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News - Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 29th)

Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 29th)

<div><div class="media_block"><a href=""><img src="" class="media_thumbnail"></a></div>
<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Rune Factory 4 Special" href=""><img src="" alt="Rune Factory 4 Special"></a></figure>
<p>In celebration of Pokémon Day, this week we got quite a lot of pocket monster news. One of the highlights was the <a href="">reveal</a> of the new mythical Grass/Dark-type Pokémon Zarude. Greninja was <a href="">announced</a> as Google’s Pokémon of the Year, and Mewtwo is also <a href="">appearing</a> in Sword and Shield Max Raid Battles for the first time ever, but you can’t catch it!</p>
<p>Far away from the land of Pokémon, Yacht Club Games lifted the lid on its <a href="">new Shovel Knight project</a> and PlatinumGames announced a <a href="">new studio</a> and a <a href="">new game</a> by Hideki Kamiya. There was a sale on <em>all</em> of the <a href="">DOOM titles</a> as well, and we’re changing the way we <a href="">handle</a> Switch screenshots on the site.</p>
<p>To help us unwind after such a big week, we’re here to share the games we’ll be playing over the weekend. We’re also joined by two special guests from the Push Square team. As always, we’d love for you to get involved via our poll and comments section. <em>Happy gaming!</em></p>
<h2>Zion Grassl, video producer</h2>
<p>I’m going to be a bit busy this weekend with my band Constance (look us up if you’re into metal) as we’re recording some new tunes, but I just picked up the original <strong><a href="">DOOM</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">DOOM II</a></strong> on the eShop for next to nothing! So while the guys are recording their parts, I might try to sneak in a bit of demon hunting, because what’s more metal than that? <strong><a href="">Rune Factory 4 Special</a></strong> is also sitting here on my desk literally staring me down, but I don’t know if I have the heart to invest in it knowing that my love <strong><a href="">Animal Crossing: New Horizons</a></strong> will be here in just a few short weeks.</p>
<h2>Austin Voigt, contributing writer</h2>
<p>This weekend, I will be finishing <strong><a href="">Luigi’s Mansion 3</a></strong>. I’ve been very busy recently, and I’ve only gotten through a handful of floors in the main storyline, so I’m determined to just sit down and blaze through the rest. Last weekend, I had family home and sunk quite a bit of time with them into the couch co-op – which was awesome – but which ended up only making me want to go back to the main storyline even more. <em>Oh yeah, Luigi!</em></p>
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<h2>Liam Doolan, news reporter</h2>
<p>Over the next few days, I’ll be sinking my teeth into Rune Factory 4 Special. I didn’t <em>really</em> get to spend as much time as I wanted with the <a href="">3DS original</a>, so I’m glad I’ve been given a second chance. This will definitely be a big enough game to tide me over until the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I’m also looking forward to trying out the new features on offer. Apart from this, I’ll probably be spending some time in the original DOOM game (I grabbed it in <em>that</em> sale earlier this week) and <a href=""><strong>SEGA AGES Sonic The Hedgehog 2</strong></a>.</p>
<h2>Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer</h2>
<p>Stuck on the last mission of <strong><a href="">DAEMON X MACHINA</a></strong>. 71% <strong><a href="">SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays</a></strong> completion rate. Package from the East arrived with a triple dose of <strong><a href="">Devil May Cry</a></strong> and the wonderful <strong>Katana Kami: The Way of the Samurai</strong>. Yet you can surely bet I will be spending more time with Kunio and gang in <strong>Double Dragon &amp; Kunio-kun: Retro Brawler Bundle</strong>. If only I could squeeze in a few more rounds of <strong><a href="">Warface</a></strong>…Game of the week is the long overdue début of the <strong><a href="">Samurai Shodown</a></strong> reboot on the Switch. So many new and old characters to pick from… I need to develop my left thumb D-Pad blister fast, those ultimate special moves are no joke.</p>
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<h2>Stephen Tailby, Push Square associate editor</h2>
<p>Like many people, I’m sat here twiddling my thumbs until Animal Crossing: New Horizons emerges next month. To pass the time, I’ll jump into <a href=""><strong>Pokémon Sword</strong></a> and mop up some more critters for my dex. If memory serves, there’s also some post-game stuff I’ve yet to delve into. Then there’s <strong><a href="">Asphalt 9: Legends</a></strong>, that free-to-play arcade racer I’ve been ignoring. It’s great fun to play, and now seems like a good slot to put a bit more time into it. Truth be told, I haven’t been playing my Switch all that much recently, but I’ve a list as long as my arm with games I want to check out. Once AC arrives, though, that’ll be that for a good while.</p>
<h2>Robert Ramsey, Push Square deputy editor</h2>
<p>I finished up the Blue Lions route in <strong><a href="">Fire Emblem: Three Houses</a></strong> and let’s just say it left me with more questions than it did answers. With that in mind, I’m feeling the urge to get stuck into another house this weekend — I just have to somehow decide between Black Eagles and Golden Deer. My only real worry is that I’ll never like my new class as much as Dimitri and the gang, but at least the New Game Plus features will help ease me into the grind.</p>

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