next month. The three faction sets will get Season of the Worthy mod slots and the rest of the armor will get either Season of Dawn or Season of the Undying mod slots.</p>
<p><b>Season of Dawn Mod Slot Added:</b></p>
<li>Dead End Cure</li>
<li>Retro-Grade TG2</li>
<li>Heiro Camo</li>
<li>Road Complex AA1</li>
<li>Devastation Complex</li>
<li>High-Minded Complex</li>
<p><b>Season of the Undying Mod Slot Added:</b></p>
<li>Red Moon Phantom</li>
<li>Mimetic Savior</li>
<li>Thorium Holt</li>
<li>Tangled Web</li>
<li>Noble Constant Type 2</li>
<li>Ego Talon IV</li>
<li>Errant Knight</li>
<li>Kerak Type 2</li>
<div>All of these sets will be able to use Seasonal mods from the Seasons before and after the Season they are designated above (as explained in a <a href="" title target>previous TWAB</a>).</div>
<h2>The Fixings<span> </span></h2>
<p>We are currently targeting Tuesday, March 31 to deploy Hotfix The main target of this update will be the issue affecting Trials of Osiris challenges not being reset properly. Here’s a quick preview of other fixes coming in this update:</p>
<li>Fixed an issue where upgrades on the Season Pass where only unlocked for one character and will now properly unlock for the entire account.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the first weekly clear of a Legendary Lost Sector would not award a powerful drop.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue with Raiju’s Harness that allowed players to hold Whirlwind Guard indefinitely.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Titan Season Pass arms ornament would block first person view.</li>
<li>Season Pass SMG and Shotgun will now create Warmind cells with Season Pass ornaments equipped.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Sentinel Titans were able to extend Sentinel Shield/Banner Shield by suppressing themselves.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where players were not getting the correct amount of planetary materials from bunker upgrades.</li>
<p>Aside from the fixes in we’re also continuing to investigate disconnects, crashes, and error codes being reported since 2.8.0 we released. Currently, we are seeing elevated disconnects from the Tower on all platforms but disconnects from other activities seems PC-specific.</p>
<p>The fix we deployed has appeared to resolve the crashes affecting Gambit, but didn’t help with other disconnects. We have made additional attempts at fixing disconnects that haven’t resulted in a decline in error codes and are continuing to work on new fixes for elevated Beaver, Beetle, Anteater, and Rabbit errors. We’ll give you more information as soon as we can.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<h2>Twitch Prime Rewards<span> </span></h2>
<div>We continued our monthly rollout of Twitch Prime Rewards today. If you have an active Prime subscription, <a href="" title target>visit this page</a> to link your account and claim your rewards. After that, they should be available at Amanda Holliday in the Tower. Here’s a look at what you can get this month:</div>
<li>Prometheus Lens – Exotic Weapon</li>
<li>Eye of Osiris – Exotic Weapon Ornament</li>
<li>Tyrant Shell – Exotic Ghost Shell</li>
<li>Fleet Ska IX – Legendary Ship</li>
<img src=";av=45955813"></div>
<h2>Player Support Report</h2>
<img src=";av=45955813"></div>
<p>Destiny Player Support is constantly tracking known issues in the wild.</p>
<p>This is their report.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Last weekend, Destiny Player Support noticed an increase in reports about players not receiving powerful rewards from their third, fifth, or seventh Trials of Osiris win. Upon investigation, the team discovered an error in the Weekly Challenge reset time.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Trials of Osiris Weekly Challenges will unlock at 5 PM PDT on Saturdays. At this time, rewards are expected to be reset for players who have been impacted, and rewards will be granted when players reach three, five, or seven wins respectively. In a future patch, we will move this reset to the Friday daily reset.</p>
<p>We have noticed that players have been trying unsuccessfully to unlock a hidden Triumph in the Season of the Worthy Almighty Seal when meeting the requirements. This Triumph is not currently available to unlock but will be so in late April.</p>
<p>With the Moon Bunker now unlocked, Destiny Player Support noticed some confusion about the bounties Rasputin offered. Weekly and daily Rasputin bounties are only available on the destination where the Weekly Challenge is active.</p>
<div>While we continue investigating various <a href="" title target>known issues</a>, here’s a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our <a href="" title target>#Help Forum</a>:</div>
<li>Some players may not receive progress on <b>Crucible and Iron Banner quests and bounties</b>. These are caused by connection issues and continuing to play will progress these objectives.</li>
<li><b>Rasputin’s Daily Seraph Weapon</b> can only be claimed on the character players were on when Rank 92 of the Season Pass was unlocked – this cannot be claimed on other characters.</li>
<li>The “<b>Lost Classics” Rasputin bounty</b> does not count Crucible matches in the Classic Mix playlist.</li>
<div>For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our <a href="" title target>Known Issues article</a>. Players who observe other issues should report them to our <a href="" title target>#Help forum</a>.</div>
<h2>Lights, Camera, Action!</h2>
<img src=";av=45955813"></div>
<p>And now we move on to the entertainment portion of our weekly address. This is our chance to pick a few videos created by the community to share with you. As a bonus, their creators get to take home a special emblem and be the envy of their fireteams.&nbsp;</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week:&nbsp;</b>Titan Sword</p>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: </b>Four Horn Gulch</p>
<div>For the best chance at being featured and winning a MotW emblem, get us your video by using the <a href="" title target>Creations Page</a>. If you do win, please make sure you include a link to your profile in the description of the video.</div>
<p>We got new stuff to do on the Moon and in the Iron Banner this week. Next week, we’ll have an Infamy Bonus available for anyone who wants to play some Gambit.</p>
<div>I had my first flawless Trials run last weekend! Might have to go for it again this weekend since the map is going to be [REDAC<a href="" title target>T</a>ED].</div>
<p><b>&lt;3 Cozmo</b></p>

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