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News - The Pokémon Company Shares Tips For Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

The Pokémon Company Shares Tips For Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

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<p>It’s turning out to be quite the day for Pokémon. We’ve already had <a href="">the launch of Pokémon Home</a>, as well as <a href="">two new trailers</a> for <a href=""><strong>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX</strong></a>, and now The Pokémon Company has shared a list of tips to help you get stuck into the latter when it arrives next month.</p>
<p>The game, as you may well be aware, is a reimagining of <a href=""><strong>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team</strong></a>, which originally released well over a decade ago. You play as a Pokémon, rather than a Trainer, and you’ll head out on a quest to recruit more Pokémon and help friends who are in trouble in mystery dungeons scattered all over the world.</p>
<p>So, about those tips we promised. Here’s the full low-down, courtesy of The Pokémon Company:</p>
<p><strong>Teams</strong><br />Players can set out on adventures with teams of up to three Pokémon, and they can have multiple teams. Players should try to choose the team best suited for the dungeon they are exploring, keeping in mind the types of Pokémon they are likely to encounter in that dungeon. Pokémon who join players’ teams can stay in rescue team camps. Players can also change which Pokémon is the leader of their teams.<br />Throughout players’ adventures, they should try to obtain Rainbow Gummis and DX Gummis! These items can give Pokémon useful capabilities known as rare qualities. Rare qualities will have a positive effect on all rescue team members in a dungeon, helping players explore the area. Look out for rare Pokémon that have a rare quality from the start!</p>
<p><strong>Battles</strong><br />Like the main series Pokémon games, Pokémon in <em>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX</em> can learn up to four moves that they can use to attack enemies, heal their party or apply some other special effects. Moves can also have different types and ranges.<br />But players shouldn’t forget to use items in battles, too! For example, Blast Seeds deal big damage after Pokémon eat them, while Gravelerocks can be used to attack from a distance, and Oran Berries can help Pokémon recover some HP. As with the layout of the dungeons, the kinds of items that appear and their locations will change each time players enter a dungeon.</p>
<p><strong>Encounters</strong><br />As players journey through <em>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX</em>, they can encounter over four hundred Pokémon—including Pokémon that can Mega Evolve! Keep an eye out for Lucario, too! Once a member of a legendary rescue team that was said to be the strongest of all, this Pokémon now plays an active part in the game.</p>
<p>In Pokémon Square, players will meet a lot of Pokémon with personalities of their own.</p>
<li>The elder Whiscash will tell players all about this world’s legends and tales.</li>
<li>Snubbull, with his kind and upbeat personality, always says whatever he is thinking.</li>
<li>Young Caterpie looks up to the player and dreams of someday joining a rescue team.</li>
<li>There’s also the emotional Lombre, who cheers up his friends.</li>
<p>Players will also meet other rescue teams.</p>
<li>Team ACT, a powerful Gold Rank rescue team, is made up of Alakazam, Charizard and Tyranitar.</li>
<li>A rescue team in name only, Team Meanies is formed by Gengar, Medicham and Ekans, and they’re up to no good.</li>
<li>The greedy Team Shifty, led by Shiftry, only accepts jobs that pay a lot of money.</li>
<li>Firefighters Blastoise, Feraligatr and Swampert form Team Hydro and are putting their Pokémon type to use.</li>
<p><strong>Early game missions</strong><br />Early in the adventure, players will be approached by Pokémon requiring their help. Among them are Dugtrio and Jumpluff.</p>
<li>Dugtrio’s son, Diglett, has been taken by Skarmory and needs to be rescued. Set out for Mt. Steel to save Diglett!</li>
<li>Shiftry, who reluctantly accepted the job to rescue Jumpluff’s friend stuck between some rocks, hasn’t returned from the mission yet. Why won’t the wind blow—and why hasn’t Shiftry come back? Head for the canyon to find out!</li>
<p>Not bad advice for the beginning of your adventure, we must admit.</p>
<p><a href="">Pre-orders for the game are available here</a>; it launches exclusively on Nintendo Switch on 6th March.</p>

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