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Mobile - Black Desert Mobile Guide

Black Desert Mobile Guide

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="820" height="421" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p><strong>B</strong><em>lack Desert Mobile</em> is an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">iOS</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Android</a> adaptation of the popular MMORPG <em>Black Desert Online</em>. The game will task players with uncovering the hidden secrets of the Ancients by following the Black Spirit. Some questions about controller support, family names, and best classes have arisen among players, so we are here to offer some advice and practical tips to help you get started.</p>
<h2>Black Desert Mobile Guide</h2>
<h2>Does Black Desert Mobile Offer Controller Support?</h2>
<p>The answer here is both yes and no. Yes, <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> does offer bluetooth controller support, but it’s functionality is limited at best. This means that you can pair a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One bluetooth controller to your iPhone or Android device, but you’ll only get limited functionality out of it.</p>
<p>What does that mean exactly? You’ll be able to use the controller to do things like move the camera, your character, and utilize basic attack moves. However, as far as using the controller to select buttons on the screen and navigate through the menu goes, you’ll have to use your fingers.</p>
<p>Some players have suggested that they were able to avoid this by using a controller with mapping features, but the majority of folks likely won’t have that on hand. It’s unclear if Pearl Abyss plans to build out the <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> controller support any further, or leave it as is.</p>
<h2>What is a Family Name in Black Desert Online?</h2>
<p>If you’re a <em>Black Desert</em> veteran, you’ll likely be familiar with <strong>Family Names</strong>, but if you’re new to the game or have been away for a while, a short explanation will go a long way. In <em>Black Desert Mobile</em>, your family name is essentially your surname, a name that is unique to you and all of your characters in the server.</p>
<p>You can change your family name by purchasing a name change coupon in the store, but it won’t be free. It’ll cost you 400 Pearls, which comes out to $10/£7. Once you’ve purchased the coupon, you’ll be able to change your family name. This <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> tip should help you as you start.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="Black Desert Mobile Family Name" width="820" height="421"></p>
<h2>Black Desert Mobile – Family Name vs. Character Name</h2>
<p>As the name implies, your character name is simply your first name, while your family name is your last name. So if your character was named, John Doe (I know, creative, huh?) then your character name would be John and your family name would be Doe. Every new character will adapt a new character name but will keep the same family name. Hopefully this <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> tip will go a long ways towards explaining the difference.</p>
<h2>Black Desert Mobile Class – Which Should You Pick?</h2>
<p>Perhaps the biggest question players are asking is which <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> class should you pick? While there is no right answer, the class you choose will affect your character’s appearance and fighting style.</p>
<p>There are currently five <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> classes available in the game, with more coming in the future. Below is a list of all five classes:</p>
<p>While there is no right answer on which class is the best to choose, each class will likely be better for different players based on their playstyle.</p>
<p>The <strong>Giant</strong> class is best for those who love to melee and cause chaos. With a high DPS (damage per second), you’ll be able to deal loads of damage to enemies rather quickly. On the other hand, the <strong>Ranger</strong> class offers a mix of melee and ranged fighting. While it still offers a high DPS, you’ll also be able to deal a fair amount of damage from distance as well.</p>
<p>The <strong>Valkyrie</strong> class in <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> is best for those who want to play a support role. As a Valkyrie, you’ll be able to cast recovery spells and defensive aid to keep your team alive.</p>
<p>The <strong>Warrior</strong> is perhaps one of the best all-round <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> classes. With a nice balance, players will be able to try their hand at playing an attacking role as well as a defensive role. The <strong>Witch</strong> is similar to the Ranger in that it can deal lots of damage to enemies really quick, however, you’ll need to be careful because this class can’t take a whole lot of damage.</p>
<h2>Black Desert Mobile Auto Attack/Combat</h2>
<p><em>Black Desert Mobile</em> offers players the opportunity to use an auto attack/combat feature which will make fighting a whole lot easier. However, it isn’t available right away, so figuring out how to unlock and use auto attack/combat can be a little bit confusing.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="Black Desert Mobile Auto Combat" width="820" height="422"></p>
<p>To unlock auto attack/combat, you’ll need to finish the <strong>Ancient Stone Chamber</strong> story quest, which will come around level 13. Once you’ve completed that mission, you’ll be able to use the auto attack feature.</p>
<p>Once you’ve unlocked it, you should see a button on your screen when you’re in combat that will allow you to enable the auto attack feature. Simply press the button every time you’re in a fight and would like to use it and you’ll instantly attack all the nearby enemies.</p>
<h2>Is Black Desert Mobile Pay to Win?</h2>
<p>As with any mobile game, a lot of questions are being asked about <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> microtransactions and if it is a pay to win style game. The game offers a premium currency called Black Pearls, which players can use in the shop to buy more item storage, pets, cosmetics, and more.</p>
<p>Players can also earn Black Pearls by playing through the game as rewards, but as you might expect, it’ll take longer. While players who buy Black Pearls may have a slight advantage, overall, <em>Black Desert Online</em> is not a pay to win game and the microtransactions are handled well in our opinion.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="Black Desert Mobile Microtransactions" width="820" height="419"></p>
<h2>What is the Black Desert Mobile Max Level?</h2>
<p>Players will be able to ‘Awaken’ their character at level 65, which will essentially change their playstyle. Once your character class has been awoken, you’ll get new abilities, weapons, and more.</p>
<p>Each of the <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> classes offer different types of awakenings. You can see each class’s awakening below:</p>
<li>Giant – Destroyer</li>
<li>Ranger – Windwalker</li>
<li>Valkyrie – Lancer</li>
<li>Warrior – Berkserker</li>
<li>Witch – Archmage</li>
<p>Hopefully this list of <em>Black Desert Mobile</em> tips and advice will help your first few hours go by smoothly. If you have any questions, drop a comment below and we will do our best to get back to you.</p>
<p><em>Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor at Pocket Tactics. You can find more of his work on his site, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Guide Fall</a>. </em></p>

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