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News - Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Professions - How To Pick The Best Class For You

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Professions - How To Pick The Best Class For You

<p dir="ltr"><a href="">Harry Potter: Wizards Unite</a>--the just-released iOS and Android game from <a href="">Pokemon Go</a> developer Niantic--presents you with a variety of choices to make. One that you don't get until you've leveled up a bit is the ability to pick one of three Professions, but which job you decide on has a big effect on how you'll play the game going forward. Your Profession lets you upgrade yourself with perks and abilities that make you more effective in Wizards Unite's various battle, where you'll take on Death Eaters, scary creatures, and a whole lot more.</p><p dir="ltr">A big part of Wizards Unite is <a href="">gathering energy</a> to cast spells, and occasionally, you'll have to use your magic capabilities to face down enemies from the Wizarding World. Some of the best rewards and rarest Foundables in the game are locked inside locations called Fortresses, which put you into cooperative battles with other players on your side. <a href="">If you're a player of Pokemon Go</a>, some of this will be familiar to you--but Wizards Unite adds a lot of depth to its battle system, as well. (We've got <a href="">even more Harry Potter: Wizards Unite coverage on our hub page</a>.)</p><p dir="ltr">Choosing a Profession is a significant decision, as is spending the items you earn as you play in order to level yourself up over time. But how to choose whether you should be an Auror like Harry Potter, a Magizoologist like Newt Scamander, or a Professor like Albus Dumbledore? There are a lot of factors that go into the decision, including what kind of wizard you want to be, what battle stats are important to you, and how you'll best contribute to a team of players.</p><p dir="ltr">We've run down the basics of the Profession system below to help you make the right decision. Here's everything you need to know about Wizard Unite's class system, including each class's specializations, skill trees, and what the stats you'll be upgrading with the game's RPG elements mean and how they work.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3551696" data-ratio="1.7786666666667" data-width="750" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 750px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 750w, 719w, 539w" sizes="(max-width: 719px) 100vw, 719px" data-width="719"></a></figure><h2 dir="ltr">Which Profession Is Right For You?</h2><p dir="ltr">There are three different professions to choose from in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, which become available when you hit Level 6. Each has different benefits and drawbacks. All the professions have different areas of combat they specialize in, and are tuned to defeat different kinds of enemies. Picking the job that matches your playstyle in battle is important, but having a balanced team in situations like multiplayer Wizarding Challenges in Fortresses is also essential to victory. The good news is, you can switch specializations at any time, so if your team is short on someone to specialize in dealing with Curiosities or Beasts, you can change roles to fill the gap. There are three jobs from which to choose, each with its own unique tree of skills and perks you can earn over time.</p><h3 dir="ltr">Auror</h3><p dir="ltr">Under the mentorship of none other than Harry Potter, Aurors are the folks who specialize in magical combat against the Dark Arts. Their abilities tend to focus on combat strength and dealing direct damage to enemies, so think of them as the frontline fighters of the Wizarding World. Aurors have the lowest Stamina, or health, of the three classes, but the highest Power. They also get more critical hits, and do more damage with them, than other wizards. Aurors do extra damage to Dark Forces enemies but take extra damage from Beast enemies.</p><h3 dir="ltr">Magizoologist</h3><p dir="ltr">Rubeus Hagrid serves as mentor to Magizoologists, whose abilities are more aligned with caring for creatures--and other humans. This is your defensive healer class of wizards, wielding spells that are more about helping out the team than damaging enemies directly. They also have the highest Stamina of the three classes. Magizoologists are strong against Beast enemies and weak against Curiosities.</p><h3 dir="ltr">Professor</h3><p dir="ltr">With Minerva McGonagle heading their order, Professors are a more versatile class of wizard. Their spells focus generally on buffing their teammates and debuffing their enemies, making them the status manipulators of a squad. This is your middle-of-the-road class, balanced between the power of Aurors and the defensiveness of Magizoologists, but with a lot of good traits of both. Professors do extra damage to Curiosities and take additional damage from Dark Forces enemies.</p><h2 dir="ltr">Upgrading Your Skills In The Skill Tree</h2><p dir="ltr">You'll need to keep an eye on a new set of items you'll find as you venture through Wizards Unite, once you've unlocked Professions: Scrolls and Spellbooks. You'll spend these in the skill trees of your professions to unlock new spells and passive perks that make you more effective in combat, like gaining additional stamina or dealing more damage.</p><p dir="ltr">Scrolls come from the chests unlocked when you complete Traces and catalog Foundables in your Registry, so they're fairly easy to come by. Especially in the early part of the skill trees, you'll mostly be spending Scrolls to advance and unlock different abilities and perks. Tougher to get are Spell Books, which are found in the chests when you complete Wizarding Challenges in Fortresses. If you want to advance your wizard abilities, you're going to need to engage in multiplayer battles with other players.</p><h2 dir="ltr">The Stats</h2><p dir="ltr">When you reach the Profession screen, you'll see a page that gauges a series of stats you'll increase for your wizard as you unlock perks in the skill tree. Their meanings aren't immediately clear, so here's what each one does:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><strong>Stamina</strong>: Your health in battles.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Power</strong>: The strength of the spells you use against enemies.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Protego Power</strong>: The strength of your protection spell, used to defend against incoming attacks from enemies.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Precision</strong>: The likelihood of landing a Critical Hit, which does increased damage.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Critical Power</strong>: The boost in damage you get when you land a Critical Hit.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Proficiency Power</strong>: The bonus strength of your spells against enemies your class is especially strong against.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Deficiency Defense</strong>: Added protection against enemies that do bonus damage to your class.</li><li dir="ltr"><strong>Accuracy</strong>: How likely your spells are to hit their targets.</li></ul><p dir="ltr">Obviously, increasing all these stats is important, but some stats are higher for certain classes than others. Aurors are geared toward Power and Precision, Magizoologists toward Stamina and Defense, and Professors toward Accuracy and Proficiency.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3551698" data-ratio="1.7786666666667" data-width="750" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 750px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 750w, 719w, 539w" sizes="(max-width: 719px) 100vw, 719px" data-width="719"></a></figure><h2 dir="ltr">Important Stats: Proficiency Power, Deficiency Defense</h2><p dir="ltr">There are lots of stats you can amp up in your skill tree as you progress through it, including the power of your offensive spells and the effectiveness of Protego, your magical defense. But when it comes to specializing in your particular Profession, you're going to want to keep an eye on two stats: Proficiency Power and Deficiency Defense.</p><p dir="ltr">Proficiency Power denotes how much of a boost you get against enemies that are weak to your chosen Profession. If you're an Auror, you'll get a bonus against Dark Forces enemies such as Death Eaters, but Proficiency Power dictates how big a bonus you receive. Especially when you're able to play with other specialized wizards on a team, boosting this stat will make you highly effective in your particular role.</p><p dir="ltr">Deficiency Defense is the other side of the coin. The higher the stat, the less of a hit you take against the enemies to whom you are weak--in the case of Aurors, that would be Beast enemies such as spiders. Regardless of your strategy, investing in Deficiency Defense will help you survive in battle no matter what kind of enemy you're facing.</p><h2 dir="ltr">Coordinate With Friends And Teammates</h2><p dir="ltr">It's possible to change your Profession on the fly, but you're going to access more perks and stronger abilities sooner if you specialize in one job instead of investing in all three skill trees. Therefore, if you mean to be a serious Wizards Unite player, you're going to want to team up with other people in your area and coordinate your Profession choices with them. If you've got a strong team, you can spread out your Professions and capabilities, making you a much more effective unit in multiplayer. On the other hand, if you intend to play Wizards Unite more casually, any Profession will probably do the job.</p><figure data-align="center" data-size="large" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3551697" data-ratio="1.7786666666667" data-width="750" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 750px"><a href=""><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 750w, 719w, 539w" sizes="(max-width: 719px) 100vw, 719px" data-width="719"></a></figure><h2 dir="ltr">Choose Carefully</h2><p dir="ltr">The strongest upgrades are the "Lessons" toward the bottom of each skill tree. Every time you spend Scrolls or Spell Books to unlock a node, you gain access to the ones beneath it--but you don't have to purchase something from every single node in order to progress down the tree. That means it's beneficial to be discerning about what lessons you invest in as you upgrade your wizard; you don't need to buy everything, and doing so will impede your progress toward your best skills and perks. Pick your way down the skill tree to try to get upgrades that feed into your playstyle, so you can get the best upgrades sooner. You can always go back and fill in with additional nodes if you find you're lacking in a particular stat later on.</p>

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