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Xenko 3.1 Released

Xenko 3.1 Released

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="356" height="400" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>The open source MIT licensed game engine <a href="">Xenko</a> just released version 3.1.&nbsp; We have featured Xenko several times in the past including this somewhat outdated <a href="">tutorial series</a>.&nbsp; The 3.1 release is somewhat difficult to nail down what is new, as the <a href="">release blog post</a> primarily focuses on the new NuGet features:</p>
<p>Xenko was always a big proponent of NuGet: since first version, Xenko was distributed as a NuGet package.</p>
<p>However, due to limitations (hello packages.config and project.json!), we were leveraging NuGet more as a distribution medium than proper NuGet packages: Xenko 3.0 is still a monolithic single package and it would not work out of the box when referenced from Visual Studio without using Xenko Launcher and Game Studio.</p>
<p>Xenko 3.0 paved the way by making Xenko compatible with the new project system (game projects were referencing Xenko using a <code>PackageReference</code>).</p>
<p>Today, Xenko 3.1 brings Xenko as a set of smaller NuGet package, each containing one assembly, with proper dependencies:</p>
<p><img alt="GitHub" src=""></p>
<p>As a result, it is now possible to create a game project that references only the packages you want.</p>
<p>You can learn more about the release, as well as a complete <em>unfiltered</em> change long <a href="">here</a>.&nbsp; One other thing to be aware of before upgrading to Xenko 3.1 is the requirement to use Visual Studio 2019!&nbsp; You can learn more about Xenko and this release in the <a href="">video</a> below.</p>
<p align="center"><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='853' height='480' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe> </p>
<p class="under"> <span class="categories"><a href="">GameDev News</a></span> <span class="tags"><a href="" rel="tag">Paradox</a> <a href="" rel="tag">C#</a></span> </p>
<hr> &lt;!–</p>

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