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News - Maintenance Operations Log 30037

Maintenance Operations Log 30037

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="590" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>Maintenance Operations Log 30037</p>
<p>PARTIES: Two [2]. One[1], Guardian-type, Class Titan [u.1]; One [1] Guardian-type, Class Warlock [u.2]</p>
<p>ASSOCIATIONS: Bigge 99-40 [Unit2070]; Caloris Spires [Mercury]; Crucible; Trials of Osiris; VG Maintenance Attachment, Osiris, Saint-14, Vanguard Commanders Registry, Cult of Osiris</p>
<p>[u.1:01] I told you I would guide them to build the Lighthouse. Not carry the torch for you.</p>
<p>[u.2:01] The Guardians require a balance Lord Shaxx can’t provide. There is no one else.</p>
<p>[u.1:02] And what about you?</p>
<p>[u.2:02] I have unfinished business out in the dark. Take this.</p>
<p>[u.1:03] What is this? A letter?</p>
<p>[u.2:03] For your eyes only, when I depart. Trust nothing. No one.</p>
<p>[u.1:04] Ha ha. Except you, of course.</p>
<p>[u.2:04] When have I ever led you astray?</p>
<p>[u.1:05] This week, you mean?</p>
<p>[u.2:05] Help where you can. The Vanguard has been serving too long; their blind spots have grown.</p>
<p>[u.1:06] Perhaps. But they’re wiser, too. Ikora Rey and the Commander have guided the City through dire straits.</p>
<p>[u.2:06] Have you spoken to the House of Light, like I asked?</p>
<p>[u.1:07] I would rather not speak with Fallen.</p>
<p>[u.2:07] They may need our help. Their cause is just.</p>
<p>[u.1:08] What happened to “trust no one?”</p>
<p>[u.2:08] What happened to your sense of right and wrong, hero?</p>
<p>[u.1:09] That is the City’s word, not mine. And the people still remember when I defended its borders from those very Fallen.</p>
<p>[u.2:09] Our kind live for a very long time, Saint. Too long to bear grudges.</p>
<p>[u.1:10] These accolades I wear are a reminder of what we lost to get here.</p>
<p>[u.2:10] I think those who gave them to you would be disappointed to hear that.</p>
<p>[u.1:11] I had nearly forgotten that you finally asked about them.</p>
<p>[u.2:11] We live too long for regrets. You taught me that. Don’t forget the House of Light.</p>
<p>[u.1:12] If I can find the time, yes. Not all of us conjure Echoes.</p>
<p>[u.2:12] Reflections, Saint. I have no need for Echoes anymore.</p>
<p>[u.1:13] What do you mean? What’s the difference?</p>
<p>[u.2:13] One is a manifestation of Light. The other… reserved for Taken Kings.&nbsp; Better suited for traversing the Sundial because of what lies at its core.&nbsp;</p>
<p>[u.1:14] One day you’ll have to tell me exactly what you and the Guardian did to bring me back.</p>
<p>[u.2:14] We did what we had to. Trust me.</p>
<p>[u.1:15] Now you sound like the rat.</p>
<p>[u.2:15] No. The Drifter sounds like me.</p>
<p>[u.1:16] Where do you go next?</p>
<p>[u.2:16] Wherever my road takes me. The Lunar Pyramid has galvanized the Hive; Toland has been left unchecked for too long. I’ve heard he’s still wandering the Cursed City.</p>
<p>[u.1:17] Then you really are just going to leave me with a burning sack. I should call it the Trials of Saint-14.</p>
<p>[u.2:17] You could. But you know how fickle Guardians can be about names.&nbsp;</p>
<p>[u.1:18] I will prepare them, in your stead, for what’s coming—one last time.</p>
<p>[u.1:18] It’s bad luck to say last. Try not to put them on too high a pedestal, Saint. There’s no one else to guide them.</p>

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