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Mobile - Battle Chasers: Nightwar Tips & Tricks

Battle Chasers: Nightwar Tips & Tricks

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="820" height="461" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>If you start talking to people about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Battle Chasers</em></a>, you’ll find that just about everyone had their own approach to the game. That’s a mark of a complex and well-designed system. None of the six characters can be absolutely pigeonholed into traditional RPG roles, and the many ways that they can buff, debuff, heal, and damage will result in individual approaches across the board.</p>
<p>So experiment! Look for synergies within character’s attacks and abilities, and across characters. It’s tough to build a character totally wrong if you’re keeping mind of their natural advantages. That said, here are some general tips for getting the most out of the game…</p>
<h2>Tips &amp; Tricks</h2>
<p>The <strong>Attack modifier</strong> affects all of your combat abilities, including defensive and healing abilities! Boosting your Attack is the fastest way to use more effective moves in combat. Because Attack even affects your characters’ defensive and healing moves, it is usually a better choice to buff Attack rather than Defense when you find you are taking too much damage.</p>
<p><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="battle chasers tips 2" width="820" height="461"></p>
<p>Your characters’ <strong>level</strong> also makes a huge difference in terms of their strength–all the attributes in the game are scaled according to level. If you’re having trouble on a boss, grinding out a single level will probably make up the difference. The Arena is a great place to quickly nab some experience.</p>
<p>One unique feature in <em>Battle Chasers</em> is the <strong>Haste system</strong>. In addition to the initiative scores that determine who goes first, faster characters also get their attacks off faster. An attack that is too slow may allow an enemy to slip in their own attack before you finish! Abilities that add Haste can make Very Fast abilities instantaneous, giving you more control over the pace of the battle and more attacks compared to your opponents.</p>
<p>While initially it seems like <strong>Overcharge</strong> is a kind of bonus mana, it’s actually a much more powerful replacement for mana. Once you have the ability to quickly build up your Overcharge, there’s no need to keep a reserve of mana–in fact, it can be to your detriment. Some perks gain big bonuses if you have a large reserve of Overcharge, but having full mana limits your potential Overcharge pool. Drain your mana in some easy fights if you need to, so you can save space for a big Overcharge bonus.</p>
<p>Some final tips:</p>
<li>Don’t forget to equip your <strong>perks</strong>, and switch them around when you need to try something different.</li>
<li><strong>Dungeon skills</strong> are also a big help if you’re struggling with a fight.</li>
<li><strong>Debuffing</strong> the enemy before the battle will give you a huge advantage.</li>
<li>Don’t neglect to <strong>eat</strong>.: There’s a lot going on in this game, but food can give you big bonuses that you will especially appreciate before a boss fight.</li>
<h2><img class="leftAlone" title src="" alt="battle chasers tips 1" width="820" height="462"></h2>
<h2>Character Notes</h2>
<p>With Overcharge being such a key mechanic of <em>Battle Chasers</em>, Garrison is the DPS-generating heart of any solid team. He has a larger Overcharge pool and Overcharge-generating attacks and abilities. His Warblade ability will quickly become one of the strongest attacks in the game once you master building his Overcharge pool. At the beginning of the game, his Rally Strike is a useful first cast that will boost your whole team’s Haste. You can also go with attacks that cause bleeding and use Siphon to heal.</p>
<p>Gully is a versatile character that can serve as a tank or a defensive caster, but also hits hard enough to help in dealing damage. Her Taunt ability is key for tanking, and will keep the bad guys off of your more vulnerable characters, while Defend makes her nigh-invincible. Gully is always a good choice for a dungeon crawl, since she can smash her way through secret passages–look for the dust coming out of the wall.</p>
<p>This giant war golem has an interesting mix of healing and damaging abilities, making him a great addition to any party. At the beginning, you’ll definitely want him on healing duty, but consider branching out to DPS. His Sundering abilities are big damage boosters, especially combined with Gut Punch II that also builds Overcharge.</p>
<p>Knolan is a tougher character to use, since he builds Overcharge much more slowly and relies on his mana pool far more than other characters. However, his spells are great for crowd control and debuffing your targets. You’ll be relying on Calibretto for healing by the time you get Knolan, but Knolan can also work well as a healer.</p>
<p>Red Monika is also a great damage-dealer, so you should probably choose between her and Garrison. She relies on building up her critical hit chance for doing huge amounts of damage. Another option is to use her as an evasion tank with her Camouflage abilities.</p>
<p>Alumon comes in later in the game, but will become a part of many parties thanks to his jack-of-all-trades skill set. He is also a great healer. He may even be a better choice than Calibretto because his overheals can become shields with his Grim Covenant ability.</p>
<p><em>Do you have any tips or tricks of your own? Let us know in the comments!</em></p>

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