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Affinity Products Half Price And Free For 3 Months

Affinity Products Half Price And Free For 3 Months

<div><p>Serif, the makers of <a href="">Affinity Designer</a> and <a href="">Affinity Photo</a> are currently offering all of their products at a 50% discount.&nbsp; Additionally they are now offering a completely functional 3 month demo download.</p>
<p>Full details from the <a href="">Affinity announcement</a>:</p>
<p>With all that’s going on right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the many stories we’re hearing from the creative community about how they’re being severely impacted, we felt it was our responsibility to try to offer as much support as possible during this incredibly difficult time. </p>
<p>That’s why we’ve put in place three new measures which we hope will help at least some of you out there. These are: </p>
<li>+ A new 90-day free trial of the Mac and Windows versions of the whole Affinity suite </li>
<li>+ A 50% discount for those who would rather buy and keep the apps on Mac, Windows PC and iPad </li>
<li>+ A pledge to engage more than 100 freelance creatives for work, spending the equivalent of our annual commissioning budget in the next three months (more details of this will be announced soon). </li>
<p>The introduction of the 90-day free trial and deeply discounted pricing is done in the hope that this will make life a little easier for people who rely on creative software to make a living, but may be stuck at home without their usual tools, or for students who might not have access to their Affinity apps on their personal devices. </p>
<p>In addition, by increasing our spend on commissioning work from freelancers we can also put some extra money into a part of the industry which will be particularly affected. </p>
<p>We plan to make the free trial and additional discount available until 20 April, but we’ll continue to review the situation as time goes on. </p>
<p>We know we’re not saving the world, but we hope these measures can at least provide some form of relief to those who need it. We’ll pull through this together… </p>
<p>You can learn more about the deal and promo in the <a href="">video</a> below.&nbsp; If you want to learn more about Affinity products check out our <a href="">hands on video</a> available here.</p>
<p align="center">[embedded content]</p>
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<p> &lt;!–</p>

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