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Corona Labs Closing–Engine Fully Open-Sourced

Corona Labs Closing–Engine Fully Open-Sourced

<div><p>After several years of changing <a href="">business models</a> and <a href="">ownership changes</a>, Corona Labs have decided to shut things down.&nbsp; Thankfully for Corona users they full open sourced the engine and tooling and changed to the MIT license.</p>
<p>Details of the closure process from the <a href="">Corona Labs site</a> (warning, it’s having trouble right now):</p>
<li>Some of the Corona Labs staff have expressed an interest in continuing to work with Corona as an as-available hobby project, so some engine development will continue. There is a possibility that engineers would seek funding through platforms like Patreon or Github Sponsors to continue work in larger capacity.</li>
<li><a href="">Appodeal </a>will continue to fund infrastructure costs and work with the open source staff to keep the Appodeal plugin up to date.</li>
<li>The Corona open source license will change from its current dual license state (Commercial + GPLv3) to a single, much more permissive license: The MIT License will make building the open source version of Corona easier for you and lift distribution restrictions on your apps and games. If you are using the GPL version of Corona, you can continue doing so in your fork.</li>
<li>Corona Labs will remove Splash Screen restrictions and plugin license checks from Native and Simulator builds. All first-party plugins will be open sourced and be available on GitHub. Corona’s “daily” builds will be built using tools available for Open Source projects, and would be available on GitHub releases.</li>
<li>We will change the Corona Simulator to be an offline tool, building for all supported platforms using local storage as a source for plugins.</li>
<li>Marketplace sales will cease. Vendors will be paid what they are owed, and will have to distribute updates for their plugins themselves. Users will be able to download purchased plugins and assets before the store closure. Corona Labs will stop accepting new submissions to the Marketplace on February, 15. 2020. Self-hosted plugins will be turned on for everyone so community plugin developers can continue to provide plugins.</li>
<li>We will migrate the forums and website content to another platform, since the current setup is tied to an expensive infrastructure. We may need several community members to volunteer to administer the new Forums. We are still working on what the website access will become.</li>
<li>The community is welcome to spin up discussion forums. Possibilities include using GitHub’s Issues, Reddit’s /r/CoronaSDK page, a Facebook Group, etc. The community Slack will remain.</li>
<li>The Corona Labs maintained social media accounts will remain open, and we will turn them into sources of useful information for developers (i.e., industry news, development and monetization tips, etc.).</li>
<li>All these will not happen overnight. We are working on changes to the parts of the engine, and will release them gradually, moving the build process offline as well as migrating content to different platforms. We will post updates on the progress, as well as send out one more final email with all the details Feel free to follow <a href="">Corona</a> on Github or get involved in development. Progress will be reflected in this <a href="">Github Project</a>.</li>
<p>Learn more about the Corona Labs closure in the <a href="">video</a> below.</p>
<p align="center"><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='853' height='480' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe></p>
<p class="under"> <span class="categories"><a href="">GameDev News</a></span> <span class="tags"><a href="" rel="tag">Lua</a></span> </p>
<p> &lt;!–</p>

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