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News - This Week At Bungie – 1/16/2020

This Week At Bungie – 1/16/2020

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, Osiris requests your assistance.</p>
<p>I’m currently writing this TWAB from the warmth of my home office. There’s been an abundance of snow in the greater Seattle area, so many of us with long commutes have been keeping up the pace through the miracle of the internet and conference calls. The show must go on.&nbsp;</p>
<p>There’s a mysterious new quest being offered by the wily Warlock who’s always messing about with time itself. The community’s already on the case and working together to explore the Corridors of Time. We don’t want to spoil anything, but do want to let everyone know that this one’s a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll keep an eye on things and so far we’re impressed with your progress!&nbsp;</p>
<h2>Iron Banner</h2>
<img src=";av=4172578876"></div>
<p>The Dawning has come to a close, and that clears up some room in the Tower for Lord Saladin to return and kick off the next Iron Banner.</p>
<p><b>Iron Banner and Valor Bonus</b></p>
<p><b>Start: 9 AM PST on January 21</b></p>
<p><b>End: 9 AM PST on January 28</b></p>
<p>Based on feedback collected during the first Iron Banner from this Season, we’ll be auto-completing everyone through the portion of the quest that requires Rocket Launcher defeats. We weren’t able to deploy a change to this step, but we can complete it for anyone who hasn’t already done so. This gives us time to consider changing or removing this step for next Season.</p>
<p>Guardians to the Rescue</h2>
<p>Last week, we pledged to support Australia’s firefighting efforts and animal rescue and conservation efforts due to the ongoing bush fires devastating parts of the country. Today, we shared the full details on how you can support these efforts by purchasing a limited-edition “Guardians for Australia” T-shirt that also comes with a free “Star Light, Start Bright” emblem as a thank you for your donation.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The shirt is now available for pre-order on the Bungie Store, and here is a quick preview of what it looks like.&nbsp;</p>
<img src=";av=4172578876"></div>
<h2>Patch Note Preview</h2>
<p>When the update slipped, we were reminded that sometimes our plans have to shift a bit. But we were able to release it today with only a 48-hour delay! So far, 2.7.1 is on schedule and here’s a small preview at a few of the changes coming in it.</p>
<li>Players can now shortcut directly to their Roster by selecting their empty fireteam slots, or by invoking the Roster shortcut on Director Map screens.</li>
<li>When an activity is selected, fireteam leaders can navigate left and right to get to Quests and Roster respectively, then back to their selected activity.</li>
<li>Breakneck now has higher damage per second at Rampage x1 and x2, from 2170/2120 to 2190/2410.</li>
<li>The screen shake on Hard Light firing has been adjusted.</li>
<li>Several class item armor mods will now correctly provide diminishing returns when multiple copies of the mod are equipped. These mods include Perpetuation, Innervation, Invigoration, Insulation, and Absolution.</li>
<li>Grenade Launcher Scavenger will no longer award Special ammo for Grenade Launchers when the player picks up Primary ammo bricks.</li>
<h2>&nbsp;SUPPORT RAPPORT</h2>
<img src=";av=4172578876"></div>
<p>We launched Season of Dawn last month and we scrambled the fighters to shoot down some new bugs this week. Player Support has the details.&nbsp;</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p>Destiny 2 Hotfix was released to the world today, January 16, and resolved several known issues, including:</p>
<li>The <b>EDZ Obelisk</b> could sometimes not be accessed.</li>
<li>The <b>flashing notification icon</b> for Eververse did not stop flashing above Tess’s head.</li>
<li><b>Banshee-44’s weekly bounty</b> was disabled and displays “You have already completed this”.</li>
<div>The full patch notes are posted <a href="" title target>here</a>.&nbsp;</div>
<p>Earlier this week, we identified an issue where the Solar Subclass Emotes were being sold for an incorrect price of 800 Silver on the Eververse Featured page. These Emotes were removed from the Featured page, but are still available for purchase at the correct price of 500 Silver on the Seasonal page.</p>
<p>We will follow up with affected players at a later date who purchased these emotes at the incorrect price.</p>
<div>Over the past few weeks, new issues have surfaced that our Player Support team has been tracking. Below is a list of the latest known issues that were reported in our <a href="" title target>#Help Forum</a>:</div>
<li>Armor 2.0 <b>Transcendent Blessing mods</b> are not appearing in players’ inventories.</li>
<li>Transitioning between areas in the <b>Pit of Heresy Dungeon</b> may result in unintentional character death. This will not prevent players from completing flawless dungeon runs.</li>
<li>The <b>Sundial Fractaline Extractor III</b> obtained from the Nessus obelisk incorrectly states an increased chance to find Polarized Fractaline when completing strikes. The enhancement actually increases the chance to find Polarized Fractaline when completing the Sundial and the Menagerie.</li>
<div>As always, players encountering service issues should follow <a href="" title target>@BungieHel</a>p on Twitter or monitor our support feed on <a href="" title target></a> for the latest info. Players encountering other issues are encouraged to report them to the <a href="" title target>#Help forum</a>.</div>
<h2>Silence Your Phones</h2>
<img src=";av=4172578876"></div>
<p>It’s time for Movie of the Week. This is our chance to seek out our favorite community-created videos and literally force you to watch them here. Ok, maybe you don’t have to watch them, but why wouldn’t you? They’re great!</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week</b>:&nbsp; This is the Way</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='1136' height='641' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<p><b>Honorable Mention</b>: Knives Out&nbsp;</p>
<iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='1136' height='641' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe>
<p>These auteurs just won a cool emblem as evidence of their filmmaking prowess. Please allow a few days for them to arrive. Thanks for using our game to express your creativity! It’s just one of the reasons why we love this passionate community.</p>
<p>It’s a light TWAB week. This new year is taking its time to roar back to full speed and the weather isn’t helping at all. The current activity is hush-hush, so we’re going to step back and watch as you work together to solve it.</p>
<div>Happy hunting<a href="" title target>.</a>&nbsp;</div>
<p><b>&lt;3 Cozmo</b></p>

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