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News - Minecraft 1.15 Pre-Release 1

Minecraft 1.15 Pre-Release 1

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="16" height="16" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<p>Buzzy Bees! What a delightful bit of alliteration. Someone should use that for when they add bees to their game. Unfortunately, we already promised marketing we’d call this&nbsp;<b>Minecraft Java Edition presents: Disgusting Bugs.</b></p>
<p>What’s that? I’m hearing marketing have had a change of heart, and that we can&nbsp;confirm in this pre-release that we’ll be calling the actual release, on December 10,&nbsp;<b>Buzzy Bees.&nbsp;</b>Hooray!&nbsp;</p>
<p>You can find the full news article on&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>
<li>Changed the button highlight to make it easier to distinguish which button is selected</li>
<li>Optimized chunk rendering</li>
<li>Optimized explosions</li>
<li>Recipe changes to match Minecraft Bedrock</li>
<li>Updates to the Resource pack format</li>
<li>Dark prismarine is now crafted from black dye instead of ink sacs</li>
<li>Increased scaffolding burn time when used as fuel in a furnace</li>
<li>The resource pack version is now 5</li>
<li>The game now tries to make out of date resource packs work as much as possible</li>
<li>Fixed bugs</li>
<li><a href="">MC-12211</a>&nbsp;– Comparator in subtraction mode does not update visually under certain conditions</li>
<li><a href="">MC-14826</a>&nbsp;– Leads in unloaded chunks break, become invisible or connect to an invisible target far away</li>
<li><a href="">MC-63669</a>&nbsp;– Comparator Timing Issue</li>
<li><a href="">MC-90602</a>&nbsp;– Chunks don’t load correctly/not rendering</li>
<li><a href="">MC-94838</a>&nbsp;– Comparator affected through gap</li>
<li><a href="">MC-125495</a>&nbsp;– Owner tag of item entities is ignored if entity is destroyed in 200 ticks (Age &gt;= 5800)</li>
<li><a href="">MC-125511</a>&nbsp;– Item entity merging ignores Owner tag</li>
<li><a href="">MC-135110</a>&nbsp;– Crash when using outdated resource pack: Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location</li>
<li><a href="">MC-152198</a>&nbsp;– Actual render distance is 2 chunks lower than render distance setting</li>
<li><a href="">MC-161132</a>&nbsp;– Leaves are considered solid faces for block placement</li>
<li><a href="">MC-161900</a>&nbsp;– Advancement menu background is rendered in front of toasts</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163308</a>&nbsp;– Pillagers still spawning in trees in 1.14.4</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163553</a>&nbsp;– Dragon texture flickering issue</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163560</a>&nbsp;– Berry bushes no longer slow down the player</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163745</a>&nbsp;– Dramatic speed up after falling through cobweb</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163947</a>&nbsp;– When mobs sliding down honey blocks, the subtitles will show footsteps</li>
<li><a href="">MC-163953</a>&nbsp;– /fill command doesn’t create block entities for all bocks</li>
<li><a href="">MC-164076</a>&nbsp;– Transparent texture parts of invisible entities are rendered black when looking at them in spectator mode</li>
<li><a href="">MC-164535</a>&nbsp;– /playsound uses wrong feedback message for multiple targets</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165133</a>&nbsp;– Ignited TNT appears offset one block to the west</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165134</a>&nbsp;– Entities are rendered too dark when in the ground</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165154</a>&nbsp;– Entities riding boats, minecarts or other entities are rendered too dark when their hitbox intersects solid blocks</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165155</a>&nbsp;– Block hitboxes no longer render behind transparent blocks</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165156</a>&nbsp;– Transparent block items no longer render behind transparent blocks</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165173</a>&nbsp;– Bees immediately enter their nests/hives after leaving them</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165298</a>&nbsp;– Entities are rendered too dark when standing on soul sand or snow layers</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165358</a>&nbsp;– Entities are sometimes rendered too dark when changing heights</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165497</a>&nbsp;– Programmer art shield pattern textures have not been updated to the new resource pack format</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165524</a>&nbsp;– Zombie pigman spawn eggs used on zombie pigmen do not spawn baby zombie pigmen</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165527</a>&nbsp;– Item of advancement pop up is visible on text in the advancement menu</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165550</a>&nbsp;– Ligthing of slimes and magma cubes becomes dark when they land to the ground</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165605</a>&nbsp;– Command starting with / in command block shows error but still works</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165606</a>&nbsp;– “Bee Our Guest” advancement is only triggered when more then one bottle is in the players hand while right clicking the hive</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165627</a>&nbsp;– Falling blocks glitch through shulkers when the shulker is opening / closing</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165676</a>&nbsp;– Aquatic mobs don’t move below sea level</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165727</a>&nbsp;– Falling blocks on top of non-full block without block below do not break</li>
<li><a href="">MC-165876</a>&nbsp;– Sand particles don’t have gravity anymore</li>

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