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News - This Week At Bungie – 06/06/2019

This Week At Bungie – 06/06/2019

<div style="margin: 5px 5% 10px 5%;"><img src="" width="1920" height="1080" title="" alt="" /></div><div><p>This week at Bungie, we revealed the next chapter of <i>Destiny 2</i>.</p>
<p>Today’s been fun. The week started with a Chalice and led to a reveal. Earlier today, we hosted a stream to unveil the next chapter for <i>Destiny 2</i>. If you’ve somehow found yourself reading this article without seeing the news, let’s get you caught up.</p>
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<div><a href="" title target>Everything you need to know can be found here</a>. Shadowkeep is on the horizon, with Eris calling upon Guardians to return to the moon and challenge Nightmares from their past. New Light will introduce Guardians to the world of <i>Destiny</i>. Stadia and Steam will provide new ways for players to join our community, and Cross Save will unite them on the same journey together.</div>
<p>We’ll be diving deeper into all of these projects throughout the summer. Our next stop will be E3, though we won’t have the usual booth and fanfare this year. Instead, we’ll be visiting with people to talk more about what we have planned. Keep your eyes peeled next week, and you might see us in the media that originates at the show.</p>
<p>We’re excited for what’s to come. Until then, we have an entire Season of content to play. A Season… of Opulence!</p>
<h2>Chalice to Calus</h2>
<p>Season of Opulence kicked this week off with a six-hour race to get ready for a new raid. Teams from around the globe took on the challenge, methodically completing activities for powerful rewards to take on Gahlran and the Crown of Sorrow. With Contest mode active, enemies presented a challenge as players picked apart each encounter and its mechanics.</p>
<p>Employees from all disciplines flooded in to a small theater room to watch the action unfold throughout the race. As we approached four and a half hours, the crown was taken. Clan Be Bold is officially the bread winner of the Crown of Sorrow raid.</p>
<img src=";av=4227237285"></div>
<div>We’re passing the mic to fireteam member <a href="" title target>CarolinaGamer99</a> for a few words on their World’s First win:</div>
<p><b>CG:</b> World’s First, a title that means more than most people can imagine to me. I’ve played <i>Destiny</i> since launch and I’ve had the privilege of meeting and making friends for life. Some of these friends are my clanmates, the guys that I’ve been through a lot with. We’ve all been in top 10 raid race finishes before, but we finally did it with Crown of Sorrow. I’d like to say thank you to my amazing teammates who put up with the sound of me munching on various snacks for the entirety of raid day, to the amazing teams at Bungie for creating an incredible experience for everyone who plays, and to the awesome community for cheering us on and believing in us.</p>
<p><b><i>WE GOT THE BELT WOOOOOOO!!!&nbsp;</i></b></p>
<p>Speaking on behalf of the people who developed Crown of Sorrow, here’s a few words from <b>Design Lead Brian Frank</b>:</p>
<p><b>Brian:</b> Another world first viewing party is behind us.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Having the theater crammed full of devs eagerly watching together as fireteams make their journey into the unknown to take on the challenge of the Raid is always a blast.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The eruptions of cheering when an encounter is cleared or a boss is brought down are priceless and sincerely a highlight of the work for myself and the team.</p>
<p>With each raid, we are humbled by this community and your ability to overcome challenges. Whether you’re a hardcore raider, a Crucible legend, or you’re just here to enjoy the show, we can’t thank you enough for playing.</p>
<h2>Destination: GuardianCon</h2>
<div>This July, we’ll launch a team to <a href="" title target>GuardianCon</a>. Our mission objective will be to celebrate this amazing community. We’ve had a representative from Bungie in attendance every year this gathering has been a thing—except for that first spontaneous flash mob in an unsuspecting pub. We’ve watched this event evolve alongside the community that created it, and we wouldn’t miss it for anything.</div>
<p>We’ll be live on stage with the showrunners. We’ll be on the convention floor with a Bungie Booth bristling with attractions. If we’ll see you there, here’s a preview of what you can expect.</p>
<p><b><u>GuardianCon Exclusive Loot</u></b></p>
<p><i>Destiny 2</i> will be playable on 72 stations. We’ll be hosting a series of private Crucible matches in Season of Opulence. If you have yet to fully grasp the new meta, you’ll be invited to equip new weapons and suit up in a full set of Menagerie or raid gear as a Hunter, Titan, or Warlock.&nbsp;</p>
<img src=";av=4227237285"></div>
<p>To raise the stakes, we’ve conceived something special for GuardianCon that we’re calling <b>Risk/Reward Matches</b>. Win or lose, anyone who plays a <b>Reward Match</b> will receive a Drifter coin that can be earned only at the show. Lines permitting, you’ll be able to play as often as you like and collect as many coins as you can carry. Keep them or pay them forward. If you’d like to take a chance at winning a more prestigious reward, you can spend your coin to commit to a <b>Risk Match</b> against another fireteam. If you win that match, you’ll win a Guardian Pin that’s also exclusive to the show. We’re inviting you to leave with either a dog tag or a medal.</p>
<p><b><u>World First Award Ceremony</u></b></p>
<p>Ever since Aetheon made the first grand entrance in the Vault of Glass, many fireteams have been entered into legend as the first Guardians to complete a <i>Destiny </i>raid. At GuardianCon, they’ll take the stage with us to be celebrated as a champions.&nbsp;</p>
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<p>Hefting all of these belts will not be light work, so we found a fan of the game to help us with the heavy lifting.</p>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
<p lang="en" dir="ltr">Honored and really excited to share the stage with <a href="">@bungie</a>. I’ve been invited to GaurdianCon July 5th to lead the ceremony for Raid World First winners. Gaurdians I look forward to meeting you all. Hunters rule??</p>
<p>— “The Big Show” Paul Wight (@WWETheBigShow) <a href="">June 6, 2019</a></p></blockquote>
<p>The Big Show will join us in our booth to meet players. You could have a chance to shake the hand that has broken a controller or two.</p>
<p><i>Please Note (and don’t panic) if you’ve earned World’s First Status, but can’t be at the show, your names will be spoken and we’ll send your belt to you by other means.</i></p>
<p><b><u>An Audience With Eris Morn</u></b></p>
<p>Ever since we plundered the dark below the Moon, the voice of Eris Morn has been a great friend of the <i>Destiny </i>community. She’s contributed her talent to every major release of <i>Destiny </i>content, and we’re about hear more from her this fall.</p>
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<p>At GuardianCon, she’ll be an honorary member of the Bungie Away Team.</p>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
<p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Destiny community has been and continues to be passionate, inspiring and welcoming.</p>
<p>That’s why I’m SO honored to announce I’ll be appearing <a href="">@GuardianCon</a> this year! </p>
<p>Can. Not. Wait. to get beyond hyped with you about what’s next for Destiny! </p>
<p>See you then, Guardians!</p>
<p>— Morla Gorrondona (@actor_morla) <a href="">June 6, 2019</a></p></blockquote>
<p>Morla will be on hand to meet players, sign memorabilia, and silence the screams of any Hive outbreaks that may occur (even though that’s her voice, too).</p>
<p><b><u>Gunsmith Inspection</u></b></p>
<p>The <i>Destiny </i>community includes many amazing prop makers, but Eric Newgard has been our official outfitter for some time. His works adorn several corners of our studio. We’ve commissioned him to create replicas of iconic weapons to commemorate special occasions. He has even moved among Guardians dressed in the robes of a Warlock. At GuardianCon, he’ll have his own corner of our booth to fabricate a <i>Destiny </i>weapon you’ve never seen.</p>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
<p lang="en" dir="ltr">We’re very excited to announce that we’ll be a part of the <a href="">@Bungie</a> booth at <a href="">@GuardianCon</a>! An armory of iconic weapons from the Destiny universe will be on display and Eric, our chief weaponsmith, will be putting the finishing touches on a never before seen exotic… come and see! <a href=""></a></p>
<p>— AURUM (@AurumEffects) <a href="">June 6, 2019</a></p></blockquote>
<p>Gather around his workbench to witness his creative process and assemble for photo ops with an arsenal of <i>Destiny</i> props fit for the heroes of our community.</p>
<p><b><u>Bungie Ride Along—Live!</u></b></p>
<p>If you’ve watched all of our streams, you’ve been on a Ride Along with our developers. We think of them as behind-the-scenes features delivered in a live-fire exercise. At GuardianCon, we’ll do it live!</p>
<img src=";av=4227237285"></div>
<p>Two of the creators of the Whisper of the Worm and Zero Hour missions will take to a stage to share some commentary while designated players move through experiences that have captured the imagination of the Guardians when they least expected it.</p>
<p><b><u>Players Meet Developers</u></b></p>
<p>We’ll have many people who work at Bungie on hand to meet the people who bring their work to life. They’ll be overseeing the Risk/Reward Matches. You’ll meet them at signing tables. They’ll move among you throughout the celebration, hoping to have a chance to hear your stories.</p>
<p><b><u>Players Meet Each Other</u></b></p>
<p>Those same signing tables in our booth will also be home to leaders of this community who need space to meet the people who have enjoyed their content over the years. We’re approaching our fifth anniversary as a community, so there are a lot of relationships to strengthen for the future. That’s our goal for GuardianCon. This will be a celebration of the people who make <i>Destiny</i> so much more than a game.</p>
<p>We hope we’ll see you there.&nbsp;</p>
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<p>Opulence is upon us, but there are a few dents in the Chalice to hammer out. Destiny Player Support is on hand to walk us through the issues found since launch.</p>
<p>This is their report.</p>
<p><b><i>Destiny 2</i> Season of Opulence Known Issues</b></p>
<p>Following the launch of Season of Opulence, our local Player Support Team has begun tracking the following emergent issues:</p>
<li><b>Crown of Sorrow Joining in Progress:</b> Players who join in progress during the Crown of Sorrow raid’s first encounter will spawn in dead outside of the encounter space. To mitigate this issue, all fireteam members must join up in Orbit prior to launching the Crown of Sorrows raid activity.</li>
<li><b>Pools in the Crown of Sorrow Raid:</b> Players who step outside of a Witch’s Blessing pool right as it is captured can block certain encounters from starting. It’s recommended to stay inside the pool until it’s 100% captured.</li>
<li><b>Menagerie Gauntlet Respawns:</b> We are investigating an issue where players who die during the Gauntlet encounter in the Menagerie may be blocked from respawning until the encounter is completed.</li>
<li><b>Allegiance Quest:</b> We are investigating an issue where players cannot progress past Spider’s Black Market in the Allegiance quest.</li>
<li><b>Ikora or Drifter Beacons: </b>We are investigating an issue where Ikora or Drifter may be beaconing players in the Tower Director map, depending on who players chose during the Allegiance quest.</li>
<li><b>Machine Gun Reserves Perk:</b> We are investigating an issue where the Machine Gun Reserves perk is no longer available on some armor.</li>
<li><b>Sturm “Accomplice” Perk:</b> We are investigating an issue where <a href="" title target>Sturm</a>‘s “Accomplice” perk is not reloading Energy weapons other than <a href="" title target>Drang </a>and <a href="" title target>Drang (Baroque)</a>.</li>
<li><b>PC Chat /Invite and /Join Commands:</b> We’re investigating an issue where these commands no longer work if the player isn’t on a player’s friends list.</li>
<li><b>PC Silver Purchases:</b> We’re investigating an issue where PC players cannot purchase Silver through <i>Destiny 2</i>. PC players may still purchase Silver through the app or website, and they must relaunch <i>Destiny 2</i> for the Silver to show up.</li>
<li><b>Eververse Exotic Ghosts and Projections:</b> We are aware of an issue where Ghost projections can’t be previewed on Season 7 Eververse Exotic Ghosts.</li>
<li><b>Revelry Proud Reveler Perk:</b> We’re aware that the Proud Reveler perk shows up on the character screen when players wear Revelry armor.</li>
<p><b>Pursuit of Clarity</b></p>
<div><a href="" title target>Last week at Bungie</a>, we mentioned that players’ Pursuits inventories would be moving to the Director menu. This screen can be found by opening the Director, and tabbing left past “Maps” to the far left “Pursuits” menu.</div>
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<p>We also added some filters to give you a “quests only” and “bounties only” view, so you can separate limited-time pursuits from long-term pursuits. These filters can be found at the right side of the screen, at the top and bottom of the Pursuits list.</p>
<h2>A Menagerie of Movies</h2>
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<p>There’s a new raid, you say? That means there’s hundreds of hours of videos hitting the internet, with players meeting the new boss. Here we go.</p>
<p><b>Movie of the Week: Multiple what?</b></p>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: Winner Winner</b></p>
<p><b>Honorable Mention: What a nice hat you have</b></p>
<p>Winners, expect your fancy new emblems in a few days.</p>
<div>This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. The future is bright for <i>Destiny 2</i>, and we can’t wait to get into the nitty gritty details of everything the team is working on. Until then, I need to get home and Power up to take on the Crown of Sorrow to earn my very own <a href="" title target>Bungie Reward raid jacket</a>. We’ve got an entire Season of content to get through, GuardianCon on the way, and the Solstice of Heroes coming later this Summer. Maybe we’ll bump into each other between now and then.</div>
<div>Oh, before we go—we’ve got a few images for you. We’ve updated the header image for the “Am I to cast a Shadow?” lore piece. We wanted to keep the raid boss under wraps until a world first had been claimed. If you missed the lore previews for Season of Opulence, you can find them <a href="" title target>here </a>and <a href="" title target>here</a>.</div>
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<p>Additionally, we’ve got a 4k Shadowkeep wallpaper and some headers formatted for Twitter use, if you’d like!</p>
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<p><b>Shadowkeep Twitter Header</b></p>
<img src=";av=4227237285"></div>
<p><b>New Light Twitter Header</b></p>
<img src=";av=4227237285"></div>

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