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News - Digimon Survive Producer Answering Online Fan Questions At Anime Expo 2019

Digimon Survive Producer Answering Online Fan Questions At Anime Expo 2019

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<p class="description">What will you ask?</p>
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<li class=" first"><img class="avatar" src="" width="30" height="30" alt="Liam_Doolan"></li>
<li class="authors last">by <a class="author-name" rel="nofollow" href="">Liam Doolan</a> <span class="icon icon-time"></span> <time class="date age " datetime="2019-06-25T01:05:00+00:00"><span>9 hours ago</span></time></li>
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<figure class="picture strip"><a title="Digimon Survive" href=""><img src="" alt="Digimon Survive"></a></figure>
<p>Digimon fans eager to find out more about the history of the video game series or the upcoming Switch release, <strong><a href="">Digimon Survive</a></strong>, will be pleased to hear Bandai Namco is currently accepting online questions, which will be answered by the producer at “The Future of Digimon” Anime Expo 2019 panel.</p>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><span lang="en" dir="ltr">Let us know your burning questions related to Digimon games or Digimon Survive! You’ll have a chance to get your question answered by Digimon Game Producer Habu Kazumasa during the panel on Friday, July 6th at 10:00AM. Send in your questions here by 6/27: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></span>— Digimon Games (@digimon_games) <a href="">June 24, 2019</a></p></blockquote>
<p>For anyone interested in learning more about Digimon Survive, see our <a href="">previous post</a> and take a look at the dev diary celebrating 20 years of the franchise:</p>
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<div class="youtube"><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='900' height='507' src='' allowfullscreen='true' style='border:0;'></iframe></div>
<p><em>Are you looking forward to playing a new Digimon game later this year? Tell us down in the comments.</em></p>
<p class="text source">[via <a rel="external" title="External Link:" href=""></a>, <a rel="external" title="External Link:" href=""></a>]</p>
<p><!-- cache: @ 2019-06-25T10:37:36+01:00 --></p>
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