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News - Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1

Destiny 2 Update 2.6.1

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="590" title="" alt="" /></div><div><div><img src="" class="ff-og-image-inserted"></div>
<h2>Festival of the Lost</h2>
<p><b>2018 Masks</b></p>
<li>Owners of 2018 Festival of the Lost masks automatically receive the associated ornaments to be used on the 2019 Festival of the Lost helmet</li>
<h2>Combat Systems</h2>
<p><b><u>Striker—Code of the Juggernaut (Bottom Path)</u></b></p>
<li>Reduced amount returned possible per kill from 15% to 13% (before diminishing returns)</li>
<li>Reduced the low end of the diminishing returns from 5% to 3.25%</li>
<li>Changed the kills for the diminishing returns by splitting them out between players and combatants</li>
<li>Was previously 15 kills; is now 14 combatant kills or 7 opposing Guardian kills (opposing Guardians count 2x toward diminishing returns)</li>
<li>Tuned the amount of Super energy returned per kill</li>
<li>Cost of Light attack in Super increased by 50% from 2% to 3%</li>
<li>Regeneration on kill no longer procs on Super kills</li>
<p><b><u>Dawnblade—Attunement of Flame (Bottom Path)</u></b></p>
<p><b>Everlasting Flames:&nbsp;</b></p>
<li>Increased the low end of the diminishing returns from 0.75% to 0.95%</li>
<li>Changed the kills for the diminishing returns by splitting them out between players and combatants</li>
<li>Previously it was 30 kills. Now it is 21 combatant kills or 7 opposing Guardian kills (opposing Guardians count 3x toward diminishing returns)</li>
<li>Tuned the amount of Super energy returned per kill (handled differently than Striker as this attack is an AoE)</li>
<p><b><u>Sentinel—Code of the Protector (Top Path)</u></b></p>
<div><b>Ward of Dawn:</b></p>
<li>Armor of Light timer now correlates with the life of the Ward of Dawn</li>
<li>Particle FX move more rapidly toward the end of the Ward of Dawn’s life</li>
<p><b><u>Nightstalker—Way of the Wraith (Middle Path)</u></b></p>
<p><b>Shattering Strike:&nbsp;</b></p>
<li>Shattering Strike lasts the proper 9 seconds once again</li>
<li>Fixed a bug in which Shattering Strike activation window was reduced to 3 seconds along with Truesight</li>
<p><b>Shoulder Charge</b></p>
<p>We’ve removed a bug that allowed players to shoot immediately before activating shoulder charge, which allowed players to apply the 1–2 Punch damage buff to shoulder charge.</p>
<li>Fixed an issue that caused this weapon to impact multiple times at close ranges</li>
<li>Increased the Weaken effect from 25% to 30%</li>
<li>NOTE: The Weaken effect from Judgment is not intended to stack with other Weaken effects. This issue will be fixed at a later date. The “cage” will still appear and act as a precision weak point in these cases, but the multipliers themselves will not stack.&nbsp;</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Destiny 2 would crash if this weapon was combined with target-marking effects such as Vengeance (One-Eyed Mask)</li>
<li>Fixed the reload timing on this weapon</li>
<li>NOTE: This also affects other Rocket Launchers that share the same reload animation</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that would cause the leaves on this weapon to distort visually</li>
<li>Prophet of Doom</li>
<li>Fixed an issue with the placement of shells during the reload animation</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that prevented Archer’s Gambit from activating if the player manually un-draws their Bow and starts sprinting at the same time</li>
<li>Sealed Ahamkara’s Grasps now have a short cooldown period between perk activations</li>
<li>Stats and Perks</li>
<li>Armor 2.0 mods that trigger on orb collection or using your class ability now no longer stack with their pre-Armor 2.0 versions</li>
<li>Pre-Armor 2.0 Exotics now have correct stat packages</li>
<li>Armor 1.0 Traction perk applies +5 Mobility, in line with Armor 2.0 Traction mod</li>
<li>Blocking communication with players in Steam will now block/mute players in Destiny 2</li>
<li>Added functionality for /addfriend and /removefriend commands</li>
<li>/addfriend [ PlayerName ]</li>
<li>/removefriend [ PlayerName ]</li>
<li>Note: Players must be in one of your rosters (fireteam, friends, or clan) in order to add/remove them as a friend.</li>
<li>Added functionality for /invite command</li>
<li>/invite [ PlayerName ]</li>
<li>Note: Players must be in one of your rosters (fireteam, friends, or clan) in order to invite them by player name.</li>
<li>/invite [ SteamID ]</li>
<li>Note: You can invite players by SteamID, regardless of whether they’re in your roster or not.</li>
<li>Players can now /invite and /join another player regardless of their Steam online status (online, invisible, or offline)</li>
<li>/help description updated to reflect new changes to commands</li>
<li>When an ornament has been applied to a weapon or armor item, its icon will now update to reflect the currently equipped ornament</li>
<li>Universal ornament packages that have been purchased but not opened now properly indicate they are owned in the Eververse store</li>
<p><b>Season Pass</b></p>
<li>The Vow’s catalyst quest step now properly references “strike playlists” rather than the erroneous “strike activities”</li>
<li>The Season Pass bonus Catalyst quest boost omega now properly describes is progression acceleration as “quadruples” rather than the erroneous “triples”</li>
<li>The Exotic ship Never Live It Down now properly displays its name in the lore tab title section</li>
<p><b>Power and Progression</b></p>
<li>Exotic quest “Symphony of Death” awards more XP than intended; set this to be the same as other Exotic quests</li>
<li>Exotic quest “Make Bows, Not War” awards more XP than intended; set this to be the same as other Exotic quests</li>
<li>Increased the Power of gear awarded by “Invitations of the Nine” bounties “Into the Unknown” to be powerful</li>
<p><b>Nightmare Hunts</b></p>
<li>Increased the damage multiplier granted by Unstable Essence at difficulty levels Hero, Legend, and Master</li>
<li>Adjusted Unstable Essence to be significantly more effective against Nightmares than Nightmare Bosses</li>
<li>The Swordbearer Nightmare’s Sword in Nightmare Hunt: Despair now drains half as fast once a player equips it</li>
<li>Navigation waypoint added to Nightmare Hunt: Servitude to help guide players more effectively toward the final encounter</li>
<li>Hunts now have idle protection; idle players will not receive rewards</li>
<li>Garden of Salvation</li>
<li>Encounter rewards are now delivered as engrams instead of directly granted in the loot feed</li>
<li>Fixed an exploit where Cyclopes could be knocked off of their towers in the final encounter</li>
<li>Increased the radius for Relay Defender and Enhanced Relay Defender mods</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where music would not start properly when players enter the final boss arena</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Consecrated Mind could slam into walls during DPS</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where geometry in the final encounter space could appear completely black when being removed or recreated</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where weekly challenge rewards could be re-earned repeatedly by deleting and creating new characters</li>
<li>Last Wish</li>
<li>Apprentice Guide and Journeyman Guide emblem variants will appear in collections after players discover them.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the first Shadowkeep campaign quest step “In Search of Answers” could go to Postmaster if player’s quests inventory was full</li>
<li>Affected players can now recover the Shadowkeep campaign quest from Eris in the “Abandoned Quests” section</li>
<li>“Essence of Vanity” pursuit now displays number of Sniper Rifle kills required for completion; it will now display progress out of 25 instead of just progress</li>
<li>Lost Ghost Traces will no longer drop after all Dead Ghosts have been found; extra Traces will be removed from inventory when the last Dead Ghost is found</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in which using the Firewall Data Fragment in the K1 Revelation Lost Sector didn’t have a chance of providing a Cleansed Essence after three weeks of completions</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Cross Save-enabled players could turn in a cleansed Essence to the Lectern of Enchantment and receive no rewards</li>
<li>If playing on a platform on which you don’t own Shadowkeep, the Lectern will no longer show the Essence reward screen</li>
<li>To receive the reward, log on to the platform on which you own Shadowkeep and visit the Lectern</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where daily bounties for both Eris and the Lectern of Enchantment were rotating weekly instead of daily</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the Moon bounty “Tidal Lock” would progress only in Nightmare Hunts; it will now progress anywhere on the Moon</li>
<li>Phantasmal Core stack cap raised from 3 to 999</li>
<li>Triumph “Lore of Luna” now progresses when scan patrols are completed in Sorrow’s Harbor.</li>
<li>Removed blank, unobtainable page from lore book “Unveiling”</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where players who finished their bunny collection faster than expected weren’t awarded with the “Lunar Gloom” shader</li>
<li>On login, affected players will have a stack of five of this shader in their inventory and unlocked in Collections</li>
<li>Black Armory (Misc)</li>
<li>Quests for Gofannon and Izanami forges still existed on veteran characters who were on steps that could not be progressed; those steps have been removed from the players inventories</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where players could not acquire nor complete the Key Mold quest for Izanagi’s Burden</li>
<li>The Lock and Key (Mysterious Box) quest can be abandoned; players can reacquire the abandoned quest at Ada-1</li>
<li>The “Harvest Time” bounty will now progress when collecting Helium Filaments</li>
<li>Dreaming City</li>
<li>Balanced Awoken Talisman has been removed from veteran players’ inventories; it is no longer needed to access Dreaming City/Shattered Throne/Wish Ender quest</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that allowed players to loot the Orrery chest an unlimited number of times</li>
<li>Shattered Throne</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where, upon defeating Dul Incaru at the end of Shattered Throne, players could return to orbit and have a checkpoint for the activity; defeating the boss will now immediately complete the activity and award credit</li>
<li>Exodus Black world quest turn-in step can be recovered from Failsafe if players abandon it</li>
<li>Mars and Mercury</li>
<li>Heroic adventures will now be available on their respective destinations when Mars or Mercury are featured as a Flashpoint</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the “Enhance” quest was no longer available</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Warlocks who wagered Weak Motes in Reckoning were incorrectly being rewarded Titan gear</li>
<li>Increased stack size of Gambit Prime Synths to 999</li>
<li>Fixed an exploit in Countdown that allowed the defending team to get free wins by continuously swapping gear between rounds</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that prevented some players from earning the Silimar’s Design Iron Banner Triumph; the Triumph will be awarded retroactively to any players who encountered this issue</li>
<li>Benedict 99-40</li>
<li>Removed initial Vendor Challenge from Benedict 99-40</li>
<li>Removed challenge from Black Armory Forge unlock quest</li>
<li>Weekly Black Armory bounties now award Black Armory armor pieces</li>
<li>Yuna (IGR Only)</li>
<li>Yuna’s inventory is now updated to vend Armor 2.0 versions of Exotic armor</li>
<li>Eris and Rune Table</li>
<li>Daily bounties will now rotate daily, as opposed to weekly</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Gyro Ghost Shell’s rings would animate improperly when summoned</li>
<li>Increased idle protections across numerous PvE playlists</li>
<li>Play the game, get rewards</li>
<li>Seriously, just play the game</li>
<li>Don’t leave your team hanging</li>
<li>It’s not very nice</li>
<li>The Traitor’s Fate sword is no longer marked as “Requires Exclusive Item” and can be successfully equipped</li>
<p><b>Lore Tabs</b></p>
<li>Added Lore Tabs for the following Shadowkeep rewards:</li>
<li>Legendary Garden of Salvation rewards</li>
<li>15 unique lore tabs</li>
<li>Monte Carlo</li>
<li>Leviathan’s Breath</li>
<li>Eriana’s Vow</li>
<li>Assassin’s Cowl</li>
<li>Phoenix Cradle</li>
<li>Stormdancer’s Brace</li>
<li>Never Live It Down</li>
<li>Heavy Ammo initial spawn changed to 60 seconds (was 45 seconds)</li>
<li>Iron Banner Control</li>
<li>Heavy Ammo initial spawn changed to 60 seconds (was 45 seconds)</li>
<li>Heavy Ammo additional spawning changed to every 120 seconds (was every 60 seconds)</li>
<li>Heavy Ammo initial spawn changed to 60 seconds (was 30 seconds)</li>
<li>Reduced the amount of Heavy Ammo granted to match Elimination and 6v6 modes</li>
<h2>UI Systems</h2>
<li>Added accessibility options for subtitles, which are available during account creation and the Settings screen</li>
<li>The options add the ability for players to change the font size, font color, subtitle background style, and subtitle background opacity</li>
<li>Added the continuous tabbing when tabbing past each end of the Director</li>
<li>Reorganized some of the Settings on PC to better organize where certain options are sorted</li>
<li>Changed the text opacity for the menu navigation bar to improve visibility with certain emblem themes</li>
<li><i>Forsaken </i>subclasses will display the correct Super icon in the PvP HUD; all Sentinal and Arcstrider subclasses still use the same Super icon for each of their three subclasses; these Supers will have new icons</li>
<li>Burning Maul</li>
<li>Blade Barrage</li>
<li>Spectral Blades</li>
<li>Nova Warp</li>
<li>Well of Radiance</li>
<li>Chaos Reach</li>
<li>Fixed an issue that increased loading times for gear preview while in space flight</li>
<li>Added protections against intense strobe effects that can be encountered if the player’s health is near the shield break threshold and the player has a damage-over-time effect and a healing effect active at the same time</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the page pips in the Quest tab would become highlighted when selecting on the screen</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the Strike node on the Moon map would not show a breadcrumb icon during the Shadowkeep campaign</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where icons on the Season Pass would load at different times</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where Cross Saved accounts would show incorrect names</li>
<li>Removed the inaccurate “Season Rank” display while inspecting another player</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where equipping an already-acquired emblem would cause the loot stream notification to appear</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where <i>Destiny Guardians</i> was not being displayed for the Korea region</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where gearset icons (such as Gambit Prime or Revelry armor) on the character screen would have empty spaces between them</li>
<li>Changed the objective text on the Cache Out bounty to “Chests looted”</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the Spell of Abolition emote wasn’t showing in the emote feed&nbsp;</li>

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