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Mobile - 10 Things Call of Duty Mobile Doesn’t Tell You (But Really Should)

10 Things Call of Duty Mobile Doesn’t Tell You (But Really Should)

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="820" height="461" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p> <span class="author">By Andrew Smith</span> <span class="date">08 Oct 2019</span> </p>
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<p>The <em>Call of Duty</em> franchise is one of the most recognised in the era of modern gaming. The series is available on a multitude of platforms; and has dabbled with mobile in the past. On October 1, 2019 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Call of Duty: Mobile</em> released</a> on Android and iOS devices, bringing the competitive world of first-person online shooters to mobile devices in a way only a few have attempted before.</p>
<p>If you’re thinking of trying it out, here are ten things that <em>Call of Duty: Mobile</em> doesn’t tell you.</p>
<h2>Are there Microtransactions in Call of Duty: Mobile?</h2>
<p>Anyone who is familiar with mobile gaming knows microtransactions are typically a staple, especially for free games. In the case of <em>Call of Duty: Mobile</em>, the story is no different. As a free to download game, players can expect microtransactions in the form of COD Points.</p>
<p>These can be used to purchase skins, experience cards, and the premium Battle Pass. Similar to <em>Fortnite</em> and other popular free-to-play games, CoD Mobile features a free and a premium Battle Pass. For the price of 800 COD Points ($10 USD), players can access the Premium Battle Pass and for 2000 COD Points ($25 USD), players can purchase the Premium Pass Plus which will automatically bump them up 25 Tiers. As you might expect, the Battle Pass is filled with skins, points, credits, xp boosts, and even loot boxes.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="CoD Mobile Battle Pass" width="820" height="461"></p>
<p>Speaking of loot boxes, these can be purchased with COD Points as well, and offer players the chance to win a variety of weapon skins which are divided up into three different rarities. Developers have also disclosed the CoD: Mobile loot box odds within the game, which can be seen below.</p>
<li>Epic (Purple): 1.30%</li>
<li>Rare (Blue): 40.70%</li>
<li>Uncommon (Green): 58%</li>
<p>Different skins can also be purchased in the store with CoD Points, for a variety of prices. There are multiple CoD Point packages currently available in the store, ranging from $1-$99 USD. You can see a full list of bundles below.</p>
<li>80 Points – $1</li>
<li>400 Points – $5</li>
<li>800 Points – $10</li>
<li>2,000 Points – $25</li>
<li>4,000 Points – $50</li>
<li>8,000 Points – $100</li>
<h2>How to Level Up in Call of Duty: Mobile</h2>
<p>If you’ve got your eye on an item in the Battle Pass, then you might be wondering how to level up in <em>CoD: Mobile</em>. The simple answer is to gain as much XP as possible. The more complicated answer involves strategically choosing what game modes you play.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="CoD Mobile Premium Pass" width="820" height="461"></p>
<p>To level up fast, you’re probably going to want to stick to Unranked PvP matches instead of the Ranked matches, simply because they are easier, and you’ll be able to farm a little bit more XP during each match. If you’re getting bored and want to switch things up, you can also play Domination mode which nets a fair amount of XP and can be completed quickly.</p>
<p>One mode you’ll want to avoid if you’re trying to farm XP is the Battle Royale mode. While it does tend to net more XP than others, the games take a long time. You may get 4,000 XP from a Battle Royale game, but you’ll also sacrifice a large chunk of time. Instead, you could have gotten 2,500 XP in each match from three or more Unranked PvP games in the same amount of time.</p>
<h2>Are there Bots in CoD: Mobile?</h2>
<p>After a few rounds of the hit mobile game, players might become suspicious of <em>CoD: Mobile</em> bots and AI. There are a couple things that might tip you off, but the most obvious will likely be that some players are really bad. While it may seem like you are playing against bots, there is currently no evidence of this. Since playing requires an internet connection and there is no option for offline play, chances are that you are in fact playing against real people.</p>
<h2>How to add friends in Call of Duty: Mobile</h2>
<p>If you and your friends want to play together, then you’ll probably want to add them as a friend. There are a couple of different ways to add friends in <em>Call of Duty: Mobile</em>. For starters, you’ll want to click the icon of two humans on the top of your screen. This is the friend page, from here you can connect with friends from social media, find recent players, see your friends list, or add friends from the suggested list or search their name/ID.</p>
<p>If you can’t remember your username or want to find your ID number, you can locate the information within the settings. Simply click the gear icon to the right of the friend’s icon and go to the “Other” tab. On the bottom of the screen, you should see your ID number as well as your username.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="CoD Mobile Friends" width="820" height="461"></p>
<h2>How to 1v1 in Call of Duty: Mobile</h2>
<p>We all have that one friend whose only comeback consists of <em>“1v1 me in CoD bro.”</em> Well, if you want to settle the scores in the mobile version, you can do that in a few simple steps. From the home screen, select multiplayer and then the “Private” button in the bottom left corner.</p>
<p>You’ll be taken to a versus screen where you can set up two different teams with your friends. You can add up to five players on each team or you can set up a 1v1 match. Simply select the friend you want to face in a 1v1 match from your friends list and choose the map and mode you want to play on. Then begin the game and show your friend who’s boss.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="CoD Mobile 1v1" width="820" height="461"></p>
<h2>How to Change your Name in CoD: Mobile</h2>
<p>If you’d like to change your <em>CoD: Mobile</em> nickname, you can do that by following a few simple steps. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as clicking a button to change your name, but it is possible. For starters, you’ll need to link your account with Facebook, if you don’t, you won’t be able to change your name. You can do this by going to the settings within the game and clicking the “Link” button in the top right corner.</p>
<p>Once you do that, you’ll be prompted to sign up with Facebook, but you will keep your original nickname. If you want to change your name, you’ll need to uninstall and reinstall the app. Don’t worry, you won’t lose your account or any of your progress. Once you reinstall the app and open it up, you’ll have to login with Facebook again and you’ll be prompted to change your nickname.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="CoD Mobile Username and ID" width="820" height="461"></p>
<h2>How to use Voice Chat in CoD: Mobile</h2>
<p>If you want to play with your friends, then you also might be interested in using voice chat in <em>CoD: Mobile</em>. However, there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is that using voice chat is really simple. Simply choose the “Multiplayer” option on your homescreen then press the little microphone in the bottom left corner.</p>
<p>The bad news is that a lot of players are reporting issues with voice chat, saying they are receiving “server timed out” messages. While this is annoying, it’s likely just a simple bug that developers will be able to fix in the near future. So, hold on tight, soldier.</p>
<h2>Call of Duty: Mobile Controller Support</h2>
<p>If you’re a fan of console gaming, then odds are you prefer a controller in your hand when playing <em>Call of Duty</em>. Unfortunately, despite being available during beta testing, developers have pulled controller support from <em>CoD: Mobile</em> for the time being. There is no official word if it will be coming back or if it is gone forever. However, a lot of insiders are speculating that controller support will be back sometime in the future.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="call of duty mobile controller" width="820" height="437"></p>
<h2>Can you play CoD: Mobile on PC?</h2>
<p>Despite being a mobile game, players will in fact be able to play <em>CoD: Mobile</em> on PC. GameLoop, a child company of Tencent (<em>CoD: Mobile</em> developers), has made the game available on PC via an emulator. Since the company is associated with the developers, you don’t need to worry about getting in trouble for emulating the game.</p>
<p>You can check out the <em>Call of Duty: Mobile</em> emulator on the GameLoop website. This will allow players the ability to experience the mobile game with a mouse and PC. Further, the emulation download is only 10 MB, which shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to download, depending on your internet speeds.</p>
<h2>When is Zombies coming to Call of Duty: Mobile?</h2>
<p>A lot of players have been hoping that a Zombies mode would be coming to <em>CoD: Mobile</em>. After all, Zombies is one of the staple modes for <em>Call of Duty</em> franchise as a whole. Unfortunately, Activision has been rather quite a Zombies mode release date. Aside from mentioning that it is in development, no one really knows when to expect a release. A Halloween release seems like the perfect time to launch the Zombies mode, with it being spooky season and all, but it remains to be seen if that will happen.</p>
<p><em>Call of Duty: Mobile is available to download now on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">iOS</a> &amp; <a href=";hl=en_GB" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Android</a>.</em></p>

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